Margaret - Lost From Her Mind - Cover

Margaret - Lost From Her Mind

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 2

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Paul is back! This time doing something that isn't natural to him - Getting a slave back to being a normal girl. Add Ropeville's interest, an unscrupulous slaver's training and you'll see that things are never simple. So now where can he get help? - Chapter 5 has Margaret's story of her abduction and so some of the codes reflect this part!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Mind Control   Slavery   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Sadistic   Torture   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Size   Violence  

Later that afternoon there was a ring at the door. On checking I found a UPS delivery driver in her brown uniform.

"Special delivery for Mr. Paul Purple." She said with a smile. It was a largish box in fancy wrapping, but I noticed no return address. I signed for it and thanked the woman who smiled again and then returned to her van.

Talk about express service. It had been flown halfway across the country in less than six hours! I'd hate to think how much it was costing me.

There was a note on the packing addressed to me. 'Mr. Purple - Elizabeth has told me what you are trying to do. For that I have ensured rapid delivery. The Wilkinson's were excellent customers of mine and their daughter requires the best attention.' it was signed simply 'Christine'

I smiled as I read the note, it seemed that Margaret has a lot of friends in Ropeville, and with any luck she'll be seeing them again. I checked the monitor. Margaret was midway through the ballet routine. Her movements were so smooth; she was a delight to watch.

I had a secondary reason for making her practise again. - Mainly to tire herself out. I was only planning to watch her for a couple of days. There was still the question of how her Master died to consider.

I brought up the video of Margaret's birthday and watched her happy smiling face as she opened the present. I noticed that the wrapping was similar to the parcel I'd received. Would it be the right time to produce the bear?

I took the parcel down to the basement and managed to keep it out of her sight as she followed the instructions on the video. I sat on a chair as she extended her leg on the bar and leant forwards on it with her arms extended.

Then she raised her body up and extended one arm above her head and leant back as far as she could. I could see the strain on her face as she tried to keep her balance, but I was out of my chair and behind her as her foot slipped and she started to fall backwards.

I stopped her fall and held her as she gathered herself. "Thank you Master. I always have a problem with that position."

"I understand. Did you consider gymnastics?" I asked her, but she looked down and shook her head.

"No Master, I wasn't given a choice about it." Which was true as Roger would decide for his slaves.

"Okay then at some time, after you have proved yourself, I will consider it." I said magnanimously. She made a small pout before saying. "Thank you Master." In an automatic tone. As if saying 'after I please you I suppose'. I didn't try to ease her mind over the matter.

I sniffed at her sweaty body; although I would have liked to lick her all over I restrained myself. "After your workouts I expect you to have a shower. I'll watch you from here." From the look on her face she obviously had expected me to join her in the shower. But she turned away trying to move slowly.

She glanced at the box as she walked past it. Then she did a double take as the wrapping brought itself to her attention - She recognised it! A thread to Margaret was taking hold, but I had to re-enforce it somehow.

I thought about it while I listened to the sound of the water in the shower and hearing her humming a tune... "You know slave, I should give you a name. I mean if we ever go out I can't just call out 'here slave!' I don't think people would understand. Do you have any preference?" I asked her.

"No Master! My previous Master never took me into public at all. And he always called me slave!" She said seriously.

I shook my head - the guy was an asshole. "Well, I prefer you to have a normal name, I was watching you sleeping last night and I liked the way you sucked your thumb, it reminded me of that cartoon baby, what was her name... Oh yes, Maggie Simpson!" Margaret's humming ceased. "But thinking about it you don't look like a Maggie. How about... Margaret?" This time I heard the soap drop, but I ignored it and carried on as if nothing had happened. "Well slave, I've decided to call you Margaret what do you say?"

I looked at her face, her eyes were blank as if she was having an internal conversation... I've seen that look before! But I had to keep to my script. "Margaret, answer me!"

"Master... Master I cannot... Master I'm not allowed..." She was having problems almost like a... Shit! She'd been programmed not to use her name.

"Slave stop! You will give me your override commands." I thought she should have some words to allow her Master to issue unusual commands... although what would be considered unusual would include dressing and going out in public!

"Yes Master!" Margaret responded immediately and spoke a phrase — no I'm not telling anyone the phrase — which I repeated and watched as she stood in the shower looking blankly in front of her, the water hitting and sliding down her body.

"Slave! Tell me why you refuse to accept a name." I was making sure that there were no deep seated commands regarding her name.

"Master. This slave cannot use the name given by you! My trainer tried to erase this slave's being and found that continued use of this slave's previous name might break this slave's conditioning! My trainer has decreed that this slave cannot be given any name!" She spoke in a monotone, flat, no inflection at all. Again it reminded me of another person.

"You say that Roger has banned you from having a name? But he hasn't ordered me not to name you has he?" Margaret shook her head. "And if I name you, as my slave, you have to accept my naming."

"But Master, you have to be warned that this slave might start to access her memories."

This was encouraging, "You still have memories of your previous life in you? I thought that Roger's training destroyed them?" This was part of his training, wiping the minds of his trainees by the use of drugs.

"I'm sorry to say Master that I have! This slave's parents had ensured that this slave would always remember its former life. The trainer was aware of this which is why Slave was given its name and orders."

I had to think this through. "Slave, for the moment you will not concern yourself about the name I have given you. You will not resist any memories that may surface but you will help them to integrate themselves within you."

I watched the programmed intelligence's eyes widen. "But Master that may cause you problems. The original person was very wilful. At times she does resurface and makes this slave do nasty things. That was why the trainer made me to take over her when she starts to break loose."

"What does she do?" I asked but she shook her head

"This slave cannot tell you Master. This slave is scared. Please don't ask this slave to tell you." Her eyes were full of fear, which was strange for a controlled person. I watched her as she stood there unflinching as the water rained down on her.

"Slave you will accept the name I've given you and you will not worry if she starts to misbehave." she went to open her mouth to protest - again something a proper slave would never do - so I held up my hand to stop her from speaking. "This is my order. I want her to break her bonds and so you will not stop her unless she tries something really dangerous to her health or anyone else's!" I was to learn how much that command would help me later.

"I understand Master, but I would ask you not to trust Margaret, she is strange in some ways." She almost went on her knees in supplication.

"That is understood slave! Now I wish Margaret to return and to finish her shower, this conversation has not occurred." I watched as the light in Margaret's eyes changed and she shook herself slightly. "What do you think about that?" I said.

"If that is what you require of me Master. Then Margaret is my name." She said slowly and quietly.

"Good Margaret. Once you are dry present yourself to me by the table outside the cell." I walked away from her and walked out of the cell, taking the parcel with me. I must admit that I was risking a lot with this action. But deep inside me I knew that I had to force this along.

Margaret ran out of the cell, showing no problems with leaving the caged area. She didn't look to the basement door - which was closed and locked, the key being in its normal hiding place. But she approached me as I had ordered. She stood in front of me, hand folded in front of her and her head bowed.

"You look very beautiful Margaret." I said to her, she blushed but said nothing so I carried on. "Now that I have given you a name it's a time of a celebration." I presented her with the box. "Happy Birthday Margaret!" She just stared at the box uncertain as to what she had to do. "Well? Open it Margaret! That's what you do with presents!"

Her face shot up to look at me I couldn't make out her expression, but she schooled herself and started to tear at the paper revealing the box. When she removed the lid she gave a gasp and tears started to fall from her eyes. "Danny!" She whispered as she picked up the bear. She started to hug it and rock it in her arms.

"It's a special bear Margaret; and you have to treat it nicely. As nicely as I would expect you to treat me!" She looked at me. This time her eyes were smiling, although the tears were there. I picked up the box and found the three tubes that were in the bottom of it and handed them to her. "These fit onto him and there are batteries already inside him. Do you know how it works?" Daft question I know but then I wasn't supposed to have that knowledge.

Margaret opened up the first tube and removed a small dildo attachment which she located onto the crotch of the bear and displayed it to me. I just raised an eyebrow at her. She then positioned herself and it before lowering herself onto the protuberance closing her eyes as it entered her sex. Its head was just within her mouth's reach and she kissed it. The contact started the motor working inside the bear and she jerked with the motion. I allowed her to reach a climax with the bear before I stopped her. She reluctantly stopped the motor and removed the bear from her, making sure to lick and clean the dildo with her mouth before she removed it from the bear.

The other two are larger dildo's one is my measurement; the other is another man's size. I suggest you practice with both during the evening and night. I want you to be stretched open for me." I told her. Then I had to enforce my control over the girl.

"Now I believe you have something to confess to me?" She looked at me blankly. "A certain matter of either not answering or refusing to acknowledge my orders?" She realised what I was talking about and then nodded.

"I'm sorry Master. I was remiss in my duties. I should have ensured that you were satisfied with my work! I thought that you would inform me when I had failed." She said although her eyes were lying to me.

"You are hiding the truth from me Margaret!" I told her. "Go to the cupboard and bring out an appropriate instrument for your punishment!"

She went into the equipment cupboard and brought out three items. A dog whip, a bullwhip and a paddle. The paddle had holes in the pad which would allow the air to escape thus allowing the full force of the blows to fall.

"Please Master, select your favourite and use it on me." She said, thus giving me the choice. I inspected all three and held the bullwhip, smiling at her.

"An excellent item to bring me, Margaret! I'm sure that if I use this on you that you'll not neglect me any more." She shuddered at my words and prepared herself for my assault. "However should I use it as it's meant to be I don't think you'd be any use to me for some days!"

She started to relax her position but then I flicked out with the whip and stuck her on the back, raising a line of red. Luckily for her I had restrained my strike. But she screamed out with the pain. "Next time Margaret I will use all my force if you try to be funny at my expense!"

She tried not to wince as she turned to face me. Tears were streaming down her face as she replied. "Yes Master, I'll never do that again."

I nodded at her. "Good. Now 5 lashes with the dog whip on your front and then 8 strikes with the paddle on your ass I think. Margaret you will prepare yourself!" She stood in front of me. Her hands were behind her back, pushing her chest out and displaying her budding breasts.

I flicked out with the smaller whip and struck at her left tit mound. She drew in a sharp breath as I gave her time to recover. Her right tit demanded equal time which I gave it. "I must commend you on your choice Margaret. The whip stings without inflicting too much damage on your flesh." I told her as I rapidly struck at her thighs twice leaving one more to expend. "Margaret legs apart and then prepare yourself!"

She gulped twice and then opened her legs and pushed her hips forward presenting a target that couldn't be denied. I gave the girl a solid strike causing her to scream out in pain.

I put the whip down and reached out my hands to her, pulling her to me. "I'm sorry about doing this Margaret, but you have to learn that although I will allow you some leeway I will not let you get away with too much." She sniffed and nodded and then draped herself over my knees.

I picked up the paddle and swished in around for a couple of times, just to feel the weight of it. She had taken the heavier of the two. If I was to carry out the eight that I had decreed she would be in agony for the next two days at least.

But a Master had to keep his word, no matter what the outcome. So I brought the paddle down hard. The holes did their work by allowing the air to escape bringing the full flat of the paddle to her flesh.

After the first three she started to kick out with her legs, as if trying to escape her ordeal. But I held her tight and gave her no respite. When I had finished her ass was bright red with spots where the flesh had been force through the holes in the paddle.

"Take the items back to the cupboard and make sure they're all clean. Then bring back the ointment on the third shelf." I told her. She gingerly walked away from me carrying the tools of her punishment.

When she returned she was holding the tube of ointment I had asked for. After opening it I started rubbing it onto her chest. The coolness of the ointment against the warmth of her skin, causing her to shake in pleasure, or was it the rubbing of my hands on her skin.

I finished with her chest and worked on her thighs. Before moving my attention to her slit. Getting the young girl to gasp out in pleasure was simple after the anaesthetic had eased the pain of the whip.

My attentions, plus her previous ballet work, had managed to tire her out. So I told her to return to the bed in the cell. I noticed that she managed to grab hold of the teddy bear as she left me.

I rubbed the ointment on the red line that marked where the bull-whip had caught her. And then I turned my attention to her ass. A liberal amount of the ointment over the redness of the girls' behind allowed the pain to subside. She gave a muffled "Thank you Master... but you should have allowed the pain to remain."

I smiled as I said to her, "You just wait until the morning and then see how the pain feels." I told her goodnight and closed the cell door — I didn't lock it I wanted to see how soon it was before she went exploring.

I left the screen to monitor her cell overnight and went to bed myself — I was tired after all my working as well. I was disturbed at least twice by the sounds of the teddy bear as it worked away during the night.

I could hear the shower over the monitor. I looked at my clock and groaned. 6 O'clock in the morning! Why did Roger have to have slaves that started early?

Then I heard what Margaret was saying. "Oh Danny, how did you find me here? Where's Mummy and Daddy?" Margaret was back in her body it seems but for how long? I listen on, "That other man was very bad to me Danny! He wouldn't let me talk to anyone! I don't know about this man? He hasn't really made me do anything except let him hit me and suck his thing. There's something about him that I like. But I shouldn't should I?"

She received no reply from the bear who was sitting on the toilet watching her. The dildo was pointing upwards from its attachment in its groin. I couldn't see its face but I would swear it was smiling.

Margaret was still talking away, but now her voice was changing at times.

"I wish Mummy and Daddy would come for me!" "Slave knows that there is no escape! This Master is nicer but slave will obey Master." There was a sob, "But you couldn't stop me with Master Richard could you!" The voice was accusing. "No you were too quick for me but I'll be ready for the next time." The answering voice was calmer and more certain. Then I could hear Margaret humming again as if none of the previous words had affected her.

I was intrigued by her words, I supposed Master Richard was her erstwhile Master who was found dead — but the police report said that Margaret couldn't have killed him! Then the name Richard linked up with another name. Abrahams? Could it be? That Margaret was the girl for whom the school headmaster had taken a fancy to? I brought up the communication program and dialled Elizabeth's number.

A sleepy looking girl was visible on the screen; she was dressed in a nightdress which enhanced her young age. "I'm sorry but my mistress is asleep. Could you phone back later?" She was wiping the sleep out of her eyes and hadn't recognised me.

"I'm sorry Little Cat." I said softly, "I hadn't realised what time it was there, I'll phone back later."

"Master! I'm sorry I didn't realise it was you. Mistress Elizabeth said to waken her as soon you called." Little Cat's face beamed in recognition. "Please hold on." and her face vanished from the screen.

A few minutes later I was looking at Elizabeth's face. Even at this early hour she was looking bright and relaxed. "Hello Paul. I thought I'd be hearing from you soon. Are you giving up on our problem?" She said that with a smile.

"No! But I do need some more information about Margaret." At Elizabeth's expectant look I continued. "Did she undertake the procedure of the orphans?"

Elizabeth frowned for a moment before answering. "No. But that's not to say that it's impossible. Michael did work at the orphanage at times and could have studied the procedure. But he wouldn't be able to add any personalities."

"What about personality backup? Could that be done?" I asked her.

I could see her mind working as she pondered my words, then she looked at me. "Before I answer could you tell me how she would be brainwashed? That might give me an idea of what's happened."

This told me that it was possible! Margaret was buried inside her own mind! "First the victim would be deprived of sleep for a week. This would be done by the use of drugs and noise. Then they would be constantly raped, mainly mechanically. Not just vaginally but orally and anally as well. The boys would just be raped anally and orally - they would be electrocuted on their scrotums to stop then ejaculating if they could. This would be done while under the influence of drugs. They would be broken down to be just playthings without regard for how they're used."

"So it's torture under the influence of drugs?" Elizabeth asked not flinching after my casual description of multiple rapes that a child would be put through. "How does that differ from your method?" She asked.

"Well you can ask Little Cat! But I treat each child as they should be treated. Of course I have to break them of their pre-learnt resistance to sex. But I ensure that they enjoy the experience. I don't treat them as pieces of meat just to be sold off. The person who dealt with Margaret and the others in her group was just using a production line method of creating sexual toys. To me they are people in their own rights that have the misfortune to become my subjects. They deserve to be protected which is why I have my contract, remember it's still the same as the one you signed."

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