Cmb - Jason's Victims - Rose - Cover

Cmb - Jason's Victims - Rose

by Corner Ghost

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Mind Control Sex Story: In this story Bob is able to join Rose, Nikki's sister (Seen in The Police Station)He finds out what has happened to her and tries to help her.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   NonConsensual   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Oral Sex   .

I was determined to find out what had happened to Rose, she was Nikki's sister (see Jason's victims 2) and for some reason I wasn't allowed to help her after I found a trace from Jason's memories to her.

I went to sleep and found myself in the Church; Father Murray was waiting for me he held up a hand. "My son, I'm sorry but the time wasn't right." He said.

I shook my head, "What do you mean? She needed help then and I think she still does!"

He sighed, "Yes, she does but not for the reason you may think, but you are correct. This is the right time to help her." And he stood to one side.

Concentrating my mind I found Rose's link and followed it. I found myself in a young girl's mind; from a first glance I couldn't see anything wrong here. Could I have imagined a problem where there wasn't one?

A girl, Rose(?), skipped up to me. 'Hello? Who are you?' She said.

I smiled at her, 'My name is Bob, are you Rose?' I asked her.

She giggled, 'Oh no, I'm Esor, I'm here to make sure that Rose doesn't come out until it's right!' Esor said.

I frowned, 'When would be the right time?' I asked her

'Why when Master Jason allows his friends to play, she's such a scaredy-cat about them touching her!' She said with the giggle again.

'So what are you Esor?' I asked her.

'Oh I'm what Master Jason called a cover. He made me from Rose's memories and actions before he took her.' She said without fear.

I nodded, 'So you're a sort of virtual version of Rose, a reset personality' I said.

She frowned, 'I suppose? Hey mister you don't know when Master Jason's going to be coming back, he was supposed to treat me 'cos I'm not feeling too well lately' She said and she did sound worried.

I went down onto a knee so that I was level with her, 'I'm sorry Esor, but Jason isn't coming back, he's no longer able to do this.' I said to her.

She started to cry, 'But I... I need him, he's got the medicine that's keeps me alive! If I don't get it... I'm gonna die!' She said.

I sighed, although she didn't realise it, Esor was another of Jason's victims. If I release Rose then Esor would have nowhere to live, but if I didn't help Rose then Esor would die anyway! 'I would like to meet Rose.' I said quietly.

Esor nodded and took my hand, she guided me through a corridor of closed doors, I'd already see this before, each room held the memories of something that had happened. Esor saw me looking at them.

'They're the before's of Rose - things she's done at Master Jason's orders. I'm not allowed to look in them!' Esor said but from the way she spoke I knew that she had peeked at some of them.

I stopped and looked at the doors, there were so many of them! 'Which one is the first?' I asked Esor.

She dipped her head and the doors seemed to spin by, until one was in front of us. Esor looked up and said, 'This was the first time!' And then she tried to pull me away, 'Please Mister, I can't go in there. Master Jason told me it would make me mad and I don't want to get mad Mister!' She said.

I smiled at her, 'it's alright Esor, I'll go in there alone, you just wait out here.' I said to her and opened the door.

I was in a girl's bedroom, Rose - and it was Rose - was standing in front of a mirror when there was a knock on the door. Puzzled she opened the door and Jason walked in.

"Who are you?" Rose asked, obviously Jason hadn't shielded himself from her sight as she spoke to him, but she wasn't scared of him.

He smiled at her, "I'm your Master. Your sister Nikki said I should come and look in on you." He said

Rose looked behind him before she looked at him again, "So where is Nikki? Why isn't she here as she should be?" She asked.

Jason sat down on Rose's bed, "Well you see Rose, your sister Nikki is in trouble and the police are talking to her at the moment. You don't want to see what's happening there do you?" He said.

Rose shook her head, only bad people when to the police station. Jason smiled at her again, "No, you don't. But I have to look after you, so I'm just going to play a game with you." He said.

Rose moved back slightly, there was something wrong here but she couldn't see what it was. "W... what game mister?" She said.

Jason shook his head, "That's wrong Rose, I'm your master and so you should call me Master!" he said but the smile was still on his face.

Rose thought about this and then nodded, as if she had been prompted - which she had been, Jason was already going through her mind and was copying those parts of Rose that held her innocence!

"Okay Master, what's the game?" She asked

"We're going to play a game called Master Said!" Jason told her "It's like Simon Says but with a different word!" He added.

"Oh I know how to play that! It's boring!" Rose complained.

Jason smiled, "Not how I play it!" He said.

"Alright let's play." Rose said jumping near the bed.

Jason nodded. "Alright, Master says... hop on one foot!" He said and Rose did as he said.

"Master says... Keep hoping and clap your hands!" And Rose did that.

"Master says... Hop to the bed" And the hoping, clapping girl did so.

"Throw yourself on the bed." Jason said and when Rose did this he began to laugh! "You lose, Master didn't say that!"

"Oh pooh!" Rose said and giggled. "So what happens now?" She asked.

"Now you pay a forfeit. I wonder what to make you do?" Jason said rubbing his chin in thought.

"I'm not going to sing! And I don't want to have to do chores!" Rose said smiling.

Jason nodded, "I know! Give me your knickers!" He said laughing.

Rose looked at him wide eyed and shook her head. "No, that's rude!" she said to Jason and started moving away from the man, but found she couldn't move

Jason smiled at Rose, "You see girl, your sister has asked me not to turn you into the sex slave she's becoming, but I have overheads and so I need a different type of slave... that's where you come in, you see there's quite a number of people out there who would like to touch young girls like you, and that's all they'll be able to do, touch you! When you're older then you'll progress onto... other things." Jason said as he created another persona for Rose, one that would be Rose from now on.

The old Rose would be stored away and brought out for use by Jason and whoever he sent her to, she would always be scared of what was being done to her as this would increase the pleasure of those abusing her.

He also reduced her vocabulary so that she would act younger than she was, also she was instructed to always obey the person who was looking after her, although she was allowed to protest she would do as she was told!

To test this out he reached under Rose's skirt, "No Master, please don't it's naughty not to wear my knic-knics." She protested but stayed where she was as Jason pulled down her Barbie knickers.

"Now Master says lift one leg... good, now master says put that leg down and lift the other!" Rose did as she was told.

"Now Rose, Master says hold you dress up so that I can look at you!" Jason said.

Rose shook her head but found her hands doing what Jason had ordered her to do. "Please Mister, don't make me do this, it's not nice." She said.

Jason shook his head. "Master says quiet little one, you will allow me to do what I want! And now Master says come closer to me and let me touch you!" He told the girl

Rose tried to answer back but found that she couldn't speak; her body began moving towards Jason as if he was pulling her by strings. He took some time looking at her small slit completely naked although there were small fine hairs on it. "That's a nice peach, how does it feel?" He said and his hands moved and began exploring her pussy as tears started to fall down her face.

"Please sir... please don't!" Rose said but softly as Jason had directed, as his hands started to rub over her small slit and then move behind her to touch her ass. "Please sir it's rude, you shouldn't do that!" She said.

Jason smiled at his prize, "Now that's how you're going to behave when my friends touch you... I think I'll wait until you're eleven before I allow them to penetrate you... unless they will pay the right price that is!" He said with a smile.

Then he spoke to Rose again. "I think you'd better remain like that, but I don't want your sister to find out about this, so I'll lock you away and let you out now and again." He rubbed his chin in thought.

"But there's no reason why I can't have fun... he got out his cock and presented it to the Rose figure. "Master says, suck on this like a lollipop!" He said.

Rose shook her head but her hands were up holding his cock and her mouth was now surrounding the head. Jason kept speaking, "Now then while I lock Rose away, you will take her place, remember when I'm in your mind you are Esor but to everyone else you are Rose! Now whenever you see me alone you will need to do this or else you will feel very ill, I'll give you special medicine to make sure you get better." He paused for a moment and then said, "Here it cums!" He said as he ejaculated into her mouth.

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