Cmb - Lorna And Andy
by Corner Ghost
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Erotica Sex Story: After the end of Chapter 7 of Call Me Bob, Lorna took Andy out of the classroom, this is what happened that night.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft Consensual Reluctant Coercion FemaleDom Oral Sex Masturbation .
Lorna took hold of Andy's hand and dragged him out of the school to her mother's car. Martha, Lorna's mother, looked around as the two children clambered into the back seat and put their belts on.
"Who is this Lorna? Will you introduce me?" Martha asked her daughter.
"Oh, sorry mummy, this is Andy... I told you about him yesterday." Lorna said.
Martha's eyes narrowed, "You were the one who forced my daughter to suck your cock!" She said angrily.
Lorna spoke up, "It's alright mummy... he knows it was wrong and he's trying to make up for it!" She said and told her mother of the day's events much to Andy's embarrassment.
"I think you're only sorry because you got punished! Alright where do I drop you off?" Martha asked Andy.
Again Lorna spoke up, "Mummy, I said that Andy could stay with us overnight." She said.
Martha thought for a moment, "Okay, but we'll have to phone your father and make sure it's okay." She said to Andy.
"I suppose, he was gonna sort out Mr. Wilson, I donno what happened but he just left with some men! And I knew that he couldn't do anything!" Andy said.
Lorna smiled, she understood some of the reasons, but now knew that Andy didn't, he wasn't part of the group... yet!
They arrived at Martha's and Lorna's house where Lorna took Andy into the hallway, and then she turned and faced him. "Andy, I want you to undress." She said seriously.
"But what about your mum what's she gonna say?" Andy asked looking around.
"I'm still not sure you're sorry, so I want you to do as I ask." Lorna said to him carefully.
Andy wasn't sure but he began to undress, Lorna picked up each piece of clothing and when he was completely naked she walked away with them. Martha walked from the kitchen to the lounge and looked at Andy, "Well you'd better come in here!" She said to him.
As he entered the lounge he noticed a picture on the mantelpiece of the fireplace - a group of three people, Martha, a young Lorna and an unknown man. Martha noticed him looking. "That is my husband Nigel, he's working on an oil rig out in the North Sea, and we only see him every three months. That's why Lorna is always without her father." She said.
Andy dropped his eyes; he had taunted Lorna about her missing father before - until Mr. Wilson had stopped this! "I'm sorry Lorna I didn't know." He said.
Lorna gave a dismissive gesture, "That's okay, I'm used to it." She said.
Andy shook his head, "You shouldn't have to! Let me know who's been keeping on at you and I'll sort them out!" He said angrily, annoyed at the thought of anyone upsetting Lorna now.
Lorna smiled at his attitude, but she knew how to burst his bubble. "The last one, the one who really made me sad was... you!" She said.
"M... me!" Andy said shocked and then he recalled what he had said and then hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry Lorna, I'll go." He said and turned to leave.
A giggle stopped him, he turned back to see both Lorna and Martha looking at him and laughing, he wasn't sure what was wrong until he looked down... he was naked and hadn't even thought of it!
"Come back here Andrew Norton! You are here because my daughter has asked you to prove yourself to her you won't do that by walking away just like your father did!" Martha said loudly.
Andy stopped in his steps, he wasn't aware that Martha knew his father. In fact his father had never spoken of his past life at all.
Martha picked up the telephone and dialled a number - as if from memory, which it was! - "Gary? This is Martha, Andy will be staying here tonight, is that understood?" She said and hung up the phone. "There you are Andy, all arranged. Now do you have any homework?" She asked.
Lorna looked at Andy and had a large grin on her face, Martha sighed, "Apart from that! Any school work to do?" She asked them both.
"No Mrs. Maples." Andy said and "No Mum." Lorna said to her mother.
Martha nodded and sniffed the air, "Okay then, I'll prepare dinner and you two will have a shower" She said ushering them out of the lounge.
Lorna had taken Andy's hand and pulled him upstairs to where the bathroom was - Andy was expecting to find a Bath and toilet, but this was a large bathroom, not only was there a bath, toilet and basin there was a separate shower with its own glass door and a strange looking thing, like a toilet but with a spray thing in it?
"What's that?" He asked.
Lorna looked, "That's a toilet? Don't you have one at home?" She asked with a laugh.
Andy shook his head and walked to the strange object, "No, this! What is it?" He persisted.
"Oh that, it's a bidet it's used to err... wash in." Lorna said.
"How do you get your feet in that?" Andy asked.
"I'll show you later!" Lorna said with a grin, and Andy couldn't see what was so funny. Lorna then took Andy's hand and pulled him into the shower, she turned it on and giggled as the cold water started to spray onto them, after a few seconds it warmed up and the pair began to wash using some shower-gel and their hands.
"Gently Andy, remember I'm not one of the girls your dad has, I want to be your friend." Lorna said as Andy began to grab her harder than necessary. Immediately Andy moved away.
"I'm sorry Lorna, It's just that I'm not..." He began.
Lorna shook her head and reached out to Andy, "I know... that's what you've got to learn, how to properly treat a girl." She said gently.
"Hey don't forget about me!" Martha said from the doorway which made Andy jump. "Now Lorna! Why didn't you warn Andy about the shower?" She asked her daughter.
Lorna giggled, "Well, I thought he'd find out mummy." She said.
"I heard the shriek from downstairs, I thought you were killing the poor boy, but then I realised what you were doing... you're just like your father with your pranks." Martha said smiling.
Lorna didn't answer but just giggled again, she had been the butt of many of her father's jokes and knew what her mother meant, the last one had been when she was going to the paddling pool that her father had set up in the back garden, just a largish circular pool blown up by hand and filled with water. What she wasn't aware of was the slide of mud that he'd set up and so as she ran towards the pool she suddenly found her legs weren't hitting the ground correctly and she fell forward and slid into the pool. It was the loud masculine laughter that made her look towards her father who was lying on a lounger watching her.
Lorna didn't scream at her father - she knew he did love her - and so she just slowly got out of the pool and, scooping some of the mud in her hands she ran to her father and rubbed the mud over his chest.
Later that day when Martha got home from shopping she found both her daughter and husband were covered in mud, and creating a complete mess in the paddling pool. She made her husband wash out the pool while Lorna had a quick soak with a cold hosepipe to clean up the worse of the mess before entering the house to have a shower; the last thing Lorna heard as she entered the house was a shriek from Martha as she was attacked with muddy water from the pool.
Lorna smiled as she came back to the present time, and from Martha's look she had also been thinking of the same time. "Now Andy, gently rub Lorna's back and spread the soap over her." Martha instructed.
Andy did as he was instructed and found Lorna's back to be smooth and soft under his touch. He felt her shiver as his hand touched her flesh, he went to pull back but Martha was there, "No Andy, don't take your hand away."
"But she didn't like it!" He said looking at Martha.
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