Margaret - Lost From Her Mind
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Chapter 4
Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Paul is back! This time doing something that isn't natural to him - Getting a slave back to being a normal girl. Add Ropeville's interest, an unscrupulous slaver's training and you'll see that things are never simple. So now where can he get help? - Chapter 5 has Margaret's story of her abduction and so some of the codes reflect this part!
Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft ft/ft Consensual NonConsensual Reluctant Rape Coercion Mind Control Slavery BDSM MaleDom FemaleDom Spanking Rough Light Bond Sadistic Torture Oral Sex Masturbation Sex Toys Size Violence
I was looking at Margaret in my arms, knowing that the one thing I needed was beyond my reach. She looked at me and smiled (she actually SMILED!) at me. "It's alright Master, I don't mind really. I'm happy as I am!" She said.
"But Margaret, what you have here is a temporary existence at most. The two aspects that have been placed in you won't last without proper maintenance. They can drive you mad as well as themselves. I have to help you." I pleaded with her.
She slowly shook her head, "It's not your fault Master, and I know you're doing your best. I don't blame you!"
"Unlike your last Master, Richard!" I said, "You certainly dealt with him didn't you?" I added.
"He was stupid Master... I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that!" She said and sounded apologetic.
"Don't apologise. You did what you had to do! I'm not blaming you and neither is Ropeville, I take it you've had self-defence training?" I asked her and she nodded.
"Yes, Daddy made sure that I... Daddy!" she started to cry again. I just held her close to me to comfort her, "I'm sorry Master, it's just that I won't see Mummy or Daddy again!" she said.
"Have I ever told you to stop caring?" I asked her, she shook her head but then her body changed again as slave took over.
"Master this is not right! You shouldn't be doing this. It's a slave's duty to comfort her Master!" Slave said
"I see slave, so I should be sitting on your lap and crying on your shoulder, is that what you're saying?" I was smiling at the thought.
"If that's what you need to do Master then yes!" She was being quite serious.
"You heard what I told Margaret didn't you?" I asked her.
"Of course Master, although she was able to temporarily overcome me I was able to hear your words and her treacherous words and thoughts." Slave was unrepentant in her situation.
"Slave, I must remind you that you have been forced into this body which was not prepared for you. Both you and the Margaret construct have to either co-exist or you will all perish in madness. Is that what you want?" I tried to reason with her.
"You must be wrong Master, although how a Master can be wrong I do not understand. I would not have been placed here without proper preparation. Therefore you have to be wrong. I'm sorry to say that Master, but I think you have been given incorrect information. But I must be punished for correcting you." She squirmed off my lap only to place herself across my knees, face down with her ass in prime position. "I require 20 spanks Master!" She informed me.
I ignored her position. "Slave, should a Master listen to his slave or enforce his own punishments?" I asked her.
She stiffened, "My apologies Master, it should be whatever you decide my punishment must be." She said, not changing her position, in fact her hand was slowly reaching to my cock, which she started to masturbate.
I swatted her ass a couple of times. "Behave yourself slave, this is not the place for sex games!" I told her, but I couldn't see why not myself. "I want Margaret aspect back in control and ready for her ballet exercises!"
Slave closed her eyes and then seemed to shudder, Margaret — the replacement one (this was getting confusing!) was back in control. "I am ready Master, shall I return downstairs to start?" I nodded and she ran off to the basement door.
I watched on the monitor as she loaded the tape into the player and started her practise, first light exercises to warm up her legs and arms, then slightly heavier to work on her torso and hips. In fact it was quite relaxing to watch her as she went through these exercises.
A small icon on the computer screen announced an incoming call. I debated whether to answer it or not... but then clicked on the icon to accept the call. Little Cat was on the screen, she smiled when she saw me.
"Greetings Master, my Mistress would like to talk to you." She said cheerfully, "She informs me that she has good news for you." She added as I was about to decline the call.
"Very well Little Cat, pass me onto your Mistress." No I didn't say Elizabeth, I was keeping this formal, a fact that didn't escape Little Cat's notice as her face dropped slightly.
The screen flickered to show Elizabeth's face, she wasn't smiling either so if the news was good it wasn't that encouraging. "Hello Paul, I hope you're feeling a bit better now." She began.
"Not really Elizabeth," I pressed a key on the computer so that she could also see Margaret as she went through her exercises, "I'm told by Margaret that she needs the full tune to be able to recover, and that's lost."
I could see the surprise on Elizabeth's face as she heard that, "I'm sorry to hear that Paul, the good news I had was that the Council has decided to leave Margaret with you for the time being. They were surprised at your dedication to the assignment that you showed."
I stopped her, "In other word I have her until she goes mad with the implants is that what you're saying?" I asked her but she kept quiet and dropped her eyes, "They can't see that Margaret is important in her own way, and they don't want the embarrassment of having to admit that they are wrong!" Still Elizabeth didn't react.
"Look at her Elizabeth, she has a semblance of a life at the moment, but she's confused and is fighting aspects within her, she need more help than I can give her but more she needs her life back." I didn't rant or rave I spoke calmly and clearly.
"But Paul there is nothing we can do for her, if the song is incomplete then she will never recover, the only thing you can do is admit defeat and return her to us for conversion and recovery." Elizabeth was trying to appeal to my better nature, but 'he' wasn't in.
"Not acceptable Elizabeth! I may be clutching at straws but I'm hoping that somewhere in the world is the answer, this Song of the Morning has existed once, so somewhere there might be another part, a fragment that will go with the Ropeville portion." I might have been ranting now but I still tried to control my voice.
"Paul have you considered that it might just be you're fighting against the Council because they are just women?" She asked me
I laughed at that, "Elizabeth I've no quarrel with your council, they are trying to do the best for their community. As long as they are doing a good job then so much the better. But in Margaret's case they are failing her! That is what I'm angry about. I'm sorry if they cannot take criticism but that is their problem not mine!" I then noticed that I had an incoming email so I decided to close the conversation. "Look Elizabeth, give my thanks to the council, I'm glad they've decided to leave Margaret with me, I'm going to do my best for her. And I'll be in touch soon." I closed the communication screen and sat back for a moment. On the screen Margaret was going though a dance routine in her enclosed space, I smiled and then opened the email.
The message was brief and unusual.
'May have information you need, be near a telephone at 21:00 hrs.
There was no return address, and when I tried to trace it I ended up at my own user address!! Whoever was sending the email was good, very good indeed. This SD person either was an expert or had experts working for him/her.
I re-read the email twice more, but still had no idea about it. I was going to have to be careful with this one I realised and started to work on programs on the computer, tying in the phone lines to it.
When I finished it was late afternoon and Margaret was just entering the shower following her exercises, I had nothing to do but wait and so I decided to join her.
She jumped as I entered the shower with her and started to wash her back. She turned around to show her body to me and then sank to her knees. She first of all washed my cock and rinsed the soap off before opening her mouth and taking me into her.
She licked and nibbled the head of my cock before sucking it down further, I could see her nostrils flaring as she started to breathe through her nose, her head bobbing away until she managed to touch my pubic hair with her nose. Then she drew back and began the routine again. She only finished when I inundated her mouth with my seed. She swallowed it all and the got to her feet.
"Thank you Master that was delicious." She said.
"No, thank you Margaret, I didn't expect you to do that." I said to her as I went onto my knees and started to lick at her slit.
"Oh! Master, what are you doing?" She said while holding my head in place as she began to pant in pleasure. I delved into her small slit with my tongue feeling the water start to cascade off my back as I brought her to a climax by quickly nibbling on her clit.
I held onto her as she tried to recover herself, her hands on my shoulders, giggling as I blew raspberries into her navel. When she was ready I started to wash her legs and feet, rubbing my nail across the sole of each foot to make her twist it out of my hands.
When I had finished she started to wash my legs while I did her back, I could feel her trying to tickle my feet but I schooled myself not to react — which annoyed her as she tried several times — but to stand still as she did so.
Finally I decided that we were both clean enough and switched off the shower, pulling out the towels that were nearby and rubbing the young girl dry. I left her holding her towel as I started to dry myself. She reached to me and kissed me.
"Thank you Master, that was so nice!" She said to me smiling.
"That's okay Margaret. Didn't your last Master do that for you?" I asked her and she shook her head.
"No Master, he delighted in making me take cold showers and to run around to get dry, and he would never make me cum like that, he would hit me on my cunt to make me cum, and then moan when I took so long!" she said her voice sounding sad.
I hugged her again, "Well at the moment I am your Master and I promise to treat you right!" I said and directed her to the bed. "Now have a nap and I'll cook us a dinner, after which I have work to prepare for and will leave you down here." I told her, she nodded and laid down on the bed while I went upstairs.
I cooked Margaret a meal, a rare treat for her as was the use of metal cutlery; I had tried to tire her out so that she would sleep early. This way I would be in my office by the computer. With the arrangement that I could monitor and trace any incoming calls, no matter which phone rang, I was interested in this stranger.
Margaret was fast asleep on the bed; the exercises I put her through had exhausted her.
I was sitting in my office, watching the clock — something I'd never really done before, I had my phone handy and the tracer program standing by. I was trying to picture who had answered my email; I couldn't remember anybody with the initials SD. And all the surnames in the 'D' section didn't have first names beginning with 'S'. So I was foxed by this person.
In the hallway my clock announced the hour of nine and on my computer an icon lit up to show I had an incoming call. I glanced at the phone beside me which treacherously remained silent, and then I shrugged and clicked on the icon.
The screen that opened remained dark. But the voice that spoke was completely unknown to me. "You are searching for a song?" It was a female voice, young but somehow sounding old at the same time.
"Yes, it's called the Song of the Morning and it's vital that a girl I have here can listen to it." I started the tracer program.
"How can a song help a girl? What is the matter with her?" The unknown woman asked.
"The song is a key; it will help her to keep her sanity!" I said, keeping it slightly ambiguous
"Why are you so concerned about this girl? What have you done to put her into such a state?" She asked.
"Well, since you're on my computer I'm sure you can accept a conference call?" I asked her she gave me an affirmative and so I activated the basement camera, panning it to focus on the sleeping, naked, girl. "This is Margaret, she is a ten year-old girl who was kidnapped a year ago by... someone, who had implanted two personalities in her and then tried to eliminate her own personality. But something went wrong thanks to her father who had already done some work on her mind; she was able to hide herself away." I explained realising that the truth was required now.
"And what has that to do with your request?" She unknown woman asked.
"It seems that to return her mind to normal, or as near normal as three aspects can be sharing one mind, she needs to hear the song, as I said earlier it's a key to her mind."
"Three? You only mentioned two? What is the third?" She queried.
"It's Margaret herself, she is aware of what has happened to her and is trying to fight it. The tune is needed, but she needs the full tune but she tells me that it has been lost and so I don't think you'll be able to help me at all." My tracer program had found the number and was displaying it on my screen, it seemed familiar.
"I will need to consider this matter, but I should tell you that you are wrong, the complete tune has been re-discovered and, in a way, it's due to you. My Master considers us to be in your debt... goodbye, I will call in 4 hours!" and she broke the connection.
But I wasn't going to be thwarted like that, I pressed the tracer icon to redial the number, this time I was going to find out...
The phone beside me started to ring; I picked it up and spoke into it, only to be met by feedback as my voice sounded on the computer speakers. Yes I had traced the call back to me! It was impossible but there it was! I said she was good!
4 hours later I was sitting by the computer, waiting for the call — She was prompt I'd give her that.
"Did you have fun?" She opened dryly.
I had to smile, "Oh yes, but I had to try anyway. I will admit that you're better than I am, so no more traces and no bugs." I said
"Your word on that?" The question was almost formal as if testing me somehow.
"For the sake of Margaret I give you my word. But should she be deliberately harmed I will do my best to find you and make you pay!" I said, realising that I meant every word.
"Excellent..." And the window brightened to show a woman's face, severe and serious. "An honest answer and from the heart, I must admit it was what I had expected from you, having been a buyer of your goods." I must have looked puzzled as she pressed a control button and another window opened, showing two girls walking in step, just as I had trained them.
"Sinister and Dexter, I wasn't actually sure where their final destination was, I had received an email telling me that they had arrived and that they were safe and happy." I smiled as I watched the second screen as the two girls were seated, together, reading a book, but I couldn't identify the language.
"They were the two we found that we needed. Can I ask why you decided to teach them music?" She asked me
"Well, Dexter already knew how to play the piano, and Sinister wanted to learn the flute, it was a way to keep them happy!" I said, noticing that I was being scrutinised closely
"Why would you want them to be happy?" She asked sounding puzzled, but her face was clear of any doubt.
I gestured at the screen where the two girls were giggling away at some joke, "Isn't it better to have a happy slave to that of a grumpy, unhappy slave? They'd still do the work but the results are better if they enjoy what they are doing."
She looked to the side and smiled, "Yes, although they do sometimes over extend themselves and they have to be reigned in," She returned her gaze to me, "And of course they are punished, does that cause you concern?" She asked.
I shook my head, "Not at all, slaves will make mistakes and will be punished for it; I trust they have accepted that." I returned the gaze to her, to watch her face as she answered.
"In fact they have more control than some of the others here, and they have been most helpful to the Mistress in charge of the detail, showing her better ways to use the whip and lash. Your knowledge is very good."
I smiled and inclined my head, "I thank you, but I wasn't the only trainer. Now as much as I like talking about my girls I need to know about your decision." I could see her face change at my question, more veiled, "I'm sorry if I sound pushy but Margaret's life is literally in the balance, I've already told her home town council that I will do whatever I can to help her, but they are planning to reclaim her and completely wipe her memory, I don't want that as I feel she deserves to live her life, not someone else's!" I was exaggerating this slightly but if I failed then that is what would happen.
"Why do you feel such compassion for a slave you don't know? Why not leave her to her own people.
I considered her question and gave the only answer I could, "Because she has fought for her identity, she wants to be herself. And I'll be dammed if I'll allow anyone else to decide for her. It isn't right!" I know I was almost shouting that but it was how I felt.
The woman started to laugh and then stopped herself. "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you, or rather I'm laughing at your stance. You kidnap girls to train as slaves, and here you are working hard to get a slave back to her real self! Isn't there some form of double standard speaking?" She asked me.
I had to shake my head, "Not really. I accept commissions to supply what people require. If they need a slave then that is what I deliver. But when Margaret was first brought to me I was asked to try to break her conditioning, and so I am. When I try to do something I will do everything I can to achieve it!" I stared into the camera as if trying to look her right in to her eyes.
She looked at me in the same way, as if considering my words, there was no laughter in her now, but a thoughtful look on her face. "Very well! I will arrange for her collection and... treatment I suppose is the term. She will be well treated while here, do not be concerned about that. I will ensure that Sinister and Dexter will be with her at all times."
"There may be a problem with that, she has been conditioned not to allow other slaves to take her place, and she might see them as adversaries." I warned her.
She smiled, "We will take care of that as well, do not worry."
"Thank you," I said, "when can I expect your people?" I added.
"When they arrive, but don't concern yourself, you won't notice anything at all... not at all!" She said and there was something behind me...
I'm not sure what happened then as I blacked out
... When I awoke it was daylight and the phone was ringing away. I was lying on my bed; I looked at my watch 10 O'clock what had happened last night.
The phone demanded answering and so I did, Elizabeth was on the other end. "Paul? Are you alright, we've been ringing for hours."
"I'm fine Elizabeth, I was talking to someone last night and the next thing I know is that its 6 hours later..." I broke off as I looked at the monitor, Margaret's bed was empty. I switched cameras to check the whole of the basement, then the ground floor and then the upper floor. I checked the locks on the doors, all bolted on the inside. I sat down on the bed and picked up the phone again.
"Paul? Paul?... What's happening?" Elizabeth demanded.
"Elizabeth, it's impossible, it's just impossible..." I said stupidly
"Paul what's impossible? Tell me what has happened?" Elizabeth said calming herself down in her effort to bring me back to normal.
I swallowed and breathed deeply, "Elizabeth I don't know how, but Margaret is no longer in the house! In fact I don't know where she is!" I told her.
Margaret awoke to find two girls looking at her, they were dressed alike and smiled alike, at first she wanted to obey her first impulse — to remove these replacements from taking over, she was the one to serve her Master... but then a thought intruded itself into her thoughts... 'Why should I, they're not a threat to me!' and she relaxed.
"Hello Margaret, my name is Dexter, you're quite safe here..." The first girl said
"... as we're not going to hurt you, we promise. My name is Sinister," The second completed.
Margaret looked at the two of them, they were dressed identically in what appeared to be a uniform and was now aware of her nakedness.
The two girls held out their hands to Margaret, she looked at them, a portion of her mind was screaming out at her to strike them down, but she just smiled at them and gently took their hands letting them pull her to her feet.
They started to walk to the door, but Margaret held back. "I can't go outside like this. I'm not allowed to!" This was true - as part of her programming — it had been forced into her mind that she could only be naked indoors, to protect her Master, and from the sunshine under the door if she left the room she would be outside.
Dexter seemed to think for a moment and then smiled, "Margaret, if our normal uniform can be worn outside would you be able to join us?"
Margaret looked at them quizzically, "But you're in your uniform, and I don't think you have a spare?" She finished up by asking.
Sinister now smiled as she realised what her sister was doing and started to undo the tunic she was wearing to reveal her flesh underneath. Dexter was also undressing, she undid the buttons on Sinister's skirt while Sinister was doing the same to hers. They shook their hips to let the skirts fall to the ground; they then picked up their clothes and folded them neatly before turning to Margaret.
"Now Margaret, this is our normal uniform, please come with us, it's quite safe." Dexter giggled to Margaret while Sinister opened the door. Margaret closed her eyes for a moment before she reached out with her hands.
The two girls, Dexter holding Margaret's fight hand and Sinister her left, drew Margaret out through the door and into a sun filled plaza.
Margaret looked around at the buildings surrounding her, "What is this place?" She asked
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