Margaret - Lost From Her Mind - Cover

Margaret - Lost From Her Mind

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 1

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Paul is back! This time doing something that isn't natural to him - Getting a slave back to being a normal girl. Add Ropeville's interest, an unscrupulous slaver's training and you'll see that things are never simple. So now where can he get help? - Chapter 5 has Margaret's story of her abduction and so some of the codes reflect this part!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Mind Control   Slavery   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Sadistic   Torture   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Size   Violence  

I was relaxing at home. The girls were outside playing in the sunshine and I was listening to music. I'd arranged with Bill to leave me alone for the next two weeks. I needed a break.

The noise from my computer dragged me from my peace. It was an unusual tone, almost like a phone ringing; I'd never heard that before. I looked at the screen 'incoming call' was displayed on it. I pressed a key and a window opened.

"Mr. Purple? My mistress would like to speak to you." It was Sue-Li, her mistress was Elizabeth and psychologist I knew, I had supplied her with another... Slave! I suppose is the term, but she's treated as a aide to Elizabeth. Her name, the name I gave her was Little Cat.

I looked at my watch, "Good Morning Sue-Li how are you this morning?" I found that it never hurt to be polite to people.

She smiled at me and blushed slightly, "I am well Mr. Purple. May I pass you onto my Mistress? She has a very difficult problem." This puzzled me as I'm not in Elizabeth's league at all.

"Certainly Sue-Li. It is nice to see you again." This time the smile broadened and then I was looking at Elizabeth.

"Paul. I do hope I'm not disturbing you?" From her tone I could tell that she was worried about something.

"Not at all, I'm between assignments at the moment, I was hoping for a vacation..." Her face dropped slightly, "But I can change my plans if you want me to."

"I don't want to put you out or anything." Her tone told me that she did need my help.

"Elizabeth, I was told that if anyone from Ropeville required my help I had to give it." Well it wasn't exactly words to that effect, but it was part of my agreement with the Council.

"To be honest I'm not sure if you'll be able to help her, but I've tried everything I can and she isn't responding."

This was getting me interested... "Okay then tell me about her."

Elizabeth leaned back in her chair and released the breath that she didn't seem to know she was holding. She pressed a key on her computer and a picture of a naked girl, she was about 10, appeared on the screen. "Her name is Margaret, she was found with a dead man about three weeks ago, we don't know who he was, there was no i.d. on the body and we can't trace him by fingerprints."

I interrupted her, "What about dental records or retina scans?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "Neither was available. His eyes were pulped and his face was smashed. As a John Doe he's the most unknown person in creation, but Margaret is the one I'm concerned about. She hasn't spoken about it."

I was interested, but there was a question I wanted to ask. "Could she have killed him?" I was studying the picture of Margaret, She was a pretty girl, long dark hair, and brown eyes, barely forming breasts and thin waist, her hips were just losing the boyish shape. Hinting at the woman she was going to become. Her pubic mound was free of hair, but I couldn't tell if it was from her youth or for any other reason, her vagina was visible, the labia lips were separated showing that she wasn't a virgin, or at least something had been in there over some time. Her legs were perfectly formed and went all the way down to her feet. I missed Elizabeth's answer to my question and so I asked her to repeat it.

"We don't know! It's possible that she could have done it, but we don't know why she would! There was nothing close to the body that could have caused such wounds. And ever since she's been with us she hasn't spoken." Elizabeth was watching me as she spoke.

"Well you know Elizabeth, that trauma can cause children to decide not to speak, just in case they caused more problems." This was true as many child molesters knew to their advantage.

Elizabeth shook her head, "No, I mean she doesn't say a word! It's almost as if she's a mute!"

I didn't understand what she was trying to say, "So why don't you just send her to a mental ward until she starts to recover."

"No way, Paul! I'm not going to treat her like that! That would be as good as saying we've given up on her!" Elizabeth was angry now the tone of her voice told me that, not angry with me but with herself. "I'm not going to give up on her, and anyway she's a Ropeville child." Which, in a way, said everything! At Ropeville although they treated some of the children as slaves they were jealously protective of them. I already knew how they reacted against anyone who mistreated a Ropeville child.

"You're certain about that? That's she's a Ropeville child?" I asked her.

"Yes, her footprints are on file at the hospital. That's how we know her name. Her parents moved away from here several years ago and we lost contact with them. Margaret Wilkinson, now aged 10. Parents - Michael and Sonya Wilkinson, both born and raised in Ropeville." She paused to look at me again, "We did check his feet. It isn't Michael. And there's another thing."

She pressed another key on her computer to give me a view of a room — The same girl, still naked, was standing in the middle of the room her eyes watching the door. After a few seconds the door opened and Little Cat walked in — she had obviously been given a signal — she looked at Margaret.

"Good morning Margaret." She said at which point the girl ran towards Little Cat with her hands ready to attack.

"Slave Stop!" I said into the microphone. Her reaction was immediate; she went down onto her knees and then positioned her head on the floor. "Stand up!" I said and like an automaton she obeyed. "Little Cat please leave the room." I said softly and could see the look of relief on her face as she slipped out of the room. I could see a plate of food and water by Margaret's bed, both untouched as far as I could see. Well if my ordering worked once... "You will eat and drink, then you will use the utilities in the corner of the room to relieve yourself, after that you will sleep!"

I watched as the girl walked to the bed and started to slowly eat the food there, the screen then closed to show an amazed Elizabeth. "I thought you would know what to do!" She said, "But how did you know it would work?"

I shook my head, "I didn't! But I remember something I read about some years ago, Specialised training of a slave. Conditioned to obey commands and strongly reactive against other slaves of the same sex. It's very intensive and tends to bind the subject to the trainer"

"Can she be treated?" Elizabeth asked.

"I don't know! You see the training is designed to destroy the original personality! You would have to be with her constantly until she starts to react."

"But then she might never react?" Elizabeth asked. I had to nod my head.

"That is true; she might be so traumatised that she'd never recover." I confirmed for her.

"I can't give her that kind of attention; my other patients need my help." She told me and then looked into her camera. "I'm sorry Paul but as I said earlier I need your help. She won't listen to me and you've seen how she reacts to Little Cat and she's even worse with Sue-Li. Could you take her and see what you can do to help her."

I sat back in my chair and thought for a few minutes, I did owe Ropeville for my freedom. That is the freedom to continue my work and to remain my own person. Really there wasn't any other answer to her request, except to say. "Okay Elizabeth, I'll do it. But I can't promise that she'll recover." Then I realised something else. "The only problem is that she'll have to be on her own - I can't have Pauline or Billie-Jo near her what can I do with them?"

"They can stay here! In Ropeville! We can place them in the school while you work on Margaret." She looked away for a moment before adding, "We were going to ask to have Pauline back for a few days anyway. Her personalities need attention after a while, sort of a 10,000 miles service you might say." Pauline was a 'product' of Ropeville; taken as an orphan into the Ropeville orphanage she was given a choice to become a child slave or to leave the county to another orphanage. she chose to remain and was given several 'personas' to help with the various type of people she might meet, from a pain slut to a child like whore. But she also had two additional personalities; one was a younger Elizabeth — trained as a psychologist, and the second as a spy for the Ropeville council.

"That's not funny Elizabeth. Pauline's been very helpful to me and I don't want any — and I mean any — of her avatars to be changed or removed." I looked into my camera so that she could see I was serious.

"Paul I promise that I will be in attendance at all times. You do realise that the personalities need to be treated for any problems and degradation? Otherwise they can break up and drive the host mad." She was serious about that.

"Okay, as long as that is all that is done I agree. When will you arrange to pick them up?"

She smiled at me, "I'm glad you agreed. Would this afternoon be too soon?" She certainly didn't want to waste any time on this.

"Alright, I'll make sure they're ready, how will you want them?" I knew that they were always worried about their charges knowing exactly where Ropeville was.

"Our people will take care of that, do you have enough room for our transport to land?" This surprised me as I'd already been taken by their team once so they should have all the details to hand.

"Plenty of room, now what about money, how are they going to live?" I didn't want the girls to go without.

"We'll give then credit cards attached to your account, so you won't have to worry about that. Also you will be paid for your time, so you see there's no need to concern yourself either." Elizabeth added.

"I didn't ask to be paid for this."

"I know you didn't! But you're going to be anyway. Please don't fight us on this." There was an emphasis on 'us' which I couldn't understand but knew that I wouldn't win.

"Okay Elizabeth, I'll prepare the girls and wait for your team's arrival." She smiled her thanks and then closed the connections. I looked out of the window at the two girls still playing outside, I called them in.

Billie-Jo wasn't too happy to be leaving me on my own with a strange girl. Pauline seemed slightly relieved and so I spoke to her when Billie-Jo went to pack.

"Do you want to go?" I asked her, Pauline hesitated before answering.

"I'm sorry master. But I think I have to!" Was her final reply.

"Why?" I asked but she shook her head.

"I don't know why. It's just a feeling that I need to be back in Ropeville. I was going to ask you if I could return there? But I still don't know why!" She had tears in her eyes.

I knew now, it was her internal personalities needing attention. So Elizabeth wasn't lying to me on that point. I thanked Pauline and sent her off to start her packing, and then planned what to do with Margaret.

She would remain in the basement, I decided to keep the cell there and hold her in it. Just to reinforce her status. But this time I wanted her to fight against me! I had to bring her out of this slave persona that she'd been forced into. I smiled to myself — this was exactly opposite to my normal work.

After some time my girls announced their arrival by chattering away about what they were going to do when they were away. I went to the door.

"Once you are there the first thing that is going to happen is that you are going to the school there. I understand that a certain Mistress Vicki is back in residence and I think might be interested in both of you." I heard Pauline give a 'gulp' when she heard that. "I think that you, Billie-Jo may find it an education, but you might be able to teach them a few things anyway."

Her eyes went wide, "You mean that I can talk about what we do here?" She asked me.

I nodded, "Yes and in some cases you may find yourself being used as a subject by them, and so I want you to feel free to instruct them." She gave a wicked smile. I turned to Pauline. "And you my daughter. I expect you to ace the part of a dutiful daughter/slave — maintain decorum and propriety."

She gave me such a puzzled look that I had to laugh at her. I kissed her and said, "Don't get into too much trouble, and make me proud of you!" At this she smiled and nodded.

The sound of a helicopter made us all look up. I picked up the two suitcases and was walked to the nearby field, where a helicopter waited, and its rotor blades slowly turning. A police officer, female of course, was standing by the machine. She looked at me with interest.

"Mr. Purple?" She asked, although who else would be carrying suitcases into a field I wondered. But I gave a smile and acknowledged with a 'yes, that's me, ' reply.

She looked at my two girls, "Which one of you is Billie-Jo?" Billie-Jo raised her hand, "thank you. I'm going to give you a shot. It's completely harmless and when you wake up you'll be in Ropeville."

Billie-Jo gave me a nervous look so I nodded to her. "It's alright Billie-Jo, I've had the same treatment, and you won't even have a headache when you wake up." She was still unhappy but agreed.

There was the brief hiss of a pneumatic injection and then Billie-Jo was placed in a seat and strapped in, she was asleep before the last buckle was fixed.

Pauline smiled at me as she sat down on a seat and started to buckle herself in. The uniform officer smiled at her. "Pauline. Look at me! Delta Pi 27!" and Pauline closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The officer turned to me, "That's better. They'll be woken up when we arrive at the hospital." At my look she gave a reassuring smile, "Its standard procedure and they're just checked out, nothing more."

"I do understand. It's just difficult to see them go. I know they're going to be fine, but..." I shrugged.

"You're responsible for them, I understand. Do you want to meet your new guest?" She asked me.

"I'd better I suppose, she is the reason why all this is happening!" She helped me onto the helicopter and I could see the young girl.

She was still naked! When I questioned the officer she explained. "She made such a fuss when we dressed her, and as soon as she's dressed she just tear the clothes off. It was a lot easier this way!"

"When will she wake up?" I asked.

"About 15 minutes after we hit her with this!" The officer held up a small hypodermic needle which she carefully used on the girl, "Can you manage her on your own?" She asked me.

I just looked at her and smiled, and then I reached for the child and gently lifted her out of the seat. She was lighter than I'd realised and her body was smooth to the touch. I manage to cradle her within my arms. I made my way past my two girls who were both asleep and, while juggling my new charge, managed to kiss them both on their head.

"Take good care of them." I said.

"I will, just mind you take good care of my cousin." The officer replied.

"I'll do the best that I can." I assured her.

"Yes that's what Elizabeth told us as well! But she's family and that important to me!" I nodded my understanding. She waited for me to leave the 'copter before looking up at the pilot, "O.K. Mavis, we're finished here. Let's get moving!" The pilot waved her acknowledgement and started to the procedure to get the helicopter back into the air.

In the meantime I carried Margaret towards my house, hoping to avoid any sightseers who might be coming to see the helicopter that had landed in the field.

I carried the girl down into my basement and into the cell. I made sure she was comfortable and left her there.

I returned upstairs and turned on the motion detectors to alert me if she moved. Then I pressed an icon on the computer screen which made a connection to Elizabeth's computer.

"This is the doctors' surgery." The young girl at the other end started to say. Her face lit up as she saw me. "Hello Master. Do you wish to speak to Mistress Elizabeth?"

I smiled at her, "Hello Little Cat, yes please. But first, however, how are you? Is your mistress treating you properly?"

Little Cat gave a small smile, but said. "I'm sorry Master, but how my Mistress is treating me is not really your concern. But she is a kind and loving person. Thank you for giving me to her."

I nodded to her. She was right, in a way my question was a test of her reaction and training. A good slave is always happy and will never complain. The next test would be if she reported my question immediately to Elizabeth.

"I'm delighted to hear that Little Cat, but I didn't exactly give you to Elizabeth you know, there was some money exchanged." Yes it was a cheap shot but how would she react.

Her face dropped slightly but then she brightened up, "That was true Master, and I think you sold me too cheaply. One moment please Master." The window of Little Cat changed to a soothing pattern, but it was quite a few minutes before the window changed to show Elizabeth's face.

"And what, may I ask, were you trying to do with my slave?" She asked me, her face neutral.

"Testing her of course!" I told her. "It has been known for slaves to revert and the easiest way is to ask them. You'll be happy to hear that she is well adjusted to her current position."

She shook her head smiling. "I already knew that, you do forget my profession Paul! Now what do you need?" Yes Elizabeth did know her job.

"I need all the information you have on Margaret, any videos of her and her family, school records that type of thing. I need to know what the girl was like before she left Ropeville, what she liked and what made her happy?" It wasn't much to ask for, just the life story of a 10 year old.

Again Elizabeth smiled and pressed some buttons. A small bar appeared on my screen, it was titled 'download % complete' and it started to fill up. "I'm sending you all we have, it's in a zip file and I hope you have enough storage on your computer. If you need anything else please don't hesitate to call... But please Paul no more testing of my people."

I smiled at her, "Very well Elizabeth, I behave myself." I told her, "Thank you for your help."

She smiled briefly but then her face changed slightly. "Is there any hope for her?"

My smile was gone now, "I don't know. She's still asleep from the trip. But I hope she'll awaken soon." My mood had changed slightly, could I help that girl? Or would she lose her mind completely.

Just as I finished speaking to Elizabeth, the motion detector sounded an alarm. I turned on the basement camera to find that Margaret was out of the bed and standing by the bed facing the cell door.

I decided to make her some sandwiches to eat before I would go down to greet her, and so I went into the kitchen and busied myself there.

As I took the sandwiches towards the basement I glanced at the monitor. She was still in the same position, like some automaton awaiting orders.

As I opened the basement door the girl immediately went down onto her knees and placed her head on the floor, this was apparently her standard position.

"I'm your new master, girl. Stand up so I can inspect you." I had to seem gruff to her. She stood up so quickly that I thought she was on elastic! But she still kept her head bowed as I walked round her.

I could see a wide bruise around her neck where a collar had been tightly placed. Her wrists and ankles were also bruised where she'd been either tied or chained up.

I could see marks all over her body where she had been caned or whipped. There were some scares from where cigarettes had been placed on her, particularly on her forming breasts and immature vulva.

I'd seen work like this before. - No I won't go into details. Suffice it to say that I had considered that side of my work, before I had my change of heart.

If it was the trainer I thought then she must have been one of his last 'batches' - he worked wholesale and marked his subjects. I remember that the police raided his warehouse and he was shot dead by them after they found his 'guests' in training.

"On your back and open your legs!" I told her; again she was down on the ground so fast I would have thought that she would have bruised her back.

Her legs were opened wide apart. the ease with which she did this showed how much training she'd accomplished and that she'd still practised her ballet -Why ballet? Well there were two disciplines that allowed a slave to keep limber, one way was gymnastics which gave leg and arms the exercise to make them limber. Ballet worked mainly on the legs allowing greater movement and flexibility. And in its way it was another confirmation of her trainer.

"Lift your legs." I commanded her, and trying to sound gruff added. "Let me see your mark!" She raised her legs and held them with her hands. On the perineum between her vagina and arsehole was a tattoo. "Remain in this position." I told her and went to get a camera. When I returned she was still in the position, although I could see her legs were trembling with the effort. She was trying hard to obey me. I focused the camera onto the target area and took the picture.

"Well done slave, release your legs and relax." Again without a word she obeyed. I had to make her talk - this was a break with her training but she would have to obey my orders.

"I'm displeased slave!" I said harshly. "When I give a command I prefer my slaves to say 'yes master'. Maybe your last master preferred that you were silent and so I've ignored you past omissions, but now I will demand an answer. Is that understood?"

She nodded her head, and so I slapped her face - hard! "I asked you a question slave and I want to hear your answer!" I could see her face moving as she worked her mouth, finally she croaked out.

"Y... ye... ye... yes... ma... mas... master." although it was barely audible I was satisfied with that.

"Good slave. Now are you hungry?" And I looked at her. Sure enough she made a hand gesture before she remembered and said, "Yes master."

"Very well slave, I have a sandwich here which you may eat." I held the food in front of her and she looked at it but didn't attempt to take it. "What is wrong slave?" At her mute expression I continued. "If there is a problem with taking this food from me you'll have to talk to me and tell me." I was going to force her to speak more than the two allowed words.

She started to gesture with her hands, using sign to speak. I understood it but this was not what I wanted. "What are you doing slave, I want to know what's wrong. Stop fidgeting and tell me."

Success I could see a look of exasperation in her eyes as she realised that I didn't understand sign. She looked down at my feet and then slowly raised her face.

"Master... your trousers are covering you... I... cannot perform for... my food." I could imagine what performance she meant.

"At the moment slave you're took weak to perform properly for me. I require you to build up your strength first. So there is no payment required at the moment. Now why didn't you answer me when I demanded it?"

"Master... This slave begs forgiveness... but I was answering." She slowly said while keeping her eyes down.

"No you weren't. All you did was to wave your hands about!" I said as if angry with her.

"Master... this slave is sorry but this slave was using a sign language that she was taught." She wasn't looking at me afraid that I was going to hit her again for talking back to me; I should have done but decided not to.

"So? I'm not going to learn that! You have a mouth? You can use that for speaking along with the other things you've learnt to do with it!" I was close to her face as I said that.

"Yes master, this slave is sorry for suggesting such a thing."

"For now I'll forgive you. But I want you to eat your food before you faint!" I told her, she looked again at my trousers and then raised her face to me as if not believing me. Finally she took a bite out of the bread.

I left her eating the sandwich and started to check out the rest of the cell area, I'd left the door open. Not as a test, as I've done before, but secure in my knowledge of her trainer. She wouldn't move from her position unless I gave her permission. Hopefully at some stage she would start to think for herself. Using her voice instead of the sign language she'd been taught was a break from her training, one wedge into breaking it.

I checked that the toilet was working by using it. I could see Margaret watching me. She looked at the golden stream I produced; she had obviously learnt to be a toilet in her training. Whether she was wishing she was there or glad that she wasn't I didn't know.

I made sure I washed my hands and went back to where Margaret had finished her sandwich. "Do you want some more?" I asked her.

She started to sign again and then stopped, she drew in a breath of air before she said, "Yes please master, this slave is hungry." I rubbed her hair as if she was a dog.

"That's a good slave. It's your duty to be fit and able to serve me correctly, and if you don't have enough food you'll never be fit! Now if you're hungry you will tell me! But please remember I will feed you at certain times only. Soon I'll expect you to cook my meals. You do know how to cook I hope?" I asked her.

She nodded, "Yes master, my master... my original master... made sure I was able to cook before he passed me on to my next master." She seemed proud of that accomplishment.

"How many masters have you had?" I asked her.

She didn't have to think about that. "You are my third master, master."

"How old are you?" This should cause her a problem due to her training. I was surprised when she was able to answer me.

"I am 10 years of age and 1 year of slave, master." Due to her training she would normally age herself from when she was made a slave, but she knew her real age which meant that Margaret was still in there somewhere.

"How do you know that?" I asked her

Her face went blank as she realised what she had said and covered for herself. "I do not know master; I believe my second master had told me." But the way she tried to hide her eyes from my gaze told me she was lying to me. This meant there was a glimmer of hope for her.

"Very well slave, I will go up and make you some more sandwiches. While I'm gone you will lie down on the bed and relax! I will not be angry if you fall asleep. I do not expect you to be in position for me when I come back. Do you understand?" My voice was a bit softer when I said this.

She glanced back at the bed, no doubt wondering what I would do to her while she was lying there, and then she looked at me. "Yes master."

I left the cell and went through the door to the stairs, I closed the door and locked it - I'm not that stupid! I went into my room where the monitor was still active, on one part a display showed that the download had finished, the main part showed that Margaret was about to lie down, but then she noticed that the cell door was open. I watched happily as she walked towards the door. Would she leave the cell or close the door?

She looked past the bars of the cell and then around the room, she didn't see my camera as it watched her. She then took a tentative step out of the cell, glancing at the door to make sure it was still closed; she took another step, pausing as if waiting for a thunderbolt or something to strike her. When nothing happened she then moved forward again.

This was an unusual thing for a trained slave to do! It showed a spark of independence I was now sure that she would be salvageable. How did she break through the conditioning? And would she remember her real name and previous life?

I left her to explore, I wanted her to learn about where she was. In the meantime I glanced through the zip file Elizabeth had sent.

There were three video files along with several documents. I downloaded the pictures I had taken onto the computer. I idly played the first video file, it showed a family group. I could see that it was a birthday party, Margaret's birthday when she was seven years old. She received presents including a teddy-bear - the type of which I recognised! I made a note about it on a pad. Two adults were with her - they had to be her parents I decided. It was a happy group, no sign of the future they were going to experience.

I left the video and went into the kitchen to prepare more sandwiches for Margaret. From what Elizabeth had told me, she hadn't eaten much while she was at Ropeville. I suppose that the nurses there couldn't command her, and they wouldn't think of asking a man to order her to eat.

I went past the monitor and noticed that Margaret was looking inside one of my 'toy' cupboard at the array of whips and instruments I had stored there. I decided that I'd better make a noise when walking down the stairs.

I clumped my way down the steps and rattled the key in the lock of the door, making sure that I took my time before opening the door. Margaret was back on the bed as I entered. She saw me and quickly got up from the bed and stood beside it. I glanced to the door of the cupboard and saw that it was still slightly open, but she didn't see me do that. I approached her with the food and placed it on her bed.

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