The Grover Mill Incident
by Corner Ghost
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Science Fiction Sex Story: Bill takes his daughter and her friend to Grovers Mill for the UFO watch that takes place there, He meets up with Clea and her son and his friend. what happens is out of this world
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft Ma/ft Fa/ft Consensual Science Fiction Incest Father Daughter Light Bond Anal Sex .
My daughter and her friend, my next door neighbour's daughter, both are fascinated by space and the chance that there might be life out there and they wanted to spend a night watching for UFO's.
Let me say first of all that my daughter is Diana and her friend is Cindy, Cindy's mother is a lone parent as am I, she tells everyone that she lost her husband to a drunk driver several years ago. My wife left me for another person and has left the country in pursuit of her happiness.
Amy, that's the one from next door, has a strange attitude to sex, she can talk about it but likes to hear about it from her daughter, and has encouraged her to flaunt herself in front of me and they have got Diana to play along as well.
To cut a long story short I was finding myself alone in the house with two naked 11 year olds who managed to talk me into showing myself to them, to oral sex and then anal sex - I drew the line at full sex with the girls, or at least I thought I had.
Amy stopped me one day, "Bill, Cindy is crying at night!" She told me.
This surprised me as I thought she had been alright, "I'm sorry Amy, and I won't bother Cindy again. If I've been too..." I was going to apologise for being too rough with the girls, although I hadn't really.
"NO! Bill, Amy likes what you're doing to her, it's just that she want more from you!" She said which surprised me.
"But Amy I don't want to hurt them any more than I have, they deserve to give that to the boy they want to marry!" I said, although that sounded lame even to me!
She just laughed, "They want you to do it! Why don't you understand?" She said - I had learnt earlier that Amy's father was her lover and that her husband hadn't really died, it was a story she'd made up. So deep inside she wanted her daughter to have the same education that she had, except her father had died so I was a logical choice, in her eyes that is. "You can have them over the weekend! They are on vacation!" she added.
"Look I can't, I've got to be at Grover's Mill on Sunday, something about National UFO Day. I'll be keeping an eye out for flying saucers, that type of thing!" I said.
She gave a broad smile, "Even better, you'll be able to have a camp out, just you and the girls!" She said, "They always wanted to try outdoor bondage!" She added.
I just looked at her, "But there could be others around. Grover's Mill is very popular, people would notice if I had a couple of girls tied up out there!" I said
"You'll think of something!" Amy said while blushing and moving her legs! I think she actually got off on the thought of others watching the girls!
"NO" I said and that was final!
"Are we there yet?" Asked Diana for the 33rd time! It seems my 'NO!' hadn't been understood! As I was now driving into the New York countryside to Grover's Mill. This was the Saturday Morning and I'd been travelling for a couple of hours with the two girls in the back, securely belted in, with seat belts... and some rope... and a pair of handcuffs each... and I'm weak!
"Daddy Bill, I don't think this rope is tight enough, can't you change it?" Cindy was asking. Even though the rope was biting into her panties and was splitting her labia lips to show the crease of her pussy.
"Don't listen to her Dad! She just wants to get off on the rope!" Diana said and tried to nudge Cindy at the same time.
Now many of you may be wondering why I wasn't worried about anyone else seeing the girls... I was but the car had tinted windows so nothing could really be seen! So the only thing I didn't want to see were police patrols, could you picture the scene. "Why are your girls tied in?"
"Well you see officer they won't stay in their seats if don't keep them tied up!"... It might have worked, but would you risk it?
I managed to make it to Grover's Mill without problems I introduced myself to the organiser of the event and was congratulated on arriving early; His name was Phil and was looking harassed. "We have to keep the people in this area!" He said showing me a map of the area. It was pretty straight forward.
"My daughter and her friend are with me, do you mind if I pitch their tent away from here?" I asked him.
He couldn't see a problem and pointed out an area which, although part of the Mill area, was secluded enough. "They shouldn't be disturbed there and there is a couple of things they can explore, the cave and the stones." He said.
"Stones? What are they?" I asked intrigued.
He laughed, "Oh just something that the original Indians put down, no-body knows what they were there for, I mean it's not as if they were into sacrifices anyway!" He said, "But they're fucking strange if you know what I mean, sometimes you can't count them!"
I frowned, "What do you mean? There can only be so many!" I said confused.
He nodded, "Yeah, that's what I thought once, but I've tried it... the dammed things seem to move when you're not looking! As I said they're fucking strange!" I decided to just smile along with him... he really must be mad and being here with him wouldn't help me either!
We got to the field and put up the tents, one for me and one for... show mainly as I knew the girls wouldn't be sleeping in it.
"Can we start now?" Cindy was asking me, but I had to shake my head.
"No such luck, I'm going to have to see what I've got to do, why don't you two girls go exploring." A smile came to my lips, "And see how many of those stones there are!" I said pointing to the several standing stones in the field.
Diana and Cindy just looked at each other, "But we wanted you to..." Diana started to say.
"... tie us up again!" Cindy finished as if they'd been reading from a script.
"Later on girls, work comes first. Now don't get into trouble!" I said and started to walk back to the Mill.
The first few hours were spent in setting up the viewing area by putting up tape to show where people could stand and also where it was dangerous - we didn't want people falling into any deep water.
The parking area was already marked out and a couple of cars were there already, I went over and spoke to the people.
"Hi there, did you have a good journey?" I asked the one driver.
She looked up and I was staring at the most vivid green eyes, she smiled. "Oh no, it wasn't too bad, just a bit long. I didn't think I was going to make it!" She said indicating her passengers, two boys, they appeared about 10 or eleven... and they were both tied onto the car seats!
She watched me closely as I didn't react. "You've done this as well?" She asked me.
I started to shake my head and then nodded for some reason, she smiled. "I could tell. When does the show begin?" She asked.
"Not for some time yet, it's really tomorrow that's the UFO day, but we're supposed to keep a look out overnight." I said
The woman looked at her two captives in the back of her car, "Okay boys, I suppose we're going to have to find a motel for the rest of the day!" She said.
Now I don't know why I suggested it but I found myself saying. "I do have a spare tent... well not spare... well not officially... well it's a tent anyway." I said lamely.
The woman laughed, "Thank you, my name is Clea." She said.
I blinked at her name, "Clear?" I asked.
She laughed again and shook her head, "No, C-L-E-A, it's a very old name." She said.
I shook her hand, "How do you do Clea, my name is Bill. I don't know how old that is!" I said with a smile.
"I'm pleased to meet you Bill, this is my son, Lark and my adopted son, Bobby." she tried to look apologetic for his name.
"Well back at my camp I've got two young ladies who are called Cindy and Diana - Diana's my daughter and Cindy is her friend." I said as Clea was untying the two boys from their restraints. I noticed they were gagged as well.
"I wish I'd thought of that, you'll never know how annoying 'ARE WE THERE YET!' can be!" I said helping the boys out and rubbing their arms. Clea laughed
"I can understand, Lark is well trained but Bobby is still learning." She said.
The first boy I retrieved had the same green eyes and so I said, "You must be Lark." This statement earnt me a surprised look.
"How did you know?" He asked me.
I tapped my nose, "I have my ways!" I said mysteriously. For some reason both Lark and Bobbie looked at each other and kept quiet.
I introduced Clea to Phil and let him know that her two kids would be sleeping in the other field along with my two, he just nodded. "Should be okay, just keep them quiet, don't want everyone out there!" He said... 'how right he was!' I thought to myself.
So again I was walking to the field with the strange stones -(alright fucking strange stones if you prefer Phil!) - With Clea, Lark and Bobby. Both of my tents were up and there was giggling from inside mine!
Clea looked at me and I nodded, she opened the flap of the tent and I could hear the girls gasp, then Clea spoke, "What do you think you're doing? Come outside now!" She said in an angry voice.
There was a muffled answer to which Clea said, "I don't care, come out now!" She said and then turned to me; she was trying hard not to laugh.
Shame faced Cindy and Diana shuffled out of the tent, they had to shuffle as their legs had been tied... with their panties around their knees. Diana had her hands bound behind her and both girls' tee-shirts were bunched up around their necks.
I shook my head at them as if annoyed with them, inwardly I was laughing away. "Oh girls, what have you been doing? What did I say you could do?" I asked them.
Diana looked at me, tears in her eyes. "But you said we could explore..." She said.
Cindy was unrepentant, "And so we were, each other!" She said and then looked at Clea. "She shouldn't have entered without knocking!" She accused Clea.
I had to laugh at that, and Clea joined me. "How could she Cindy? I can't see a door-knocker can you?" I said.
Clea looked at my daughter, "So you are Bill's daughter Diana." She paused for a moment and then said, "You're just like your mother." She added softly.
Diana looked at Clea, "You knew my mommy?" She asked - I must admit I was curious about that as well.
Clea shook her head, "No my darling, but I can see her standing behind you." She said and she was so serious that I nearly believed her.
Diana looked behind her, "I can't see her, why can't I see her?" She asked Clea.
Clea looked sad, "I'm sorry darling but sometimes I see things and know what they are, not everyone can do that... but I do know your mommy is proud of you and of Bill, she is happy for you both and pleased that you have founds friends." At this Clea looked at Cindy
Cindy pulled her panties up and then put her hands on her hips. "And what about me?" She asked.
Clea smiled, "Your father/grandfather is also happy with you, his daughter." She said.
Cindy's mouth dropped and then she turned to me. "You told her!" She said accusingly.
I protested my innocence in this but she didn't believe me. Then Lark came up to her and looked into her eyes. "You already knew this, although your mother didn't know. It was a secret you were keeping from her and everyone else. Bill didn't even know and you know he would never tell a stranger." He said and then added. "Hello Cindy, my name is Lark and this is my friend Bobby." and he held out his hand.
Cindy looked at Clea and then at me, but then she shook Lark's hand. "Nice to meet you! Lark?" She said. Lark rolled his eyes.
"It's a family name, my grandfather had it, and his grandfather had it and so back. When we're married I'll pass it onto our grandson." He said, and it was so straight-forward that Cindy didn't notice it.
"That's nice." She said wondering how Lark knew about her secret.
Bobby in the meantime was shaking Diana's hand. "Hi, I'm Bobby, I'm just their friend," Then he whispered, "Sometimes they get strange, but that's them!" He said.
I gave a cough to attract everyone's attention. "Alright girls, now you were lucky this time, Clea is used to such things, as are Lark and Bobby, but you have to be careful, you never know who might be around! So no playing around. Okay?" I said.
"Yes Daddy!" Diana said and "Okay Daddy Bill!" From Cindy who still had Lark's hand.
I turned to Clea, "You understand that I love my daughter and Cindy, I don't want them hurt!" I said quietly.
Clea touched me on my shoulder, "It's alright Bill, I won't be rough on them, I'll take them around the area and show them the sights... not all of them but most of them." She said.
I must admit I didn't know what she meant but I left her with my children without even bothering to worry, I mean she could have kidnapped them, but from the way she was acting I trusted her.
The rest of the day was spent learning the area and where the stage would be set up, the refreshment tents and the honey-wagons.
It was 5 O'clock before I was able to leave and return to my tent. Clea had a bar-b-q set up and was frying some chicken and Franks for hot-dogs, the area was surprisingly quiet. She smiled at me as I arrived. "There you are! I was just about to come and look for you!" She said.
"There was no need, you could have sent one of the kids to..." I saw she was smiling "Or could you?" I finished.
"Why don't you look?" She said pointing to her tent (well the one she was going to use). I opened the flap and on one of the beds was Lark and Cindy, tied facing each other and kissing. I looked at the other and tied, top to bottom, together was Bobby and Diana, he was sucking on her pussy and she was gently milking his cock with her mouth.
"I see you've been busy!" I said to Clea.
She laughed, "Well, we did look at the Pleasure stone and the four Attendant stones... I'm not sure where the Master Stone was." She said.
I shook my head, "What did you call them?" I said looking around at the stones in the fields.
Clea pointed to a large flat stone, I suppose someone would call it a megalith - although it was lying down like a table on a base, instead of being upright. And there were four groups of stones arranged around the flat stone. "That one lying down is the Pleasure stone, the sacrifice would be placed on the stone with her supporters held at the Attendant stones - there would always be four of them. Then the Master Stone would be used by the man who was to bleed the sacrifice." She looked at my face and laughed. "Oh no Bill, I don't mean they killed the sacrifice, it was just a term used. The person on the Pleasure stone would be offering her body for the use of the gods, after that she would be returned to her family."
I looked at her, "You've researched this place?" I asked her.
She frowned, "Oh no Bill, I was here before... I mean it must have been some past life." She said smiling at me now.
I laughed at that but her look stopped me. "I'm sorry Clea but I don't really believe in all that." I said.
She shook her head dismissively, "That's alright Bill, I'm sure it believes in you." She said and then she looked at the bar-b-q. "Oh can you get the kids, the food's ready." She said.
I untied my daughter from Bobby but found she was unwilling to release the poor boy's cock, "Just one more daddy! He tastes so nice!" She said.
I looked at Bobby who had a stupid look on his face, so I don't think he wanted her to stop either. But she had to learn. "No, Diana! You've been told to stop and so you will. You've got a dinner to eat and you'll be ruining your appetite!" I said.
Diana laughed at that, realising Bobby's cock. I lifted her off of him and then turned my attention to Cindy and Lark. "I hope you two are ready to disengage, because it's dinner time." I said.
Cindy wasn't looking straight as her eyes were apparently crossed and unfocused. Lark pulled away from her mouth. "We've got all our lives ahead of us darling; we can stop for the moment." He said to Cindy.
She gave a languid smile and nodded her head. I began unravelling the rope around them, finding out that Lark was wearing some sort of jock-strap that held his cock away from Cindy's pussy. He noticed where I was looking and smiled.
"Mom told me that Cindy wasn't prepared yet and so I couldn't put my dick into her until later." He said.
The four children were outside the tent and eating the food, they were very animated and also hungry, the demolished most of the food leaving very little for Clea and myself, but somehow I didn't mind this.
I looked at the naked children and thanked my lucky stars that we were undisturbed, but Clea had said we would be.
"I want to thank you Clea. I'm supposed to be taking Cindy's cherry during this trip, but from the way Lark is acting he could do it instead." I said although I was going to miss the tightness of her vagina as I entered her.
Clea nodded, "So I understood, don't worry I've got a plan for that. Let's talk about why you are here." She said.
I frowned, "Well I'm here to help Phil with the UFO watch tomorrow night, its National UFO day tomorrow and so here I am." I said.
Clea shook her head, "No, that's the reason for you being here, but WHY are you here!" She asked. I opened my mouth... and closed it again before opening it once more... Nothing!
Clea laughed, "You already told me that you were going to take Cindy's virginity, and tonight would be the perfect time to do so, especially here. You see that the 24th starts at midnight tonight and ends at 11:59:59 tomorrow night that's 23 hours and 59 minutes. So you see you're celebrating the end of National UFO day!" she said.
I blinked, I hadn't thought of that. "But everything's arranged for tomorrow!" I said lamely.
Clea nodded, "That's the problem with you all!" She said cryptically, "Now what I plan is that early in the morning we place Cindy onto the Pleasure Stone and then the two boys will take position on the attendant stones with Diana and me on the other two. You will then take Cindy's cherry when the time is right!" She said.
"You what?" I asked, no I shouted.
"It's perfect and that's why you're here. You have to do it, and you have to do it there and tonight!" She said as if it was completely settled. "There is just one problem..." She said and paused.
"What's that?" I asked falling into the silence.
"We need the Master Stone! It won't work without it!" She was almost talking to herself at this point.
"What does it look like?" I asked.
Clea giggled, "You wouldn't believe it if you knew! Let's just say it's unmissable when it's around!" She finished.
I looked around the field, there was still plenty of light left, "Alright, we'll look for it, I'll try the cave, as I've got a torch!" I said.
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