Margaret - Lost From Her Mind - Cover

Margaret - Lost From Her Mind

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 8

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Paul is back! This time doing something that isn't natural to him - Getting a slave back to being a normal girl. Add Ropeville's interest, an unscrupulous slaver's training and you'll see that things are never simple. So now where can he get help? - Chapter 5 has Margaret's story of her abduction and so some of the codes reflect this part!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Mind Control   Slavery   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Sadistic   Torture   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Size   Violence  

I awoke alone, as I had for the past week.

The sunlight was pushing its way into my bedroom without any regard to my privacy, lighting up the dark recesses of my room. I groaned I don't know when I went to bed... Then I realised, I didn't know when I went to bed!

I thought back to the last memory I had of yesterday. I spoken to Elizabeth yet again - The council had already accused me of disposing of Margaret and there was talk of withholding Billie-Jo and Pauline, but Elizabeth had successfully argued that there was no need for me to attempt anything like that. But they were still miffed at my accusations that any excuse would do I suppose.

I smiled at that thought, Ok then Elizabeth's call, listened to the radio for a bit — never anything on television nowadays — then the wrong number... then... then I woke up just now? So what happened?

I could smell... something? Did I leave the oven on last night? I got out of bed and walked out of my room, I didn't bother dressing, as there was no point!

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and a very nice sight greeted me.

Standing by the hob was a young girl, a tie around her waist and another around her neck showing she was wearing an apron. I'd already experienced the problems you can have when cooking naked and so I didn't mind her wearing that. (see Pauline by abc-T on the Lolita Bondage site)

The girl turned around and jumped when she saw me in the doorway, it was Margaret!

"Oh Master! I wanted to surprise you!" She said.

I smiled at her, "Well you've certainly succeeded! When did you arrive? Moreover. How did you arrive?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "I donno Master, I fell asleep in my room at the school and the next thing I know is waking up today in the cell. Do you mind if I carry on cooking breakfast? And can I have some as well please?" She asked smiling at me.

I was so relieved that I smiled back and nodded my permission, she gestured to the kitchen table where a placemat was sitting. I went to it and went to sit down, but paused and got another placemat and then some cutlery which I put out for us both.

Margaret returned to her cooking, I listened to the sizzle and pops as the bacon fried away. I watched her as she seemed to be doing two meals at the same time, as if she was ambidextrous, which was strange as she had never shown this previously. I then saw the red stripes on her back and legs. She had been whipped recently, but did not seem to be bothered by this. She also moved easier than I remembered — she used to have stiffness with her back, as if it had been injured? It appears that this 'school' had done more than just restored her mind... If it was as if her body had been restored?

Margaret quickly put the food on plates as then placed the frying pans into the sink, pouring water onto them to cool them down. She removed the apron, picked up the plates and brought them to the table. Then she surprised me by putting the plate onto the mats and then sitting down! Why the surprise? Well she didn't offer to suck me off for her food, which is how she'd been programmed to perform for her food.

She picked up the metal knife and fork and went to cut the bacon, but then she took another look at the cutlery before looking at me and smiling, "Thank you Master." She said.

I shook my head, "I'm not your Master Margaret! My name is Paul and I was asked to restore your mind. I failed at that I'm sorry to say."

She shook her head. "No Master, you didn't fail. And while you're in charge I will call you Master no matter what your name is.

This was Margaret, but it was also Margaret plus! But plus what?

We ate the breakfast in silence; Margaret seemed lost in her thoughts. I gave her some bread with which to mop up the yoke of the eggs. She thanked me and started swirling the yellow yoke before transferring it to her mouth.

We put the plates into the dishwasher, although I like my slaves to work at menial tasks there were limits!

"Master could you come with me down to the basement? There's something I have to do." Margaret asked me, the tone of her voice intrigued me and so I nodded my head.

In the basement I found a couple of additions, a pink ballet tutu and a stack of videotapes. I glanced at these but then Margaret was making me sit down on the bed, she sat down in front of me.

"Master I have to tell you about me. How I'm able to be here. My name is Trinity, as there are three people controlling me..." I sat and listened as she told me the whole story about her days at the school with the mysterious Mistress E (or Sister E as she also seemed to be called).

"So you see Master if you hadn't sent me to that school I'd never find myself or Mahut and Maggie." Margaret finally said. I laughed at that.

"Margaret, sorry Trinity, I didn't as such send you to the school, I was contacted by a mysterious woman who told me that she might be able to help you. She told me that she would collect you and that you would be safe."

I paused for effect, "What I didn't know was that she'd already arranged for you to be taken, after I finished talking to her I fell asleep. When I awoke the next day you had gone and I didn't know where."

And I told her my story of the past few days.

... When I awoke the phone was ringing away. I was lying on my bed, I looked at my watch. 10 O'clock what had happened last night?

The phone demanded answering and so I did, Elizabeth was on the other end. "Paul? Are you alright, we've been ringing for hours."

"I'm fine Elizabeth, I was talking to someone last night and the next thing I know is that its 6 hours later..." I broke off as I looked at the monitor, Margaret's bed was empty. I switched cameras to check the whole of the basement, then the ground floor and then the upper floor. I checked the locks on the doors, all bolted on the inside. I sat down on the bed and picked up the phone again.

"Paul? Paul?... What's happening?" Elizabeth demanded.

"Elizabeth, it's impossible, it's just impossible..." I said stupidly

"Paul what's impossible, tell me what has happened?" Elizabeth said calming herself down in her effort to bring me back to normal.

I swallowed and breathed deeply, "Elizabeth I don't know how, but Margaret is no longer in the house! In fact I don't know where she is!" I told her.

There was a moment of silence before Elizabeth spoke. "I don't understand Paul? How can you say that?"

I shook my head, knowing that Elizabeth couldn't see me. "Look Elizabeth, All I know is that Margaret was here last night when I went to bed, but now she isn't. All the doors are locked on the inside! I've just got no idea where she is."

"But how Paul? Is the security system active?" She asked me. I pressed a few buttons on my computer.

"Yes, but it shows that it was deactivated at 03:00 hrs for 10 minutes, then it was reactivated. Shit! It shows my code as the deactivation message. I switched it off!" This was getting creepy.

"You turned off the system yourself, Paul do you know what you're saying? You know how this looks." She said this calmly forcing me to be calm as well.

"I know Elizabeth; all I can remember of last night is receiving two phone calls, the second one at 1 O'clock last night. I don't remember hanging up or even going to bed, but that's where I found myself when you called."

A different voice sounded - a man's voice now. "This is Commander Evans! This call is being intercepted and recorded."

"I didn't ask you to monitor my calls Commander." Elizabeth remonstrated.

"I'm sorry doctor, but this concerns a citizen of Ropeville, we have to be involved! This is at the orders of the Council! Mr. Paul Purple we require remote access to your computer with regards to this incident." Evans voice showed some regret... but not much.

"Of course Commander, it is on and..." I didn't get the chance to finish as I watched the screen flicker on the computer as it was remotely switched on.

"Paul I'll have to speak to the council, I'll need to know what they're going to do." Elizabeth said.

"Doctor I don't think they will act rashly at the present time." Evans said, "Mr. Purple please do not leave your house, we have activated the security system and the outside doors and windows are being monitored." He told me.

"Very well Commander, I'm under house arrest until the council decides otherwise." I said.

"Sorry son, just doing my job." Evans replied before breaking the link.

I just listened to the silence of the receiver.

So here I was, missing my 'patient'! Completely at a loss as to how this could have happened! I sat on the bed for an hour trying to recover my senses.

The rest of the day was spent in a daze. I checked the basement again for any clues. No clothing was missing - but then she didn't wear any to begin with. She didn't have any toys to take except for — Nope! Danny was still here, a stupid smile on his face.

"I wish you could tell me what happened." I said to it, but he kept quiet.

I returned upstairs, there was someone at the door, it was Elizabeth. "Can you open the door please Paul." She asked I did so. Elizabeth was outside with a female officer from the Ropeville police. I stepped back to let them in.

"So am I under arrest?" I asked as I led them to the living room.

"No Paul, to be honest we're as confused as you are. I want to try something if you don't mind?" She asked me.

"If it's going to clear this up then, no, go ahead." I replied. She sat opposite me and looked at me.

"Paul have you ever been hypnotised? Ever in your life?" She asked.

I smiled and shook my head, "Not even with stage hypnotists, I can't be sure that I'd reveal my work." I looked at the police office who was pointedly looking the other way.

Elizabeth kept serious as she spoke. "I want to hypnotise you Paul, take you back to yesterday... If I can. There are some people who can't be hypnotised and normally the more it's been done to you the easier it can be to put you under again." She explained.

I took a deep breath and said I was ready. Elizabeth took my hands and started to speak to me, I can't remember what was said, but she spoke in slow, measured, tones, which seemed, to, lull, me, in, to...

"... paul, Paul, PAUL! Wake up Paul." Elizabeth said, her face was white and she was sweating.

I blinked my eyes, "I'm sorry Elizabeth, what happened?" I asked her.

"You don't remember?" She asked and looked at the Police officer who shrugged her shoulders.

"Remember what? The last thing I know was you were talking to me and then you started to shout at me. I presume it didn't work, I'm sorry Elizabeth." I said.

"On the contrary Paul Purple, it was successful." The voice came from the computer; I glanced at it to find a blank window. When did the council log in? I wondered. "You do not realise that you may have brought ruin to us all with your foolish actions!" The voice was accusing.

"I did what I had to! I asked for help from the council and was refused! I had to try elsewhere. That they are more advanced than you isn't my problem!" I wasn't sure why I said that, just that it seemed the right thing to say.

"They represent... others who we're not sure about. They might seek our end. We shall have to consider our options. We may even have to withdraw our protection for you." The voice said.

"Well, as long as you return Pauline and Billie-Jo, I can honestly say I don't care!" I retorted.

"The children may benefit from staying here. As I said we will consider." And the screen closed with those words.

"THEY CAN'T DO THAT!" I roared, "Those two are mine to look after. It was just because Margaret wouldn't co-operate with them here that Ropeville took them!"

Elizabeth just sat there, "Paul, I'm sure it will work out, now calm down." The police officer took up position beside Elizabeth, ready to protect her from me.

"So what did I do?" I asked Elizabeth.

"Well we've found out who it was opened the doors and allowed Margaret to leave. They then locked the door and forgot all about doing it, consciously that is." Elizabeth said looking at me.

I was slightly slow on the uptake; I looked from Elizabeth to the officer and then back to Elizabeth. "ME? I did that? How?" I finally asked.

"You had been hypnotised to a very deep degree, I'm not even sure how it was done, but you were the one who went down to the basement, injected Margaret with an anaesthetic and then carried her upstairs. You were also the one who contacted the Council, directly without using the directory! Paul no-body knows that number outside of Ropeville! You then gave the council a message, basically it said that Margaret was safe and would be returned in a few days' time. The message also offered friendship with Ropeville, and that they would send an ambassador to open communications with the Council if they wanted. Then you went back into the trance again." Elizabeth said.

That shook me, not that I had done that. Just the fact that it was done so easily.

"There's nothing more we can do here doctor, I suggest we leave before the helicopter attracts attention" The police officer said.

"So what about me? Do I stay under house arrest or what?" I asked her.

"Buggered if I know! All I'll suggest is to make sure you don't go too far away." She told me.

Elizabeth was slightly more forthcoming, "Paul, I wouldn't worry too much. You were under a foreign influence. There was nothing you could have done about it. I'll return to Ropeville and convince the Council." She told me as she was getting up from her seat.

I got up as well, noting how the officer ensured that she was between Elizabeth and me, "Okay, but remind them that if they had tried to help in the first place, then none of this would ever have happened." I said opening the front door.

"I don't think they'll want to think about that. I'm striving for damage limitation at the moment. They mean what they say about keeping Pauline and Billie-Jo. I have to convince them that they're in the wrong about that!"

I watched the pair of them as they walked to the field where a helicopter waited for them.

I smiled at Margaret (no, Trinity must remember that!)

"I'm sorry Master; I didn't mean to cause you any problems." She said and climbed into my lap. I didn't register what she intended and was quite surprised when she slotted my cock into her slit. I tried to stop her (Yes, honest I did!) But she ignored my protests.

"Master, you have been without female companionship for several days, I haven't pleasured a man for the same time! You just lean back and enjoy it." She said as she started to move her body up and down.

I held onto her back as she moved feeling the smoothness of her skin. "Thank you Trinity." I said to her as her movements began to have their effect on me. I fell back onto the bed allowing the girl to work away while enabling me to reach her chest with her budding breasts, even after a few days there was some change there, I rubbed them causing the girl to gasp in pleasure.

Eventually, quite quickly in fact, I erupted inside the girl who paused in her movements but obviously had not reached her peak, so I moved my hand down to her slit and started to rub the clitoris I found there.

"Oh yes Master, yes, please, please." She started to moan in appreciation and then started to shudder as she came. She fell forward onto my chest as her pleasure flowed through her.

I rubbed her back while she was recovering, feeling my cock start to rise again. As it hadn't disengaged from her beforehand, it pushed its way up inside her slit.

"Please do it again Master." She said softly and allowed me to turn over, placing her beneath me. She raised her legs up as far as she could to enable me to push in as deep as I could. I knew she couldn't do that in the time I was looking after her and again wondered how she could have been cured in so short a time.

Due to my previous experience I was able to bring her off twice before I began to spurt again inside her. She smiled up at me before wriggling down my body to enable her to engulf my cock in her mouth. She then cleaned me off and dried me by using her hair. She then managed to end up on the floor, on her knees and bowing to me.

"Thank you Master, I'm happy you still like your unworthy slave." She said smiling away, "I did think you might have picked another girl to vent your body on."

I shook my head, "Sorry to disappoint you Mar... Trinity, but I can't just wave my hand and a girl would fall into my lap. Most of the time it take planning and time before the right girl can be taken."

I smiled at her and then glanced at the pile of tapes that had returned with her, I noticed that there was a tape just labelled 'Margaret — a dancer'. I picked it up and put it into the video player, when I pressed play I saw my two previous pupils, Sinister and Dexter, sitting with instruments at hand. Then the screen dissolved to show Margaret, young and naked warming up. Then she nodded her head and music began to play.

For the next half-hour I watched as Margaret danced to the music of the two girls, I could understand why Mistress Hildegard had expressed such glee when presented with the prospect of having this girl to teach in the future.

When the screen faded to black I started to applause the girl in front of me, watching her blush as she stood to curtsy before me. "I take it that you don't want to change to gymnastics?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "No thank you Master, I've found that I like dancing now. I'm not sure what I would do without it." She said, "It kept me sane when I thought I'd be going mad. As Trinity I find that we all enjoy the movements and the actions that we can do. I'm sorry Master, but I don't know how else to explain it."

I laughed and held her hand. "That's okay Trinity, there are times when Pauline gets confused as to who's actually in control of her body, you are luckier as the three of you co-exist and co-operate with each other." I told her pulling her in to hold her close to me.

And so we remained for some time - just letting her relax in post-coital bliss. Then she shook herself and I released her, she took my hand and pulled me to the shower, where we just washed each other. I did offer to bring her off again but she shook her head.

"I'm sorry Master, I'm not refusing you as such, it's just that I've got something to do! And I have to do it!" I could see that this puzzled her.

"I think that like me you've been programmed by this Sister E, you'll have to complete that programming and then you'll be back to your new normal.

She looked at me and nodded, "I'm glad you understand Master, I think that I might hurt you if you'd refused." She said quietly.

"The reason why I understand is because I might also have been programmed as well." I told her, I dried us both off and we went upstairs, I went into Billie-Jo's bedroom and retrieved a sun-dress, then I went to my bedroom and pulled on a tee-shirt and pants. Together we went down to my office and sat down in front of my computer.

"Who should we contact first?" I asked her.

"I think I need to apologise to that woman who tried to help me at the hospital." Trinity said.

I brought up the dialling software and selected Elizabeth's number. After a few minutes Little Cat answered the call. "Hello Master, I'll connect you to my Mistress." She said but was stopped by Trinity.

"Not yet please, you were the girl in the hospital, the one I attacked aren't you?" She asked.

Little Cat stared at Trinity and her eyes opened as she recognised her assailant. She nodded.

"I'm so sorry! I thought you were supposed to replace me as a slave and I was so confused that I had to attack you to show that I was stronger. It was something I'd been made to do! Can you please forgive me?" Trinity asked her.

I could see Little Cat's eyes, they showed her confusion and so I spoke up. "She does mean it Little Cat; it was part of her conditioning. She didn't want to hurt you but had no choice."

"I don't understand but if Master says it is so then I have to believe him. I accept your apology. I will pass you onto Mistress now." The screen faded for a moment and a burst of music started to play.

When it brightened Elizabeth's face was showing amazement. "Hello Margaret, Little Cat has told me what you said, are you fully aware of what you did?" She asked without preamble.

"Doctor. I know how I was treated and how my mind was altered by my kidnapper, I'm not certain if it is under control at the moment, but I hope so. My name is Margaret, Mahut and Maggie, collectively we are Trinity."

Elizabeth blinked at the words but recovered herself. "I see, so if I wanted to talk to Margaret?" She asked.

"I'm here Doctor, I remember you! You came to see Daddy before he left." Margaret said smiling.

Elizabeth smiled back at her, "Yes Margaret I did, how do you feel about this situation?"

Margaret frowned, "It's strange, I mean I'm here, but I'm aware of the other two, Mahut and Maggie, it's like they're standing in the shadows, I do know that if I have a problem they will be there to help me."

Elizabeth wasn't as fazed as I expected, but then with the people like Pauline she knew about aspects and was treating Trinity as just another aspect of Margaret. "So who else inhabits your body?" She asked.

Margaret lowered her eyes, and someone else looked back at Elizabeth. "My name is Mahut; I was a handmaiden to Ra at the temple of Kom Ombo. The high priest Yonlon killed me and imprisoned my soul in a Canoptic jar. I was implanted into Margaret by Roger in order to control the new construct that had also been implanted." Mahut lowered her eyes again.

The next person looked up and smiled, "Hi there, I'm Maggie, I was created from Margaret's memories, but some were not included, so I'm younger than I seem, I remember you too Doctor Liz, you asked me some questions... Oh sorry, you asked Margaret some questions before we left. I remember waving goodbye to Maddie and you when dad... Margaret's dad... drove us off."

Elizabeth blinked, slightly overwhelmed by Maggie's approach to this questioning, but Trinity was now back together. "We apologise for Maggie Doctor Elizabeth but she is really the child within, just as Mahut is the adult within." This time I blinked!

"Hold on, I understood about Maggie being younger, but just how old is Mahut?" I asked.

Trinity thought for a moment and then Mahut blinked her eyes. "Master, I have seen 24 summers," She lowered her eyes before looking up, "I hope my age hasn't put you off this body." She asked.

I laughed and hugged her, "Not at all Mahut, but unfortunately all I can see is the body, not the occupants." I told her.

On the screen Elizabeth laughed at my answer, "Don't worry, Trinity, you'll find that most men will only take notice of the body. You will be enticing to Paul as you are." She then reset her face. "I take it you're reporting that Margaret has been returned to you."

I nodded, "But as you can see more than Margaret has returned. Like me she has a message for your Council, but unlike me she knows about it. I thought it would be better if you stayed on the line to listen to it. I believe the police are monitoring this call anyway I request that they disengage now." I waited for a moment and then called up the manual dialling program.

Trinity reached for the keypad and pressed a series of numbers, but before she could press the enter key another screen opened on my computer.

"There is no need for that — The council of Ropeville is present!" The same woman's voice, the one I nicknamed No. 1, spoke out.

Trinity positioned herself in front of the camera. "Greetings, I bring you a message from Sister E. The time of separation is nearing its end! I send you this child as an ambassador. A child of both our realms, able to talk to us and you. As a gesture of our goodwill I offer you a gift." Trinity turned to look at me, "Master I would ask you to leave for the time being, the gift I offer is not intended to be heard by you, I don't mean to be rude but it is important."

Her eyes were pleading and so I got up, "Don't upset this girl or I'll come back to Ropeville and find your meeting place and really turn it over!" I left the room before they could reply. As I closed the door I heard Trinity start to sing.

I was tempted to listen to the call on another system, but decided not to. I went down to the basement and looked around. It was in a slight mess, so I started to tidy it up.

I smiled when I thought about the times I'd spent here with my girls; I wasn't sure why I was having these depressing thoughts. I went to the toy cupboard and started to make an inventory of the items there. Nipple clamps in size order, likewise the dildos (mainly from mouse size to oh-my-god-NO!). Then the whips, from fine-hair to bull.

I must have spent over an hour before I heard the basement door open. I turned to see Trinity there looking at me. I was holding a flogger in my hand. She smiled and removed her sun-dress leaving her naked in front of me.

"Master, I gave you an order earlier. A slave should never put herself above her Master, I deserve punishment." She went down onto her knees and spread her arms out.

I felt the weight of the flogger in my hands and thought, 'why not?' I stepped up to the girl and walked around her. She didn't move and kept her head forward.

I struck on her back first with the flogger, watching her skin turn red with the aftershock of the blow. "Thank you Master." She said and remained in position, I walked around her again, this time the blow was straight onto her breasts. I watched her eyes open wide as she took in a deep breath and then released it. "Thank you Master." She said again.

The next blow landed on her ass, right on the crevasse, the fingers of the flogger separating the cheeks and finding the bits in-between. She didn't scream out but took another deep breath. "T... thank you... Master." She managed to say.

"Stand up Trinity and spread your legs. I'd like a larger target to aim at." I said quietly. She did this without questioning, I began to worry that she had slipped back into the slave persona that Roger had created.

I had decided on five strikes, so far three down two to go. The fourth again was targeted on her ass. She wasted a few minutes before she was able to say, "Thank you Master!" She now knew where the last strike was going, she reached up with her arms as if trying to find something there, and then she went onto her tip-toes and waited.

I knew she couldn't hold that pose for long and so I immediately brought the flogger up between her legs. The strands finding their way into parts of her that she hadn't realised she had. Her mouth opened in a silent scream and she started to breathe quickly, almost hyperventilating. Then she managed to control herself and she spoke again, "Thank you Master." And she waited for more!

"That's it Trinity! I think 5 is enough at the moment, you may relax now." I said. She lowered herself down onto the soles of her feet and lowered her arms; I pulled her close to me. And then she cried, not the tears of the newly whipped, but an agonising bawl of a child who has lost everything. I knew she was crying for her parents, killed long months ago as part payment for her enslavement. I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I laid her down on the mattress and covered her with a blanket. In an afterthought I picked up Danny and put him with her. A ten year old child with her favourite toy. I moved a chair to beside the bed and sat down watching her as she sobbed herself to sleep.

I awoke with a pain in my back. I vowed that I would never sleep in an upright chair again. The lights in the basement were dim; it must have been late at night. I'd missed dinner and my stomach was making its objections known to me.

I got up from the chair and looked at the sleeping girl in front of me. She was holding tight to the teddy-bear and smiling. I resisted the urge to stroke her hair and walked quietly from the cell.

I walked upstairs to find that it was dark outside; I was surprised that so much time had passed. I must have been more fatigued than I'd realised, perhaps my worry about Margaret was the cause of this. I went to the kitchen and turned on the hot-plates to start cooking a meal.

I looked around for the frying pan... which I found in the sink! We hadn't cleaned it from this morning. I pulled it out and ran water over it before wiping it, not very hygienic but then... I was hungry.

I looked through my cupboards for food, and found them completely stocked up! I checked the dishwasher, it was empty! So what the hells happened and why was the frying pan still in the sink?

I checked the freezer, again fully stocked. I found a couple of TV dinners, looked at them and shrugged. I turned off the hot-plates and switched on the oven. I went through the house while the oven was heating up.

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