Very short erotic “stroke” stories of no more than 18 lines (including title line and any blank lines), with each line containing no more than 70 characters of text, including spaces. BSFSF stories are text only. Because of the nature of SOL formatting, BSFSF stories here may end up having more than 18 lines.
1. What is BSFSF?
BSFSF stands for Bradley Stoke Flash Stroke Festival. The first such festival ran in November of 2003 and attracted more than one hundred stories. BSFSF stories are supposed to fit on a single computer screen. For the purposes of the festival, this means no more than 18 lines (including title line and any blank lines), with each line containing no more than 70 characters of text, including spaces. BSFSF stories are text only. Because of the nature of SOL formatting, BSFSF stories here may end up having more than 18 lines.
2. Who or What is Bradley Stoke?
Bradley Stoke said at the time of the original festival, "Perhaps more interesting than a stroke story festival would be one which combined the current vogue for flash fiction with stroke."
3. What is flash? What is stroke? What is flash stroke?
Flash is very short short story. It may be poetic, but it is fiction, not poetry, not song, not mattress tags or shopping lists or recipes for eggplant parmesan. Stroke is fiction that is intended to sexually arouse the reader. Successful stroke fiction inspires masturbation and provokes orgasm. So flash stroke is a very short short story designed to sexually arouse its readers.
Okay, how is it accomplished?
A traditional sex story relies on attractive characters in exciting situations with lots of drawn-out tease and ever-increasing sexual tensions. Not much room in flash for long seductive skeins of tease and judiciously gradual increases of juicy tensions—that's not to say foreplay is out the window, but I suspect the flash stroke story might need to rely on powerfully exciting images, ones which continue to resonate in the reader's consciousness, ones which cause the reader to dwell and delve and dig between the lines. Either that or something in the story must hit the reader's hot buttons so expertly that instant climax is inevitable. Instant climax inevitable? You see what the writer's up against?
4. Is the festival open to anyone?
Yes. But because the story is part of an SOL Event, an invitation is required. If you would like to participate, please send me an invitation request. If you know writers who might be interested, please let them know about this festival.
5. When.
Your BSFSF stories need to be submitted on or before December 24, 2021.
Majorette's especially in Gwyn's case only have to put the uniform back on to strike down an admirer at a high school reunion. But, what if he becomes your art manager and he in a capricious act invades her privacy and buggers her part of her flute. How will she react? Adults Only, all are over twenty one years-old or older. This is fantasy and only an imaginative situation. Only a fool would try it RL.
Imagine if you will a 'spank prank,' so daring that to be carried out to its red-clad rear end it required a skilled seamstress. One that required not only a proxy, but a cunning schemer to reach its mind-blowing climax! Revenge served white-hot.
Join me and my significant other for a holiday jolly insight into a FLR, Female Led Relationship. One filled with erotic pain and it is perfectly clear who wears the pants in the family.
The premise is a pretty girl bent over her dorm sink. Taking the opportunity, he swats her butt which burns through her purple shorts and panties. The paddle along with Elizabeth's movement causes her shorts to be eaten up and wind up in her crack. This gives him bare cheeks to turn red and leave some purple too. Their holiday masquerade party offers him a chance to be masked and carry a makeshift paddle.
When you can't sleep, turn to the home remedy that's better than any drug, trusted for hundreds of years... a piece of flash fiction for the 2021 BSFSF event.
It was 1980 and Betty was in class before her sorority initiation night. The paddles on the wall had given me ideas when I went to pick up my date. Was she paddled or not? Here are the clues and what I did about it. This a fantasy with a grain of fact built into the plot.
Sex Contents: Stroke Story | Genre: Mind Control Tags: Ma/Fa, Mind Control, Workplace Downloads: 1359 | Votes: 34 | Score: 6.06 Size: 1KB | 285 words |