Margaret - Lost From Her Mind - Cover

Margaret - Lost From Her Mind

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 3

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Paul is back! This time doing something that isn't natural to him - Getting a slave back to being a normal girl. Add Ropeville's interest, an unscrupulous slaver's training and you'll see that things are never simple. So now where can he get help? - Chapter 5 has Margaret's story of her abduction and so some of the codes reflect this part!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Mind Control   Slavery   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Sadistic   Torture   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Size   Violence  

I looked at the image of Elizabeth on the screen, her last words still echoing in my mind, 'destroy them then you've destroyed the girl as well!' I shook my head. "That's not going to happen!" I exclaimed. "I need to know more about the process to implant these aspects, perhaps I can find out a method to separate Margaret from Slave."

Elizabeth shook her head in sorrow. "I'm sorry Paul but that's not possible. You need a trigger to enable Margaret to take full control over her mind. Without that trigger she'll never be able to integrate the other personalities. I suggest you give up now and let us try to help her."

"How?" I asked, "By implanting more aspects to take her over completely — to destroy Margaret and create a new person?"

Elizabeth nodded slowly. "I'm sorry Paul but it might be the only way. She's still part of Ropeville and will always be one of us!"

"But not Margaret herself!" I countered Elizabeth looked down and shook her head, I shook mine as well. "Not acceptable Elizabeth. I want Margaret back! Not a shell into which you can pour the person of your choice!"

"Do you think we would take a decision like that so casually? She's one of us. Not to be thrown away like some broken rag doll!" Elizabeth was crying now. "Paul if there was some way to get her back then her father would have known, but he's dead and the secret's dead with him!"

I was the one shaking my head. "No Elizabeth, I'm sure he would have thought of this. He would have left a clue to the trigger. Maybe even something that Margaret isn't aware of. But I need to know what it might be. Can you tell me?" I asked her.

Elizabeth shook her head again. "Paul it could be anything, it might even be right under your nose! You could ask her slave personality if it knows anything. But I doubt it." She paused for a moment and then added. "Look Paul I've got an appointment in a few minutes, Let me think about this. I've given Su-Li and Little Cat instructions that if you call I will see you no matter what. But I will contact you again tomorrow."

I thanked her and broke the connection. On the monitor screen I could see Margaret was watching the television and listening to the music on the screen. In her hand she was holding a dildo and her head was bobbing away as she practised using it. I was impressed as I hadn't told her to do that.

I went into the kitchen to prepare our dinner. After all the mental pressure I'd put her through I thought she deserved a nice dinner. It would have been better if she was up her to help me, but I still didn't trust her! Oh I don't mean that she could run away from the house. I had everywhere locked down. But she might try to injure me and escape, I had quite a few pots and pans that could raise a few bumps not to mention knives! No until Margaret was back I couldn't trust her.

It was about 40 minutes later that I alerted Margaret that I was coming down the stairs with her dinner. When I arrived in the basement I found her table laid and she was standing by her chair waiting for me.

I put the plate on the table and sat down. She was watching me closely as if wondering why I was ignoring her. I spoke up. "Sit down and eat your dinner Margaret!" I then remembered what she was waiting for, "You'll have a chance to earn your dinner later, and I'm letting you owe me for it!" I told her. It wasn't that I didn't want her to pleasure me, it was just that I was hungry and didn't want the food to get cold — Well yes I could have kept eating, but I wanted to be fair to Margaret.

We ate the dinner in silence, Margaret was sneaking looks at me while she forked her food and then Slave spoke. "Master, may I speak?" She asked.

"Of course Slave, what's wrong did I overcook the carrots?" I asked jokingly.

"No Master, I am troubled about what happened today? Why can I not find this person who's trying to hurt you? I feel that it is a failing of mine!" She did look despondent about that.

I decided to be honest. "The person who is trying to fight me is Margaret! The original personality! She is trying to take control of her body that you have been placed into."

She wrinkled her forehead and shook her head. "I'm sorry Master I do not understand what you mean, have I not always been here?" She asked meaning in her body.

I studied her closely she was interested, but there was a gleam behind her eyes. It was almost as if she was being coached. So what should I tell her? "You are a personality placed within the mind of a nine, sorry ten, year old girl. As is another other personality, which is a copy of the original person. She is called Margaret Wilkinson which somehow has learnt to hide herself within her own mind. She is the person I'm trying to save."

Slave had stopped eating her meal and was looking at me as if I was mad — well perhaps I was! "And what happens when you save this Margaret? What happens to me?"

It was a valid question, what does happen to an avatar once the host has regained control? "You will still be there, subservient to the host. My current daughter is from the town of Ropeville and she has several avatars implanted within her, they live in co-operation with her and she interacts and converses with them all the time."

"You mean you force her to act out as if she was someone else!" The voice was Slave's but the attitude was someone else... Margaret? I hoped it was.

"Not at all! Pauline was assigned by the Council at Ropeville to watch me and report on me. After a time she decided that she wanted to stay with me." I said and was amused to see the look in Margaret's eyes that said 'NO WAY!' I smiled at her and said "That surprises you?"

She lowered her eyes in embarrassment and the she softly said, "Yes Master, I'm sorry but I can't understand how she would choose to..." She stopped herself. "I'm sorry Master I've overstepped myself. I shouldn't be asking you questions!" This was Slave asserting herself now.

"Not at all!" I told her, "You are trying to find out the type of Master that I am. I've already said that I have a slave of my own. In fact I have two!"

She looked at me in surprise. "But how can that be? A Master can only be served by one slave. The strongest slave who will ensure that he is served by her. No other slave would be allowed." This was the commandment that Roger had placed in all his slaves and had it backed up with training so that his slaves would always be the one to serve their Master.

"And what happens if the slave is too weak?" I asked her.

"Then that slave should surrender their life for the benefit of the Master." She told me in no uncertain tone.

"But if the Master requires more than one slave?" I asked.

Margaret shook her head. "The slave should see that her Master requires no other!" As if that was the end of the matter.

"And what is the duty of the Master?" I asked her.

She frowned, "I don't understand Master. How can a Master have a duty? It is the slave who should do all the Master demands. The slave has the duty not the Master!" She said earnestly.

I laughed at that, which appeared to shock her. "I'm sorry Master what did I say that was wrong?" She asked me.

"Everything! The Master should ensure that the slave is well cared for. A good slave is an investment which should be maintained!" I looked at Margaret she was staring at her food. "Have you ever considered how much it cost to train you?" She shook her head. "Why should I allow you to get injured just for my fun? I have your well being to consider! You are an investment for my well being!" I didn't leave her to ponder that I placed another barb for her thoughts. "You know you should interact with other slaves as it will allow you to learn how they feel about their Masters and what they do to make them happy."

She went to answer me but I pointed to her plate to show that she should finish her dinner. I watched her from the corner of my eye as she started to eat. I could tell that she was thinking about what I had said. I could almost hear the two aspects inside her going though what I had said.

I let her wash the dishes in the large sink in the basement - I had ensured that the door was locked first. And, much to her annoyance, I helped with the drying. While she was working away I heard her humming again.

"What is that tune?" I asked her, trying to make conversation.

"I'm sorry Master. What tune do you mean?" Margaret gave a confused reply.

"That tune you were humming, I don't recognise it." I said

"Master I don't know what you mean? If I was humming I apologise." She said. I didn't understand this. How could she hum and not realise it.

"No, that's alright Margaret. But now I want you to get me some items from the toy cupboard please." I gave her a list which she quickly ran to fill.

She arrived back with three assorted dildos, several lengths of rope and a small whip with fine horse hair. She looked at the last quizzically. I shook my head at her look and thought to myself that she'd soon learn how that whip would work.

I went with her to the cell and told her to lie face up on the bed. This she did without hesitation. I quickly tied her down using the rope, making sure that she was held securely without being too tight for her.

I opened my trousers and walked to the top of the bed where her head was. She opened her mouth and waited for me to enter her. "Remember the lessons on the video." I told her and she started to suck on my cock as if it was a Popsicle. She didn't gag as I hit the back of her mouth and started to enter her throat — again her training had got rid of that reaction.

After a bit I brought my arm back and gave her slit a strike with the whip. It was a light blow; just enough to agitate her clitoris and nothing more, this whip was designed to give pleasure not pain — something that she hadn't realised before.

I brushed the hairs over her mons and then moved it up to her breasts, or the lumps that would become her breasts, shaking the whip so that the hairs would move over the sensitive parts of her breasts. I looked at her face. Her mouth was wrapped around my cock, but her eyes were slitted with the pleasure that she was receiving.

I flicked the whip to strike her breasts and then returned to rubbing. Then back down to her slit and clit. I was amused to see her raise her hips to allow the full access to her.

After a few minutes of the whip hitting her and brushing on her mons, I felt her body shudder in orgasm. This was enough for me at that time. I started to push my cock further into her throat and started to spurt my seed into her.

She waited for me to pull away from her mouth, making sure that she carefully wiped my cock clean with her tongue.

I looked at her body, still so young but so knowledgeable about sex. She smiled languidly up at me. "Thank you Master, but you didn't need to allow me to cum." She said with a smile.

"Why is that Margaret, didn't your last Master do that?" I asked her. Immediately her face darkened.

"No Master, all he was interested in was his pleasure. Which was his right. He rarely allowed me to climax." She told me in a monotone voice.

"Then he didn't do this?" I asked as I knelt down beside the bed by her hips. She raised her head to watch as I bent down and started to lick at her slit.

"Oh! Master, no he..." She started to say but was quickly silenced. Her already inflamed slit allowing my tongue access to her clit — which was erect still. She found herself awash with the sensations.

I quickly took her through a second orgasm and was building her up to a third when I heard her voice speak softly. "Oh Daddy it's been so long..."

I knew Margaret was back for a little while.

Little Cat smiled at me. "Master, Mistress wanted to know how you are doing?" I could see her pressing some key on her computer keyboard and knew she was recording my image.

"Okay Little Cat here is my message. I've managed to talk to Margaret she is aware of where she is and who she is. I would agree that she's hidden herself in the unconscious area of her mind. I also think I know what the key is, but I don't know how to access it."

I could see Little Cat look up outside the view of the camera and was smiling. She got up from her seat and Elizabeth sat down.

"Hello Paul, I heard part of the message. How do you mean that you don't know how to access the key?"

I smiled at her. "Hello Elizabeth, I think Margaret was pre-programmed to give clues to a person who she trusts."

Elizabeth shook her head at that. "Why do you think that she trusts you? I mean you're keeping her naked aren't you?"

"I am, but I'm not pressuring her as a Master would do. I'm just lightly using her instead of the demands that she's become used to." I said. "Maybe she is responding to other signals?"

Elizabeth frowned in concentration. "I don't understand, what signals?" She asked.

I shook my head. "You're asking me? You're the ones who said I've got some form of controlling influence within me. Perhaps that is what she's responding to?"

Elisabeth made a face. "I'm not too sure about that. I know that I was altered by you to begin with but then you did order me to revert to normal. I can remember what happened and how I was changed but I can't see why Margaret would trust you!"

"Maybe I've got that kind of face?" I said jokingly

"Yeah! Sure you have!" Elizabeth said laughing and then she sobered up. "What is the trigger?" she asked me. I pressed some buttons on my computer to play a pre-recorded video. It was Margaret in the shower. "She is a very pretty girl. But what's the trigger?" Elizabeth asked again

"Listen!" I told her and started playing the recording. I watched Elizabeth's face as she followed the humming tune.

"Do you know what that tune is?" She asked me.

I shook my head. "None at all! I don't keep up with the latest hits you know"

Elizabeth's face was solemn as she shook it. "That is one tune that is never heard beyond the city line. Nobody will sing that one out loud in public."

I was puzzled. "Why what is it? Some banned song full of nudity and buggery?" I asked

Elizabeth laughed out loud at that and then sobered. "Oh no, something even worse than that..." She paused. "No. I can't tell you — I need to talk to the council first."

"Can't you even let me have the full tune?" I asked her but she shook her head.

"I'm sorry Paul. But not even the part of the tune we know can be played without permission of the council — I do understand believe me." I could see the look on her face. She knew that this might help Margaret but was not allowed to do it. The problem was killing her inside.

"Elizabeth I understand!" Well I didn't but she didn't need to know that, "Talk to the council and I'll try to keep Margaret alive until then." I didn't know what I meant by alive it was just the way the words came out.

Elizabeth gave a grateful look and quickly closed the connection; she didn't want to dwell on my words.

I gazed back at the monitor screen. Margaret was sleeping again. I yawned and decided that I would also go to bed.

As I fell asleep I wondered what Elizabeth had meant by 'the part we know'? It didn't make sense to me.

I was woken up by a crying noise from my monitor. "Mum, Dad I'm sorry where-ever you are, I didn't mean to let you down." Were the only words I could make out. I slipped downstairs to the basement where Margaret was still crying.

I gently took her by the shoulders; she didn't stop crying but seemed to tense up slightly. "Margaret, listen to me. You didn't let your parents down! There wasn't anything you could have done. Remember there were nine other children taken at the same time. If any of them could have escaped they would have done! You showed more resilience than they did and were singled out for extra control. You had no chance to escape. That's why you retreated as you'd been taught."

I hugged her again, "You did what you had to. Your parents would have been proud of you." I gently kissed the top of her head and her sobs seemed to go silent. She pulled away from me slightly to enable her to look at me.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked. "Why aren't you forcing me not to cry?"

I gave a soft chuckle. "Would it have really worked? You need comforting not moaning at. Now get back to sleep. Your Master has spoken!"

She looked at my face in the half-light and could see I was smiling; she gave a small smile herself and then said. "Yes Master." And snuggled down again in my arms. Soon her breathing slowed and she was asleep again.

I woke again to the normal feeling of an expert mouth on my cock. I just lay in the bed as my mind wandered. It was good to feel Billie-Jo working away again. Something was trying to get my attention.

There was the smell of cook breakfast coming from the table. I smiled to myself. The cell wasn't really a place to stay... My eyes opened wide. Margaret was kneeling in front of me hovering away at my cock. On the table was a cooked breakfast for me and a cold cereal for her!

I glanced at the door to the basement. In my haste to comfort Margaret I hadn't closed or locked the doors. It allowed the girl access to the house above which was how she found the kitchen. I shuddered as I released my load down Margaret's mouth. She took care to clean me off and then looked up at me.

"Good morning Master. Did you sleep well?" She asked smiling.

"Very well Margaret, I see you've been busy." I indicated the table. She lowered her eyes.

"I'm sorry Master, but you were sleeping and it was time for breakfast. I did ensure that I wasn't observed. I noticed you are lacking some supplied, I've made a list up." I just looked at her. Not only had she gone upstairs and returned to the basement, she was also trying to organise my life!

I took her hand and allowed her to rise from her knees; I then got up from the bed and walked to the table. I allowed Margaret to sit down and then I sat. She remained in her seat watching me.

"You are allowed to eat you know Margaret." I told her but she still waited. I took some bacon on my fork and put it in my mouth. "This is very good Margaret. You're an excellent cook!" I praised her. It was as if I'd told her she was beautiful — she smiled and blushed and then she started to eat her cereal. I noticed she had ensured that she used a plastic spoon whereas I had metal utensils. The rest of the breakfast was eaten in silence.

Once the meal was completed and the dishes were placed on the tray ready to be taken upstairs Margaret went to the toy cupboard and came out with a small whip and a flogger both of which she handed to me and then turned away from me and knelt down so that her back was exposed to me.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Master I disobeyed you. I should have remained downstairs and not have gone upstairs. I could have tried to escape and caused you hardship. I deserved to be whipped to death for that!" Margaret said.

"Indeed? And if I were to do that then what?" I asked her. "Would you be able to cook me another breakfast like that again?"

She turned her head to look at me. "No Master, but then I shouldn't have risked you security!"

I nodded in answer to her reply and told her to get up. When she did I handed her the flogger and the whip. She looked at them puzzled.

"I was the one who left the door open. I was the one who did not restrain you. Therefore I should be the one to be punished!" I told her. I watched her mouth open in shock and then I knelt down in front of her with my back to her. Part of my mind was screaming at me 'What the hell are you doing? She's already killed one man who was her Master and now you're turning your back on her!' But I hoped I was doing the right thing.

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