Glockenspiel's Toys
by Corner Ghost
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Mind Control Sex Story: Imagine a scientist who has created a drug that controls people completely, then imagine that he sells it to anyone? What could happen next. Please note this isn't a nice story. My apologies for Glockenspiel's accent!
Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft Fa/ft Mult NonConsensual Reluctant Mind Control Drunk/Drugged Slavery Humiliation Sadistic Oral Sex Anal Sex Petting .
The room was large, almost the size of a warehouse, the group of people were looking around at the manikins that were on display, all different and the clothing wasn't even new!
The invited group walked around, many of them touching the manikins and gasping as they felt warmth and a texture exactly like skin.
But it was the subject of the manikins that drew several eyes; they were all children, apparently from the ages of eight to thirteen.
"Gentlemen und ladies, ve are ready for the commencement!" The man was, obviously, German with an accent to match. "My name is Glockenspiel, Doktor Glockenspiel. Und I vould like for to talk to you!" He said with a smile.
"Give us a tune Doc!" A man's voice shouted out.
"Oh yes, ha-ha, I haven't heard that one for, oh funt mineuten. Goodbye Herr Robinson!" The Doktor made a gesture and the offending wit was dragged away from the group.
"I am here for a serious reason, if you vish to make fun of me then there is nothing more we will do! However if you listen to me then ve vill each other happy make, Ja!"
"Herr Doktor, what exactly do you mean?" A man asked.
The Doctor smiled, "Gud, a question that intelligent is! Thank you Herr Jackson, please study these models closely, tell me what do you notice?"
Doktor Glockenspiel stepped back.
He listened as the people started touching and inspecting the manikins, "The skin feels so real... hey this one's warm to the touch... My god! This one blinked and it breathing!... Hey this girl's anatomically correct, even down to the pubic hair!"
One man turned to the Doktor, "What are these? Animatronics? Doctor?"
Glockenspiel shook his head, "Nien, that is not my working. I a chemist am being. No Herr Wilkinson that is not the answer."
One woman had taken the pants and undershorts off one of the male manikins, "Good grief, this one's becoming erect! You'd almost think it was real!" She exclaimed at which the doctor started giggling.
"Ja, ja that is it! They are really what they seem to be, children!" He said and laughed at the looks he received. "As I said, I am a Chemist! What you are touching are children taken from the streets and brought here to test my latest solution!"
"What? But they... You mean this is... Do they know what is happening to them Doctor?" the babble of voices cover each other, but the last is clearly heard.
"Ja, sorry yes, they are aware of what is happening to them, but they cannot move or even scream out, it's a way of ensuring that they obey orders." Glockenspiel said with a smile on his lips.
"So what can we do with them?" A man asked.
"You have to ask me this? very well then... Madam Smythe you have a range of clothing that you need modelled by actual children, not the anorexic waifs that the agencies tend to send you, and then there's the extras that your clothing have inside them, the extras that the models use not. Now a chance you have of showing the attachments without all that unnecessary fuss that those stupid models make!" Glockenspiel said with a laugh.
Madam Smythe, designer of children's clothing nodded, there had been times when her kinderslut costumes had to be altered to have the anal-plugs removed from the boys' shorts and the dildo's from the girl's leotards. "It's true, a whole line had to be altered, and it completely ruined the full effect." She said as she checked out an eleven year old girl closely.
"That's all well and good Doktor, but how does this help me?" A dark skinned man asked.
"But Herr Doncaster I think this potion will be of great help to you, just think a whole park of kinder, just waiting for your to give your orders to." Glockenspiel said his smile getting broader.
Mike Doncaster looked back at the doctor, "But I thought all it did was to make statues out of the cunts?" He said.
The Doctor shook his head, "Vat gave you that idea? Nien, these are here as they have been told to be. But with a command like... Dance!" Glockenspiel said and immediately all the manikins began dancing, some of them were not very good but they all tried the same steps.
The group of people stood back in shock as the previously static children were now moving. "You vill smile!" Glockenspiel ordered and the dancing children plastered a wide smile on their faces, although their eyes showed their fear.
Glockenspiel turned to his invited group, "Un so they will dance, and they will keep dancing because I order it had. They will keep dancing until they cannot dance anymore but they will not stop, it is like that story of the dancing shoes Ja?"
One person kept his eye on a small 10 year-old girl who was starting to pant as she tried to follow the movements that had been programmed into her. "You mean they'll keep on until they die?" He asked, "That's a shame, I could do so much with this one." He added.
"Vell just tell her and she'll do vat you vant." Glockenspiel said.
The man gave a ferial smile and turned to the girl, "Stop right there sweet thang!" he said and the girl stopped, her eyes now unseeing but her breathing was fast and shallow. "Nice, very nice. How old are ya?" He asked her
"10, master." She said.
"You must be hot in them there clothes darlin', why dontcha get rid of them?" The man told her.
Still unseeing the girl started to undress while the others kept dancing as they had been ordered, their state un-noticed as everyone was now watching the young girl.
She removed her knickers finally and stood still, arms by her side, looking straight ahead. The man walked around her taking in her small frame, her budding breasts and almost unbroken slit of her cunt. "Hey gal, you a virgin?" The man asked her.
This time the girl's brow furrowed as she tried to think. "I don't understand sir." She said.
The man hit her, "Hell gal, have you had a cock up your little cunt before?" He asked her a bit angry now.
She shook her head, "No sir, I've never seen a cock." She said but her stance never altered.
The man looked at Glockenspiel, "Is she shitting me man?" He asked.
The Doctor shook his head, "Nien, she is telling you the truth, my drug will not allow her to do otherwise. Un you vill notice that these others have taken no notice of you." He indicated the group of children still dancing.
One fat boy started to shake as he danced and then he fell to the floor, his legs still moving, Glockenspiel just watched as the boy's face, currently bright red became purple and then he gave a gasp and went still.
A woman gasped at this, but Glockenspiel shook his head, "They have no knowledge of how they shorten their lives vith their disgusting eating habits." He said und so they die sooner. Take that one avay." He ordered his minions who dragged the unconscious boy out of the room.
The attention was now returned to the man with the girl as the dancing group were ordered to stop. "Okay gal, you say you're a virgin. I don't like that! Take you hand and suck on ya fingers, make them nice and wet." The girl almost pushed her whole hand into her mouth in an effort to follow his orders.
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