Story Reviews
Reviews by tendertouch
About tendertouch:
I\\\'m a fan of romance and love. Gender is basically irrelavent to my understanding of these terms so I\\\'ll like a good MM or mm love story as much as I\\\'d like a similar MF or FF story.
I try to take a close look at the technical aspects of stories, but only from a fairly narrow perspective. If a technical flaw doesn\\\'t make it more difficult to understand/follow the story then it\\\'s no-harm/no-foul. On the other hand, a correctly spelled but wrong word inserted by an autospellchecker is usually much worse than the misspelled correct word! Also verb tenses that wander back and forth between present and past make a story unreadable.
There are certain types of stories that I won\\\'t read. In particular D/S (particularly the submissive side), sadism and torture are extreme turnoffs for me - as is cheating. I much prefer the sex in a story to be based on love. If there\\\'s all that much sex for sex\\\'s sake I\\\'ll just give up.
You may notice that I only review stories that I like. There\\\'s a reason for this: I only review stories that I finish and I only finish stories that I like. I probably don\\\'t finish more than 20% of the stories that I start, though.
Postscript to the previous paragraph. I\\\'ve exchanged some emails with a reviewer who actually reviews works that are not that good and his pep talk has convinced me to try to finish some of the stories that I\\\'ve abandoned when they deteriorated. We\\\'ll see how it goes.
P: Plot | Q: Technical Qualities | A: Appeal to Reviewer