Margaret - Lost From Her Mind - Cover

Margaret - Lost From Her Mind

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 5

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Paul is back! This time doing something that isn't natural to him - Getting a slave back to being a normal girl. Add Ropeville's interest, an unscrupulous slaver's training and you'll see that things are never simple. So now where can he get help? - Chapter 5 has Margaret's story of her abduction and so some of the codes reflect this part!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Mind Control   Slavery   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Sadistic   Torture   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Size   Violence  

"You move so easily after your punishment, how can you do that?" Margaret asked the two girls.

"Well it does hurt, but we've found its better if we don't think about the pain, somehow it seems to fade, we don't know how this is, but ever since we came here something seems to take our pain away!" The girls said

Margaret was running with the two girls, she was managing to keep up with them now after her period in the medical section, also being outside in the open without clothing wasn't bothering her now, even when they passed groups of girls, fully dressed, who were walking sedately to their classes, some of them smiled at the trio as they ran pass.

Margaret started to giggle as she ran, somehow she felt free! - Well relatively free for a slave in her position. The girls ran down a lane defined by trees to a large house. As they approached the front door it opened for them. A dark man was behind it, he smiled at the girls and gestured them inside.

"Well if it isn't the terrible two's, and who is this young one?" He asked.

"This is Margaret, isn't she pretty, Mistress wants to see her." The two said to him.

"Well, Sister E's busy at the moment, but she's asked me to send you to the west wing and wait for her there, you know the way!" The butler stood to one side as the three girls ran down the hallway indicated, going deeper into the house.

"Who's he?" Margaret said as they ran — she did wonder why she didn't have an urge to bow before the man.

"He's called Jonas, he's the Mistress's butler, he's always been with her it seems!" the girls replied

They arrived in an austere room, there were pyramids and sarcophaguses and statues, along with frescos with hieroglyphics on them. Margaret just stared at the display, moving from one statue to another. Before stopping before one, it was of a man holding a staff in his left hand and wearing a bird's head mask there was a large disk on his head.

Margaret went down on her knees and lowered her head to this statue. The two girls looked at each other. Sinister went to call out to Margaret but Dexter stopped her and shook her head. Sinister nodded and just watched.

Margaret found herself speaking, but she didn't understand the words, it was as if someone else was using her mouth.

'You are the sun, the bringer of life, may you continue to reign supreme throughout the day! May Nut allow you to arise anew. Hear me great Ra. I, Mahut your handmaiden call to you! Ra! Ra! Ra!'

"No time for cheerleading!" Dexter muttered softly

"She calls to her God, Dexter! Now be quiet and let her pray!" Dexter looked to Sister E who was standing in the entrance way. Both girls went down to their knees.

"Our apologies Mistress, we didn't hear you enter." The girls said.

Sister E smiled at them. "I forgive you, at this moment! But for now return to the library and research the religions of ancient Egypt." She said and pointed out of the room. The two girls got to their feet, bowed and quickly left the room.

Sister E went up to the kneeling girl, who was oblivious to her approach, and knelt down behind the girl.

'He who rises at the dawn, we greet you. He who shines on our crops, we greet you. Oh great Ra, we greet you!' Sister E said quietly.

Mahut turned to look at the woman behind her, a shaft of light from a window shone down onto the woman, bathing her in its bright light creating a halo of sunshine around her. Mahut moved around to face Sister E and bowed deep, her head touching the ground as she did so.

'Priestess I prostrate myself before you, forgive your humble hand maiden!'

Sister E bowed her head and then rose to her feet. 'Come Mahut, I would have words with you."

Mahut gracefully got to her feet, the Priestess had spoken to her, and she was honoured by her presence. She followed the priestess out of the room and into the temple.

Sister E entered her office and sat behind her desk, she arched her fingers resting her chin on the digits. She looked at the girl in front of her. Mahut was on her knees again. As she had expected by allowing the girls to wait in the Egypt room it brought out the aspect of Mahut. Sister E thought about the past, to remember... something... she moved her mind back... back.

She had travelled the known and unknown world! All at the request of her Master! At Philae she took the guise of a priestess of Isis. This allowed her to visit the other temples of Egypt, Abu Simbel, Beit el-Wali and Kom Ombo. She was able to watch the other priests and took notes of their ceremonies that they undertook.

She spoke to the dream interpreters and the other women who worked in the temple — These were the ones who satisfied the natural urges of the visitors to the temple. It was, in a way, a form of worship adding their seed to the offering of the temple. Although in later years it would be seen as a form of prostitution, it was not at those times.

Sister E spent a few years in these temples. During this time she had heard a rumour that a high-priest of Ra had been killed for practices beyond the calling of his god! Thinking about it; it had been the temple at Kom Ombo that this had happened. She searched her mind for details... Several handmaidens had vanished over the years. Their bodies were never found, although several sealed panoptic vases were found in his chambers! There was talk that hundreds more were hidden away beforehand. Sister E had dismissed it as just a story concocted to explain a simple murder to gain status and she had almost forgotten about it. But Andrea's report had brought it back to her.

Sister E smiled when she remembered first meeting Andrea, she had been at the temple at Philae and was a young priestess to whom Sister E had taken a fancy to. That night she had enticed the young woman to her bed and slowly began to seduce her from Isis and to her own Master. She was finally given, thanks to Sister E's own power, the same longevity that she enjoyed. The two had slipped away one night and left Egypt over the desert, searching for more recruits for their Master.

But moving back to the present and regarding the girl in front of her she went over Andrea's report, this could be one of the missing handmaidens, but how could she have survived until this time?

She spoke to the girl 'Mahut, were you happy as a handmaiden to Ra? How did you become a temple servant?'

Mahut nodded and then looked down to the ground. 'Yes High Priestess! I was taken into the temple by my parents. They were poor and it was their only way of ensuring that I would live.'

Sister E nodded, times were hard for the people of the lands, every year the desert would reclaim more of the land. There was less food every year, the only way for families to ensure their children to survive would be to send them into the temple. 'You were accepted as a handmaiden?' she asked.

'Yes Priestess, I was lucky in that the priestess there wanted a servant and she took me, I was at her side at all times, she taught me everything. For the first few night I would cry as I missed my parents. Marissa would take me into her bed and comfort me.' Mahut smiled at the thought that went through her mind.

'And I'm sure you were well comforted by her each night.' Sister E said smiling, remembering the stories of the activities of the priestess at night when the services were over, many of them had their choice of the prettiest handmaidens, the priests however didn't have the same latitude, although the temple girls were known to visit them at times.

'And after some time you progressed to handmaiden to the god.' Sister E prompted.

'Oh yes Priestess, Marissa passed onto another when I was trained and she had accepted a new girl' Mahut said softly

'Did that make you unhappy? Losing your lover like that?' Sister E asked.

'Not at all priestess, I knew that my god was doing this for a reason, the priestess had to be happy and it was my duty to ensure that they were, that was my calling!'

- And it was how the priestess managed to keep their loves secret - Sister E thought to herself but aloud said 'I'm sure you were a blessing to your god, Mahut. But how did you come to be here in this form? What are your last memories of Kom Ombo?' Sister E asked her gently.

Mahut answered quietly as if struggling to remember. 'The... the high priest called for me... he said there was a ceremony to be performed while Nut had Ra deep in her stomach... I'd never heard of it... but I was told that it was a secret... and it was a part of my duties... as a handmaiden to the God... When I entered the temple... there was darkness... I felt hands grip me... and then... then... I'm sorry Priestess but I do not know for when I could see again it was a scene from Seth's world I thought that Osiris had claimed me and given me to his brother. There were children, both girls and boys, in machines of strange design. Priestess it was strange but all I could think was that the boys' heads were not shaved as they should have been. I was accepting this as normal.'

She started to cry as she remembered the sights she had seen 'There were cries from those whose mouths were not invaded by the phalluses on the machines, several of the girls were being violated in all orifices. And in my mind... ' here she touched her head, 'I could hear the cry of a child, as if newly born, and of a girl screaming, then there was a merging of the crying babe and the screaming girl until there was just one voice. I understood that I was to watch over the crying one and to guide her. My name was to be slave, she had no-name at first, later she was called slave or 435 by my Master.' Mahut finished.

Sister E was puzzled, 'But when you arrived here, you spoke to the priestess Andrea in the language of the slaves, and you gave us your name, how was this possible?' She asked — still speaking Hebrew.

Mahut shook her head, 'I do not know priestess. It is only recently that I have become aware of my identity. I know that I still had my charge to look after and that other girl to keep under control'.

Sister E looked sharply at the girl kneeling before her 'This other girl, I believe her name is Margaret, is she not the original being of that body?'

Mahut slowly nodded her head. 'Yes priestess, but I have been charged with keeping his body and I think I should remain in charge! I am older than the child here and have more responsibility over a child.'

Sister E shook her head 'NO HANDMAIDEN! You have been forced on the child in whose body you now inhabit; she has her life before her... '

'... Whilst mine is behind me! Is that what you are saying?' Mahut was climbing to her feet, her eyes flashing angrily.

Sister E also stood up. 'So age gives you the right to kill another! As that is what you are trying to do! We respect life! We do not take it unnecessarily! So why are you, handmaiden of Ra, doing this?' She demanded.

Mahut opened her mouth to reply, but hesitated she looked around and then realising her position knelt down again, 'Your pardon priestess. I do not understand where that idea came from. You are correct! All life is sacred. I should be helping this lost one, not trying to kill her. Oh please help me Priestess, ' Mahut began to cry

Sister E walked around the desk and took the girl in her arms allowing her to cry she then spoke in English. "Margaret Wilkinson, I would like to talk to you!"

The girl stiffened and then stood back. "Who are you?" Margaret asked.

Sister E smiled at the tone of the girl and sang a melodic phrase. Margaret stiffened and sang back another phrase, both had complimented each other, Margaret looked into Sister E's eyes, "But that was part of the song? A missing Part!"

"Which you were able to answer Margaret! How much did you father teach you about the song?" Sister E asked.

"I don't know, Daddy said that then I heard the full song my memory would be restored, but it was just a game, only if something happened to me, because he joked to Mummy that Hell itself would have frozen by then and he laughed!" Margaret said wondering.

"Was he being facetious do you think?" Sister E asked.

"Oh no, he didn't think that anything would happen to me. It was just a part of a fairy story; a girl is kidnapped by a wicked witch." She paused and giggled, "Oops sorry, I didn't mean anything by that." She apologised.

Sister E smiled, "That's alright Margaret, I haven't been wicked for, Oh about 2 hours now!" She said and chucked Margaret under her chin making the girl giggle. "How did you get taken?" She then asked the girl.

Margaret thought for a moment and then started her story.

Margaret's story

"We were outside the school, waiting for a minibus, somehow the ten of us were chosen to go. There were 3 boys and 7 of us girls. We were going to Sea-World as a special reward, but none of us could make out what for?"... Margaret visualised the scene as she spoke.

The minibus pulled up at the school and the driver opened the door. He was a hairy man, he had bushy eyebrows and a beard, and he called out. "Hi there! Are you the kids for the Sea-World special?" He was answered with a cheer from the children. They were beautiful; this was what Roger liked about his work. He loved the feeling of young flesh and these 9 and 10 year-olds were perfect!

Roger had a list of the children's names and as he called them out he sat them down into the seat on the bus. The names were in alphabetical order and so Margaret Wilkinson was the last one to be called, she was the reason all these children were taken, they were her price.

"Now kids, you've got to put your seat belts on. That the city law I'm afraid, I know, I know it's tough but that's what they say. So all of you belt up!" He smiled as he said that hearing them laugh and then he sat down at the driver's seat checking an indicator panel which showed all 10 light. "That's good kids, now sit back 'cause here we go!"

He drove away from the school and made a few turns before calling back, "Hey kids, what about a sing song? Let's get rid of the roof, Yeah?" At the children's enthusiastic cheer he started, "10 green bottles... hanging on the wall..."

The song was soon taken up by the children who started to sing it with gusto, As they did so Roger opened a valve by the steering wheel, this started pumping gas through a tube in the seat belts, this created an unseen area around each child's head of anaesthetic gas, as they sang and drew in breath more gas was taken into their lungs. By the time they were at '3 green bottles' all the children were asleep. Roger, wearing an oxygen mask, smiled as he drove out of the city and off to his home.

When the children awoke they found that they were all naked and strapped down on their backs, their legs were bent at the knees and separated. They all started to scream, this helped to wake up those still sleeping. All the children tried to struggle out of their bonds but found they were held tight. Above them mirrors showed them each other. Margaret found she was next to a naked girl and on the other side a boy was crying away, she remembered what her father had told her and spoke a phrase to herself, and she could feel her mind moving away from her body as the conditioning took hold.

Looking in the mirror she could see that they had been positioned in some sort of order, girl, girl, boy, girl, girl, boy, girl, girl, boy and finally a girl. Margaret was the fifth child in the line up, not the last as she expected.

Then Roger, without the makeup, entered the room and smiled at the children, "Ah music to my ears. Hello drones, welcome to your new lives. Now I will begin by giving you all a number, don't forget what they are because they are now your names. Then I will register you all and give you all a tattoo, isn't that nice of me, just think you'd have to be twice your ages before you could have one!" Roger started by placing labels around each child's neck. Margaret was given 435.

Once this was done he went to the first child, a girl, she was in Margaret's class, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, the hair was platted into two pigs-tails. Roger smiled this one would fetch a good price on the overseas market; once she was ready she'd be worth the price of two Margaret's alone! He pulled the struggling, screaming, girl to what appeared to be a chair with two ridged stirrups protruding out from it. He punched the girl in the stomach, to knock the breath out of her and to stop her from struggling as he manhandled her into the chair, he tied her at the neck, arms and then forced her legs into the stirrups, then he separated the stirrups so that her legs were forced wide apart.

"Now then drones, listen up! When I bring you to this chair you will allow me to put you into this position or you will be hurt, just as drone 431 has found out! Roger made sure that the straps were tight as he stood between the girl's legs.

He gazed at the girl's body and smiled at her, "You know 431 you've got a lovely slit and ass, I'm going to enjoy putting you to my cock, but business first!" He studied the flesh between then girls' legs and prepared his needles. First of all he traced out the number to be tattooed and then inked up the first needle. This he pushed into the girls' skin, making her scream with the pain.

He smiled and looked up. "Oh yes, I forgot to mention, that this is a mildly painful process, just scream if it hurts!" He looked at the other children who were watching in horror, although only eight were horrified, one just looked on impassively, as if it didn't matter. He returned to his work. He quickly finished the numbering; well he did have the practise and then pulled down a microphone.

"Subject 431 — formally known as Caroline. First subject for marking, subdued by normal method. Small ass and cunt at present." He jabbed his finger into the girls' slit making her cry in pain and fear. "She's a virgin at the moment, can't have any older brothers then!" he joked and then asked the girl about her sexual knowledge, which was virtually nothing. "Well you're going to know all about it 431, now back to your training bench.

He un-strapped the girl from the seat and marched her back to the restraints. As she approached it she could see that it was articulated and had wheels, Roger told her that it would eventually be placed into any position he required and her along with it, as he firmly strapped her back into her original position.

He then turned to the next girl who started to plead with him. "No, no, please don't, I don't want to do it, do him next not me pleasse!" But Roger just laughed at her words.

"He's going after you darling, and since you have begged so nicely, I'll be nice to you and relieve you of that nasty problem between your legs." He pulled her over to the chair and quickly strapped her in. By the time the last number had been tattooed onto her she was moaning in pain, unable to scream out. The examination showed that she also was a virgin. He pushed on the back of the chair which tipped into a horizontal position and raised the legs of the subject.

Roger stood between the legs of the unfortunate 432 and positioned his cock. He jabbed straight in; she managed to scream as her hymen was ripped away with his thrust. He stopped, still imbedded in the crying girl, to turn to the group watching.

"I hope you're all watching this. As this is what you will all be going to be doing once I've finished registering you all. And don't worry boys one of you will be demonstrating how you're going to be treated." He grabbed hold of the girl's head and looked into her face, which was white with shock and tears were flowing down her cheeks, but her eyes were closed. He struck her across the face. "Open your eyes 432! I want to see your eyes!" The poor girl snapped her eyes open, Roger smiled, and her pupils were wide open with the pain of losing her virginity to her kidnapper. She felt him pushing inside her again and again, forcing that part of him deeper into her body. Then he withdrew from her.

"Now you know what to expect for the rest of your lives from now on!" Roger said to the crying girl. "And just so you remain like this..." He reached under the chair and produced a large dildo which he pushed into her slit. "There you are 432. Now get used to it, because at some stage you'll take larger, I promise you that!" He untied the girl and carried her to her bench where she was firmly tied, still crying and with the dildo deep within her.

Next was a boy, after seeing how the previous girl had been treated he was terrified, so seconds after he was lifted from his bench he started to pee in fear. Roger just looked at the piss on the floor and laughed. "Hell son, that don't worry me!" and he put his hand on the liquid and then rubbed it over the boys' face. "Just be glad you didn't crap yourself, 'cos you'd be wearing that as well!"

Again, accompanied by screams and tears, Roger completed the tattooing of the boy and then amused himself by playing with the youth's penis before pushing his finger deep into the boy's anus. As he untied the crying boy he said, "Now guess what's going to happen to you boys!"

The boy tried to struggle anew as he was re-strapped into the bench, but was too weak.

The next victim was a girl, who received the tattoo of 434 and was returned after being molested by Roger and then it was Margaret's turn. Roger tried to gloat as he untied her, but then he noted that her face was dry and her eyes were clear. She walked to the chair and placed herself into position before Roger could stop her. He decided to call her bluff, he didn't strap her down but began to mark her instantly, digging the needle deep into her flesh, but still she didn't seem to notice it. "Dammn you 435! Scream! Why don't you scream!" Roger demanded.

"Yes Margaret, why didn't you scream?" Sister E asked Margaret.

"Because Daddy had trained me to understand that my body was made up of nerve ending and the messages they send to the brain can be channelled into something else, it was a matter of diverting the impulses." She smiled, "he didn't realise that it was helping me to hide my feelings and my being elsewhere in my mind. It was when Roger wanted to know where I came from that I really had fun with him."

"Why what did you tell him?" Sister E asked quietly

Margaret's voice altered to that of the girl being tortured in the chair, "My hometown is Ropeville, my allegiance is to the council and people of Ropeville, and my body is just a vessel for the legion that will come..."

"So what did you mean by that, Margaret?" Sister E prompted.

Margaret shook her head, "I don't know? It was just there for me to say. As my dad says... said. 'Confusion to your enemies!' Her face dropped slightly as she mentioned her father and then she continued her story.

Roger considered her statement, which the child was repeating, he realised that this girl was going to be trouble; he would have to contact Richard and warn him. He would even try to get Richard to alter his mind and take another girl. Roger continued his examination of the girl 435, but his finger slid straight into her cunt, he was disappointed and so reached under the chair and retrieved a large dildo which he forced into the girls' slit. Then he took another dildo and pushed it up her anus.

Margaret was told to return to her bench, she walked with a waddle, her legs wide apart and then she lay back on the bench with her limbs positioned to be tied.

The next subject was a boy and it was with glee, almost pleasure that Roger grabbed him and forced him into the chair. The boy 436 was screaming in pain as the needles were pushed into his flesh. He was sobbing when Roger finished but then screamed again as the back of the chair was pushed back and Roger was buggering him with deep strokes of his cock. "You see boys, none of you will escape attentions like this, there are many men in the east who prefer soft white boys, so get used to this, as you will be receiving it for the rest of your lives."

Roger quickly dealt with the remaining 4 children and then rested slightly. He started a prepared sequence which started with the room being placed into darkness and television screens being lowered from the ceiling. Electrodes were placed on the children's bodies and sensors checked their eyes and head positions.

"Now I have a film that you will all watch. If you close your eyes for more than two seconds or if you move your head to avoid watching... well you won't do that more than once. So happy viewing." Roger left the room and the film started.

On the screens, tied to a bench as the children were, was a dark haired girl, she looked to be about nine, and she was very scared. "Please no, not me, I don't want to!" She was repeating over and over.

Roger's voice came over the speaker now, "This is drone 237, and she's been selected to show you, my latest drones, what to expect. This will also come as a great surprise to 237 as she doesn't know either... this will be a learning experience for you all. You are going to be sex slaves, making your bodies available for whatever your Masters require of you. Now today marks the first real day of training." The view changed to that of a machine, which appeared to be mainly metal sticks with dildos on the end of them, tubing went to a single dildo while two others took up position at the opposite end of the machine. "This is the pacifier. The benches you are now on will be positioned over the body of this machine. You head will be tilted back and the oral refreshment dildo will be lightly inserted there. You will find your legs are already positioned to accept the anal and vaginal dildos. Oh and don't worry if there are any boys among you, the vaginal dildo will be omitted, instead you will have a clamp, Now girls, some of you will be virgins, like 237 is, unlike 237 I will be removing that from you, some have already experienced that. The dildos for you will be at a shallow level, until after defloration when the full depth will be used, after some time the size will be increased to allow for larger men to use you."

During this time the sounds of electrical shocks could be heard as some of the children had tried to close their eyes, or turn away from the action, the position of the electrodes provided agonies until the children returned their attention to the screens.

"Now to the anal dildos, these are unisex — that means both the boys and the girls will used these, unlike the vagina's there is no problems and so full penetration will be selected, they will be reaming your asses like there's no tomorrow, and these are inflatable, that means they get larger and longer. Oh I have to warn you that we have had accidents with these and some drones have been seriously injured, but hey perhaps now we've got the bugs sorted out. But just to show you what happens to injured or sick drones just watch..."

The scene changed to that of a boy, blood streaming from his bum, but tied as he was to his bench he couldn't move. "In these cases there's only one thing that can be done." The film showed Roger going to the boy with a gun in his hand; he put the gun to the boy's temple and pulled the trigger. The children watching screamed as the head exploded and the sound of electric shocks could be heard as several of the children were sick and turned away.

"Another lesson to learn here. Now Drones I don't care about you! If you're injured or can't perform then you're just rubbish to be thrown away. That's the benefit of this training. I don't care if just one of you survives my work will carry on. You see boys and girls you are in a fight for your lives, because only one of you will be allowed to leave here, remember that, only one slave will survive. So if you see another slave then unless you can beat them, you will be killed. Another slave means death."

"Now let's see how drone 237 is getting on." The next scene opened to show the same girl, her hair pulled back and the oral dildo was firmly in her mouth, 237 was sucking on the dildo and liquid could be seen going down the tube. "The liquid is a nutriment that your bodies need, you can get it at first by gently sucking on the head of the dildo, but as the time goes on you will be required to take more of the shaft into your mouths, but don't worry you'll get used to it. But remember folks the more expertise you show the more food you will receive."

"Now for the anal dildo" The view changed to that of the lower part of the girl's body. In her position her anus could be clearly seen as a star shaped pattern quickly covered by the head of the dildo. "Now you're advised to relax at this juncture, otherwise this will be painful. The dildo moved forward pushing on the sphincter muscle until it forced its way into the girl. It stopped for a few seconds and then started to slowly enter to its full length.

"This is the dildo fully imbedded. And now for the pumping action that you will all come to know and... well you'll come to know how it feels anyway!" The dildo was shown slowly coming out of the girl's rectum to about half way before being rammed back into her body, then it repeated the action, slowly out and quickly in, the children could see the sphincter start to follow the dildo on it's outward journey, and then a light coating appeared on the dildo and the action started to go smoothly. "After a bit the automatic lubrication will cut in, but for those of you who can lubricate it might be better to be prepared for it!"

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