Margaret - Lost From Her Mind
by Corner Ghost
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft, ft/ft, Consensual, NonConsensual, Reluctant, Rape, Coercion, Mind Control, Slavery, BDSM, MaleDom, FemaleDom, Spanking, Rough, Light Bond, Sadistic, Torture, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Sex Toys, Size, Violent,
Action/Adventure Sex Story: Paul is back! This time doing something that isn't natural to him - Getting a slave back to being a normal girl. Add Ropeville's interest, an unscrupulous slaver's training and you'll see that things are never simple. So now where can he get help? - Chapter 5 has Margaret's story of her abduction and so some of the codes reflect this part!
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