Margaret - Lost From Her Mind
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Chapter 6
Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Paul is back! This time doing something that isn't natural to him - Getting a slave back to being a normal girl. Add Ropeville's interest, an unscrupulous slaver's training and you'll see that things are never simple. So now where can he get help? - Chapter 5 has Margaret's story of her abduction and so some of the codes reflect this part!
Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft ft/ft Consensual NonConsensual Reluctant Rape Coercion Mind Control Slavery BDSM MaleDom FemaleDom Spanking Rough Light Bond Sadistic Torture Oral Sex Masturbation Sex Toys Size Violence
Sister E looked at the window, the sun was setting. She sighed. Although the information was meagre she now had a name. Ashref. He was probably related to the ancient priests to have a canoptic vase such as Margaret described.
But now there was something that Mahut would want to see because she had to do something. Sister E called to the girl sobbing in front of her. "Margaret, rest and relax." 'Mahut arise for Nut is claiming Ra and the prayer should be said'
Mahut, in Margaret's body, pulled herself up and followed Sister E into the Egyptian room; she quickly went to the statue of Ra and knelt before it.
'Oh great Ra. We pray for you. May the goddess Nut be fruitful while you travel and we will greet you in the morning when Nut gives birth to you.' Mahut chanted and then she looked at a fresco of a night sky showing a woman's face. 'Nut we beg of you to give birth to Ra, we need his light and countenance. Nut I, Mahut begs this of you.'
Sister E also knelt before the fresco and thought back. 'Nut, mother of Isis, Osiris, Seth and Nepthys. Hear us. The night doth come and Ra descends. Promise us that you will deliver the god Ra and that the day will come. I call upon you as a priestess of Isis your daughter.'
The sun set and the twilight descended. Sister E looked at Mahut. 'And the Goddess Nut did swallow Ra, making him walk in the underworld until he could be born again from Nut. In this way are gods born and the world will continue.'
They remained like that for a few minutes and then Sister E stood, Mahut followed suit and followed her Priestess out of the room. Sinister and Dexter were outside waiting for them, they bowed as Sister E approached them.
"Your pardon Mistress, but as it is dinner time, we thought that, we'd take Margaret to the dining room. That's if you've, finished with her." The two of them said.
Mahut smiled at them and looked at Sister E. 'Priestess, do they know what they are saying?'
Dexter smiled and then said, 'Of course, but then we've had to learn a lot of languages as well!' Sinister just looked blankly at her twin.
"The girls have split some languages between themselves; Dexter will understand Hebrew while Sinister can speak some Latin!" Sister E explained. "Go with them Mahut and take food, but none of the other girls can help you to perform either, so eat without fear."
The two girls grabbed the hands of their new friend and ran off, they passed Jonas who had opened the door for them and smiled at the trio as they ran.
"Why did Mistress call you Mahut?" Sinister asked.
"Because that is my name!" Mahut answered. "I was born in the land you call Egypt and served my god Ra in the temple."
"So where's Margaret?" Dexter asked.
"I'm here as well, and so is Margaret! We're all fine at the moment, but separate." The two girls stopped running and pulled their friend to a halt.
"Let's get this straight, you are three people in one, is that what you're saying?" the girls asked.
"Yes!" was the aggravating answer, "Why? Just because you two are one person in two bodies doesn't mean I can't be three people in one body does it?" Margaret's humour was showing.
"Oh! So you're like Pauline. She's got several people inside her and they take over when needed." The twins said.
There was a moment of silence as Margaret spoke with the others inside her, this was a new experience for all of them, to talk to each other, unknown to any of them the restraints placed by Roger were starting to shatter.
"Not quite. I mean, I know what you're on about, but this is different." Margaret said and then her body changed slightly. "I am Mahut; I was placed within Margaret's body in order to rid her trainer of the original Margaret and to help train her replacement." Then she moved slightly again, "I'm a copy of Margaret, I'm almost like her but there's bits missing, I rely on Mahut to help me with those bits."
"Well I'm Dexter and I'm hungry, so come on triad and move..."
"... Yeah! 'Cause dinner won't wait!" Sinister finished. And they took Margaret's hands again and ran.
"Why are you always running?" Margaret asked them.
"Well we would walk, but you never know what you might miss out on, so if we run, we get there sooner." The pair said. Margaret just smiled and shook her head but ran with them.
In the dining hall the area was quiet; Sinister had told Margaret that talking wasn't allowed except in the dormitories, they were supposed to be polite young ladies, even if some of the lessons were designed to prove otherwise.
On the tables the cutlery was set out earlier by the class designated to work as servers and woe-betide the girls who fouled up this duty! At one table there was a plate and a knife. On the plate was two pieces of dried toast also on the table was a 2 litre bottle for water, it was empty! Sitting at the place was Emily she was crying as she sat there looking at her meal. Beside her was Danielle, she had her arm around Emily and was talking quietly to the girl.
A teacher was walking toward the pair, she stood behind Danielle. "Danielle, what are you doing?" she demanded.
Danielle stood up and faced the teacher, "Please Mistress Rachael, Emily requires some water to help her eat her toast, may I get her some?"
The teacher shook her head. "No Danielle! Sister E ordered that Emily should learn that lying is a serious thing. But I will allow her to get her own liquid to wet her mouth!"
Emily looked at the teacher puzzled and raised her hand, "Please Mistress Rachael, what is it you mean?"
The teacher smiled, "You've done studies of desert conditions Emily. How are the nomads known to keep their mouths damp?"
Emily thought for a moment and went red in the face, "I couldn't do that Mistress Rachael!"
The teacher smiled at her, "Then you will have trouble eating your meal, won't you Emily. Now Danielle you will return to your meal and leave Emily to make up her mind!" The teacher walked away from the group as Danielle sat back down and obediently started to eat.
Dexter took Margaret to a table which had three places set for them, the first course was soup. Margaret closed her eyes and Mahut opened them, she smiled at the two girls facing her and then started to sip at the soup, although it was as if someone was prompting her to use the spoon.
When the plates were empty a girl came round and picked them up, bussing them away to the kitchen, looking around Mahut could see Emily raise her hand and a teacher walked to her. Emily then took the empty bottle, got up and was escorted out of the area, to return some minutes later with liquid in the bottle.
The server brought out the next course for the girls, Mahut looked up at the girl serving and smiled her thanks, the girl hesitated and then smiled back, but she quickly went back for more plates.
It seems that all eyes were focused on Emily as she started to ear the first slice of toast, she had cut it in half and started to chew away in an effort to work up enough saliva to help swallow the bread. But she almost choked with the effort; finally she reached for the bottle and poured a small measure of the liquid into a glass which she raised to her mouth. The dropping of a pin would have been heard as Emily's shaking hand tipped the glass and poured the liquid into her mouth.
She made a face but swilled the liquid around in her mouth before quickly spitting it back into the glass. A murmur of sighs could be heard around the hall as she put the glass back down on the table. Emily's face was even whiter as she swallowed the toast that had remained in her mouth. She sat back in her seat looking ill. Danielle touched her arm and looked reassuringly at Emily, encouraging her to continue. Emily nodded and took the next piece of toast. This time her mouth was still moist enough to allow her to finish it off.
The general level of noise in the dining hall had increased, and the various teachers started walking around, imposing areas of quiet. Then Emily reached for the second slice of toast and then her eyes looked to the roof as she kept chewing away. She tried to swallow but couldn't, she reached again for the glass, once again all eyes were on her, the liquid was taken swilled around her mouth, but this time she inadvertently swallowed — this was accompanied by a general gasp from nearly all the girls in the dining hall.
Emily gave a sob, got up from her seat and ran from the hall. A teacher started to follow her but Danielle raised her hand. Mistress Rachael looked at her and nodded; gratefully Danielle got out of her seat and ran after Emily.
A glance from the teachers moving around the hall brought calm to the girls and their attention returned to the food, although many glances were directed to the empty places and the offending glass.
The three girls looked at each other and Margaret just shrugged, they had all been through that routine several times, so it hadn't affected them.
The sweet course was brought out and devoured by the girls, they sat back in their chairs waiting for the teacher to pass by and allow them to leave the table. As they left the hall, Danielle and Emily came back in, they took their places and Emily went back to eating her toast, tears could be seen on both girls' cheeks.
The trio now had some time before it was curfew. "We hope you don't mind Margaret, but we have to practise our music, you can come and listen if you wish." They said to her.
Margaret, now in control, smiled and nodded, then she asked, "Is there enough room for me to practise my ballet?"
The two looked at each other before answering, "That's okay, and you can use the stage." The three girls grasped hands again and ran to the theatre auditorium.
Once they got to the theatre Dexter led Margaret to the stage and asked her if she wanted any particular music played. But Margaret smiled and said she would dance to any music they played.
As she began to limber up, she didn't notice the video cameras, or the lights that appeared on them.
Dexter called out from the keyboard, "Margaret? Are you ready?"
"Oh yes, whenever you start!" Margaret replied.
The music started up, Dexter was playing the keyboard with its myriad of instruments, while Sinister played the flute. The music they started with was 'The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy', Margaret smiled as she heard this and started to follow the movements from the ballet, while she was dancing she noticed that she was moving with an ease that she'd never had before. After a while the music subtly changed, it was still the tune but with something else added. Margaret noticed the change and her dance altered as well, with more jumps and twirls.
While dancing Margaret glanced at the two girls playing, Dexter was smiling she mouthed 'more?' and Margaret nodded. Dexter then changed the tune completely, now she was playing 'The Trout', a nice slow piece which Margaret floated into the slower movements using the grace that the steps gave her, she started to breath slowly, recovering from the rush of the previous music.
Dexter had been watching Margaret closely, she had noticed that her friend was moving too fast and was in danger of tiring herself out, the change in tempo was better for her, more relaxing. Sinister was taking her cues from her twin; their seeming ability to know what the other was thinking was now really working for them.
Margaret was now relaxed and, again, glanced at Dexter and nodded showing she was ready for a change. Dexter smiled and started to play a polka, a fast busy tempo. Margaret gave herself up to the music, dancing her very soul out!
Sinister and Dexter watched her dance to the music, they knew she had been through a lot and had decided to bring the dance to an end. The polka music changed and then went into a slow beat which Margaret soon recognised as the Boléro by Ravel, the changes in the music allowed her to dance as if she had choreographed the piece. The music gradually built to a crescendo and as it finished on the last cord Margaret crumpled to the ground exhausted. Dexter turned off the organ and Sinister put her flute down, the girls went onto the stage, to where Margaret still laid panting away, and helped her to her feet. They then bowed to the camera and slowly left the stage and the theatre.
The girls returned to the quarters assigned to Margaret and placed her almost sleeping body onto the bed, they went to leave but turned back and joined her. The three girls were asleep before the curfew bell sounded.
Sister E watched the performance on the television; it had been channelled into all the dormitories of the school and so was watched by all of the school.
She shook her head, it was a pity that Margaret wouldn't be staying, her dancing, although slightly raw, had been exciting as well as excellent. No doubt Hildegard would have a few points to give Margaret tomorrow, but at the moment it was a time for sleeping.
Margaret awoke during the night, she felt herself sandwiched between two warm bodies, she smiled, it reminded her of the time she had slipped into her parents bed, she was so safe there, so loved... then she remembered that her parents were now dead, killed by the man who wanted her! Tears started to flow down her face.
'Margaret please don't cry. I've lost my whole world! But I've still got you and Maggie now!' Mahut's voice sounded in her head.
'Oh! So I'm Maggie now am I? Where's my pacifier then!' the other Margaret said, but there was warmth in her tone.
'Hush child, now is the time to sleep!' Mahut said and started to sing a tune which acted as a lullaby, the voice of the other Margaret went silent and soon, with Mahut's voice singing away Margaret fell asleep.
The sound of laughter woke Margaret up, Sinister and Dexter were having an unsuccessful pillow fight, as they didn't seem to hit each other but managed to dodge where the pillow was destined to land.
As Margaret moved both girls ceased their play and turned to her, "Good Morning, Margaret, Mahut and Margaret, there's enough time for a show before breakfast!" They pulled her to her feet and into the bathroom where Sinister passed out the bars of soap. Once under the spray the twins started to work on Margaret, seemingly finding every crevasse and fold in her body, making her giggle with their attention. Once they had finished with her Dexter started working on Sinister, Margaret realised what to do and started to work with her, after that the attention changed to Dexter's body, with Sinister helping. The sounds of their giggles could be heard outside the room.
Finally the three girls finished and dried each other off. They then ran to the dining hall. As the three girls entered everybody already there stood up and applauded. Margaret looked at the two girls holding her hands.
"But why?" She began but Dexter placed a finger on Margaret's lips reminding her to be quiet in the hall.
A teacher came up to the girls, "That was an interesting dance you did last night, I was very impressed. I would make a few suggestions when Sister E has finished talking with you! My name is Mistress Hildegard."
A nudge from Sinister reminded Margaret, "Thank you Mistress Hildegard, but I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."
Hildegard looked at Sinister and Dexter and shook her head smiling, "You two didn't tell her did you?" At their head shaking she continued, "Young girl I would suggest that you beware of these two, they have a fondness for practical jokes. Your dancing yesterday was shown throughout the school. You are a very good dancer, not great yet, but still very good!" She smiled again at the girls and then allowed them to go to their table.
Margaret glared at the two girls who both gave a small smile and shrugged their shoulders. "It was very good you know!" Dexter managed to say quietly. This made Margaret smile at her friends. It was difficult to be angry with them.
They sat down at the table; a server came up and gave Margaret a genuine smile as she placed the girl's breakfast before them. It was a cooked breakfast and the plate had been carefully arranged with two eggs, mushrooms and rashers of bacon giving a smiley face effect for the girls.
Margaret giggled at the sight and was quickly silenced by Dexter, who glanced around to see if any of the teachers were approaching. She caught Mistress Rachael's eyes, who gave a smile and then nodded. She quietly sighed they had escaped another punishment.
Margaret looked to Emily's place - there was the bottle of water, full, and her plate with two slices of dry bread. Emily was seated, looking at the plate. Beside her Danielle was eating her breakfast, she stopped and poured a little of the water into a glass for Emily who just looked dumbly at her friend.
Emily reluctantly picked up one slice of bread and took a bite of it; she then picked up the glass and took a sip of the water. This allowed her to swallow the morsel. She looked at Danielle with a look of pleading in her eyes, but Danielle shook her head and then took the bread and handed it to Emily.
'It's going to be a long breakfast for Emily today' Margaret thought to herself.
'Yes but when the week is over will she remember what led her to this?' Mahut's voice sounded within her.
'I'm sure I would, and I wouldn't want to repeat it!' Maggie's laughing voice said. And the three girls (albeit in one brain laughed together)
"What is the meaning of this mirth?" A teacher had approached the table and was glaring at Margaret, who she realised had laughed out loud and began to panic.
"I must apologise Priestess, it was a thought that had intruded on our minds. I'm sorry to have cause offence!" Mahut spoke for the three of them.
The woman frowned, "What is your name child?" she asked.
"I am Mahut. Handmaiden to Ra of the temple of Kom Ombo!" Mahut answered automatically.
"What nonsense are you telling me? For that you will... " The teacher started to say but a bleeping sound at her waist turned her attention to a small machine there. She pulled it out and read a message on the screen. "Oh, I see... well please be quiet in future, child. And Sister E would see you after breakfast, she will be in the garden of thoughts, I'm sure Sinister and Dexter will show you where that is."
"Thank you Priestess, I will try not to disturb anyone again." Mahut said bowing her head. The teacher looked again at the girls seated at the table and moved on.
Sinister and Dexter glanced at each other - normally this offence would mean an early visit to the punishment pit! How they had escaped surprised them!
They quickly finished off their breakfast and sat awaiting permission to leave the hall. It was the same teacher who walked over and checked that they had eaten everything before nodding her head. The three walked out of the hall, Margaret looked back to where a sobbing Emily had just finished her bread and was taking a sip of the water, before carefully pouring the remainder of the glass into the bottle, Margaret was sure she'd husband that bottle carefully today.
The three ran from the dining hall taking a different path than the previous day, they didn't head for the large house that was Sister E's living accommodation but instead towards a compound where, to Margaret's surprise there was no garden of flowers, just sand and stones. The sand was raked into lines that seemed to follow the shape of the stones. There were stone benches around the area and Sister E was sitting on one, just looking at the patterns in the sand.
The three girls stopped at the sight of their Mistress and then Margaret found herself being pulled down to her familiar kneeling position - her head down on the ground before her Mistress.
Sister E was lost in her thoughts for a moment. The air here was still, warm and moist, her eyes followed the pattern of the sand, following its course on the ground.
The noise of the girls arriving had registered in her mind and she slowly pulled herself back. She had to find out more about this Ashref person, she'd already sent a message to Egypt but it would take several days before she would get an answer, even with the network that she was dealing with.
She looked at the three girls before her, she smiled remembering the dance last night and she had monitored the dining hall this morning, the flow of features on Margaret's face had betrayed her thoughts, She should have allowed Francesca to have detailed the girls for punishment, but as Margaret was now talking with her 'sisters' instead of fighting it wasn't time to enforce rules — although this was a first at the school.
"Rise girls. Now I would talk to Margaret for the morning. I think you two should continue your studies in the library... please return at lunch time." She said
Dexter and Sinister bowed to Sister E and left the garden.
Sister E pulled Margaret to one of the benches and sat down with her. Margaret expected the stone to be cold, but found it to be surprisingly warm to her skin. Sister E smiled at her.
"Now Margaret I would like to hear more about your training." Sister E said to her.
But Margaret shook her head. "I am sorry Mistress, but after my 'sisters' were placed into my mind I hid. It wasn't until my next Master, Richard, had control of my body that I started to fight back." In Margaret's mind a small voice spoke, and Margaret took a mental step back.
"Mistress, I am the one who was to replace Margaret, I will be able to tell you if you want. If you please Mahut calls me Maggie."
Sister E nodded. "Hello Maggie, I would be happy to listen to you, if you have a problem at any time, just stop."
"Priestess, I would also help Maggie if you wish?" Mahut spoke using the girl's mouth. Sister E nodded her agreement and then started a recorder as Maggie spoke.
There was a feeling of fullness in Maggie's bowels and a weight on her back; she took a worried look behind her to find the bloated form of Ashref was lying on her as he pushed his cock deep into her ass.
"By holy Isis, she could be a treasure for ransom indeed." Ashref panted as he erupted inside her.
Roger was standing in front of the pair watching the face of the girl 435 — Even though the target, Margaret, had vanished while the personality of the control girl was trying to find her, the copy had taken control of the body. This was more like the type of slave to be broken. She screamed against the dildos as they were inserted into her body. Cried, as he and Ashref had played with her body. And then the look in her eyes as she was sodomised by Ashref! Now this drone could be returned to the main hall with the others, adding to their hopelessness.
The loss of the original girl was troublesome, but then Roger realised that as long as her name was never used she could remain lost forever, once handed over to this Richard she would no longer be his problem.
The controlling mind had also been changed slightly, enough so that she would help the newly moulded mind to survive and learn the skills that were taught to the slaves. The fiction of only one slave surviving was the breakthrough that occurred early in his career.
After a few weeks of the pacifiers and repeats of the message the drones would do anything to be the survivor, and so the group would be split into half one night when they were asleep, Then he would visit each group and declare that the missing ones had failed and were no more. Another week and the two groups would become 4 and so on until there was only a pair of drones in the 5 rooms. The rooms would be divided so that the pair could glare at each other while their training continued. Cooking meal and exercises, either Ballet or gymnastics it was Roger's choice as to which one was given.
But that was in the future. Roger smiled at Ashref as he withdrew his cock from the ass of 435 and then moved to the girl's mouth and pushed his cock inside.
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