Some of the stories here have first appeared in the Lolita Bondage website, and follow the dictates of that website. Others will be stories written purely for SOL and may be just action with some sex in it.
A Paul Purple Story (8) Part of the Paul Purple universe
Paul has a request for a girl, must be strong and able to look after a disabled child. but the girl he chooses has problems of her own, and how would he get her out of the country - add a personal demon for Paul to control and things will never be simple! - Now the added complication of Red! Can Paul deal with him and still get away?
A Call Me Bob Story (3) This happens during chapter 4 of Call Me Bob, after their assault by Mrs. Wolanaski Tanya and John volunteer to 'play' with April and learn more about her.
A Call Me Bob Story (10) In this story Bob is able to join Rose, Nikki's sister (Seen in The Police Station)He finds out what has happened to her and tries to help her.
A Call Me Bob Story (6) In the second story of Jason's victims, Robert Wilson is drawn to a Police station where a girl is being attacked, he finds out how this started.
Imagine a scientist who has created a drug that controls people completely, then imagine that he sells it to anyone? What could happen next. Please note this isn't a nice story. My apologies for Glockenspiel's accent!
Bill takes his daughter and her friend to Grovers Mill for the UFO watch that takes place there, He meets up with Clea and her son and his friend. what happens is out of this world
A mother takes her daughter and a friend on a 'Trick or Treat' outing on Halloween night, but then who's getting the Tricks and Who's getting the treats?
This is the story of Jasmine a vampire, she and her human servant have just moved to a large city to have fun. - This was originally written with the view to sequels, but this has never (yet) been done.
Just what does a vampire do at Halloween? mostly they stay indoors because there's too many people around. but one Halloween there's a 'creature' calling out for Trick or Treat, and it has to be answered