Margaret - Lost From Her Mind - Cover

Margaret - Lost From Her Mind

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 7

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Paul is back! This time doing something that isn't natural to him - Getting a slave back to being a normal girl. Add Ropeville's interest, an unscrupulous slaver's training and you'll see that things are never simple. So now where can he get help? - Chapter 5 has Margaret's story of her abduction and so some of the codes reflect this part!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Mind Control   Slavery   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Sadistic   Torture   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Size   Violence  

Margaret was awoken by a mouth sucking on her, just forming, breast and another one was licking at her slit. She squirmed about, enjoying the feelings that were going through her body.

"I think she's awake, Sinister!" Dexter's voice came to Margaret's ears.

"No I'm not, I'm still sleeping!" Margaret said curling herself up in an effort to get more sleep.

"No time for that, you've got to have a shower and get dressed!" Sinister said while she and Dexter dragged her from the bed to the bathroom. They held her upright as they turned on the shower. All the girls squealed as cold water assaulted them, but they stayed in the spray until Margaret could stand on her own.

Then Dexter adjusted the spray, so that warm water began to cover them all. They then started to soap each other. Sinister giggled. "That took me back to when Master was teaching us a lesson."

Dexter laughed with her. "Oh yes! And we had Goosebumps for ages after." But then both girls noticed that Margaret had started to cry. "What's wrong Margaret, we're only playing!" Dexter said concerned.

"Oh I know that, it's just that my other Master would make me take a cold shower every day and then he'd make me run around to dry off! I would have to stay in the shower for what seems like hours! At least Master was kinder to me." She started to look wistful, "In a way I liked him, 'cos he seemed to care about me."

Dexter and Sinister went to either side of Margaret and held her close, "We're sorry Margaret, we just wanted to wake you up, Mistress would be angry with us, if you were late." They said to her.

Margaret used a towel to dry her eyes and gave a small smile to her friends. "I know you were, and I'd never want to get you into trouble." And the three of them hugged tighter together.

A knock was heard on the door, which opened. Emily and Danielle were there, "Come on you three, it's almost time for Margaret to be at the greeting place."

The two older girls pulled Margaret, gently, out of the shower and started to towel her off. Then they dressed her in clothes, it was done so quickly that Margaret didn't have time to register the fact.

Sinister and Dexter were also dressed by this time, in the tunics and skirts in which they had first met Margaret, and grabbed hold of Margaret's hands. Emily kissed Margaret and then Dexter and Sinister. "Now you two take her straight there, no time to sightsee anymore." She told the twins.

"Yes Miss Emily, thank you Miss Emily and Miss Danielle." The twins said as they started running from the room. They ran in a direction that Margaret had never been in before, approaching the sea, they entered an area that seemed to have been carved from marble, it was so white and somehow cold, she shivered, glad to be wearing clothes for the first time since she was taken. Then she stopped and pulled the two girls up.

"It's not right! I shouldn't be dressed like this!" she said

"But Margaret, it's what Mistress ordered, and it's too cold to be naked, yeah! The sun isn't even up. Look there's a place there for you, just sit down for us?" the twins said while showing to seat.

Margaret sat down and then before she could say a word she found herself being tied up with her hands behind her, her legs were then shackled to a length of chain. She looked up at the girls, her eyes showing betrayal at their actions.

"We're sorry Margaret, but it was our Mistress's command, we will be here with you, yes all the time!" The two girls sat down on the ground beside the chair and looked out to the sea. "I like this place; it was where we first met our Mistress, and when we first heard... Shush its beginning."

Four girls appeared and took their positions on the cardinal points of the compass. Then Sister E appeared and stood facing where the sky was brightening.

Sister E turned to where Margaret was seated. 'Mahut! Nut is giving birth to Ra; his journey in the underworld is coming to an end, an end that is now a beginning. I give to you a new beginning.

The girl on the Eastern point started a chant; this was taken up by the girl on the Northern point. This was quickly followed by the West and Southern girls before Sister E began. She started to sing...

After the first few notes Margaret's head lifted. "I know that tune, I know this song..." Then her face changed, she started to panic. "But... I don't want to... lose Mahut or Maggie... They're a part of me now... Please Sinister, Dexter... Stop them... Oh please stop them."

But the two girls just sat beside her, humming softly in tune with the music.

'My sisters, I bid thee farewell, Margaret I regret that the time in which we knew each other, truly knew each other, was so short. Live on my sister. Join your family, but remember me at times. I, Mahut, would want to be with you, but if the gods' decree otherwise then until Seth lets us meet again... '

"Margaret, Mahut, I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..." And Maggie's voice seemed to fade as Margaret started to automatically sing along with Sister E, her high voice joining in with the words as the full song greeted the dawn.

Even while she sang she struggled with the bonds that held her physically. In her mind she was calling to Mahut and Maggie, picturing them in her mind, holding their essence close to her.

In the world a new day dawned as the five (six) worshipper sang the song of the Morning. With the last note Margaret gave a scream and fainted.

When Margaret awoke she found Mistress Andrea looking at her with concern on her face, "Hello. And WHO are YOU?" she asked.

Margaret raised herself form the cold metal and looked at her, "I'm Margaret of course, where is this? Did dad send you?" And then the memories returned to her and she knew where she was. "Of course he didn't, he died some months ago." Then she gave a grim smile, "But I avenged their deaths!"

Then her face altered, became more serene, a sense of calm seemed to flow from her, 'I, Mahut, am here sister. Then another change, a younger face almost making her the child that she really was, "Oh wow! It worked!"

Margaret started to look around, "Its Mahut and Maggie! They're still with me!" She said.

"Of course they are! Did you think I would allow any girl in my charge to be harmed?" Sister E said, walking into view.

"But I thought the song would remove them? I was so scared..." Margaret said

"That YOU decided to help them remain. You wanted to hold them safe and you did. I knew you would." Sister E smiled and looked at Andrea, "Andrea told me you had enough strength to do so."

Margaret looked at Andrea who nodded. "I can sense people, their moods and feelings, even when asleep. You are a compassionate person that will, however, do what it takes to achieve your heart's desire. Mahut has maturity; she will guide you when things look bleak or obscured. And Maggie..." Andrea smiled, "Maggie is the child that you should have been, look after her as your childhood is a thing to treasured!" she smiled at Margaret and ruffled the girl's hair, "I think that physically she's alright Priestess, she will need time to understand her mental state, I expect that her two other internal persona's will take control at times. It may be confusing but she will get used to it!"

Sister E nodded and smiled, Andrea left the two(?) of them together. Sister E sat down in front of Margaret and folded her hand in her lap. "I have to apologise to the three of you. When I first met you Margaret, I was going to just restore the person Margaret, but when I met Mahut, I realised that she had more to give you. And so, Margaret, I have cursed you to live with your sisters forever."

'But Priestess, Mistress, I don't think it's a curse they have so much to offer me. And I want them to live on with me, if they want to' Margaret said in Hebrew.

"Only they can answer that question." Sister E said quietly.

"Mistress, Priestess, I feel that there is something I can do along with this child, She has convinced me that there is a larger world out there, and I would like to visit them, and maybe help the other handmaidens who the high priest had treated as he treated me! I do not wish to depart from this child." Mahut said in English.

"I would also like to stay, Margaret has forgotten the little things that make life happy and interesting, and she needs me to open her eyes again!" Maggie added.

"And, to be honest Mistress, I've lived in hiding for so long. I need them to help me." Her face altered as each inhabitant smiled at Sister E.

Sister E smiled back at them (her), "Well Margaret, I can't say anything more you have decided and so it will be. I will allow you to remain here for another day, to look around. I will give you a contact number to pass onto the Sisters at Ropeville, My Master wishes to contact them soon."

Margaret looked slightly sharply at that, "I don't think they will respond Mistress, they had given up with me."

Sister E nodded, "Yes they had and look what happened to you child! But don't worry for you have within you a gift for them, something that may help them in the near future."

Margaret shook her head. "But you haven't given me anything Mistress."

"But I have Margaret, you hold it within you." Sister E said teasingly, "And when you need it you will find it." And she got up and left the room leaving Margaret to ponder this puzzle.

Margaret sat on the metal table, ignoring the cold on her ass. A worried looking Sinister knocked on the door and looked in. "Can we come in?" She asked.

"Of course you can." Margaret said warmly.

Both the girls entered and stood sheepishly in front of her. "Sorry about tying you down like that, but Mistress had told us to!" They said.

Margaret held out her hands to them. "I understand, for all your apparent freedom she is your Mistress and has to be obeyed, even when the orders seem meaningless. But I do know that if you hadn't tied me up then I would have run away from the greeting place. And I don't know what that would have meant for the three of us." At the twin's puzzled look Margaret smiled.

"Greeting Oh Right and Left hands of the Priestess. I am Mahut, the one implanted by the evil man who took Margaret. With me in this body is also the one known as Maggie, we are now sharing this body to the mutual benefit of us all." Margaret heard the voice issuing from her mouth and then felt Maggie smiling and nodding.

"Crikey I thought that Pauline was strange, but you take the biscuit, talking of which are you hungry, 'cos you've missed lunch!" The two said but then presented a plate with sandwiches on it. "But we've got a snack if you want."

Margaret smiled and took a sandwich, biting into it as she realised that she was hungry — 'I could have told you that!' Maggie said to her — 'Hush child, she had other problems to think of' Mahut said warmly.

"This is going to take some getting used to" Margaret said smiling and the three of them giggled at the expression on the faces of the two girls staring at her.

The three girls spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the school, sitting in the floral garden and listening to the bee as they buzzed around the plants. It seems that everyone had been told to allow them the freedom as none of the teachers bothered them. Margaret felt slightly put out as she was still wearing the clothes that she'd been dressed in, but strangely she didn't want to undress.

"So what's it like, being three people in there?" The twins asked Margaret.

"It's weird! I can hear them talking away but they mainly stay in the background — Until we want to make ourselves heard — Well yes, then they will start to use my mouth, but I don't mind that." Margaret said, with an insert from Maggie.

"I know what Margaret means, I find that now I have full access to her memories and she can watch mine, there is a difference in this new world of yours." Mahut added.

"It's not so new you know! From what we've learned over the time we've been here, the world is very old indeed!" the twins laughed

But Mahut shook her head, "To you it may be, but I've so much to learn now, chariots without horses, ships that sail without sails or oars. And ships that soar into the sky! You just take them for granted, but just try to look at them with my eyes... I have a lot to learn. — You've got that right, all I've got are memories, and all of those are just someone else's. I've yet to really make my own!"

"Hey can't you just, talk one at a time, we're finding it hard, to make out which is, talking at any, one time!" The twins said in their fashion, which made Margaret laugh.

"Well you two are just as bad. I can't really tell where one of you finishes and the other one starts when you're talking!"

Both Sinister and Dexter cocked their heads to one side and looked at each other, "You know, you're right! It's just that, we've become so used to talking, like this that we, can't stop!" They said which made all the girls giggle again.

Just then two girls came up to the three of them, Emily and Danielle. "There you are!" Emily said. "Mistress Andrea wanted us to make sure that you're alright." She said to Margaret.

"Oh we're fine, but how are you, do you think you'll be able to manage the next few days?" Margaret asked her.

"Well Mistress Sharon passed me on to the apprentices to practise, some of them are a bit hard with the lash, but Mistress Andrea is now keeping an eye on me. I won't say I like it, but I do regret that I didn't tell Mistress Sharon the truth now!"

Danielle nodded her head. "I do feel sorry for Emily, but all I can do is to stand by her."

Emily looked at her friend, "I don't understand why? I mean it was your cake that I took and threw away!"

Danielle nodded sadly, "I know." And then she gave a small smile, "And to be honest I didn't like it either, it was too dry, mum always makes it like that!" she confided.

"But then why?" Emily asked.

Danielle didn't answer her in words, but gently kissed the girl who looked around in embarrassment.

"You'd better not do that too often; you know we're always watched?" The twins said.

"I don't care! That's something I've wanted to do for some time!" Danielle said unabashed. "The only trouble is I'm not really sure about it!"

"I see Danielle! Well I suppose I'd better arrange some instruction for you both. I'm sure my two young slaves here will be able to teach you the finer points. After which I will test your knowledge myself!" Sister E appeared from nowhere. "I would hate to think that our curriculum is lacking on the art of Sapphro!" she added. And then looked at the girls, all of whom had gone onto their knees in supplication to her presence. She smiled, "Well? I suggest you got with them now, until dinner — And don't be late!" She said.

The four girls got to their feet and, with the encouragement of the twins, started to run to the school building. Sister E then turned to look at Margaret. 'You may get up now Mahut, I wouldst have more to say to you... '

Mahut obeyed the Priestess without question, but Margaret held the body back slightly. "I'm sorry Mistress, but why did you send Sinister and Dexter away like that?"

Sister E raised an eyebrow. "Well now should I have to justify my actions to a slave under my authority?"

Margaret looked down; she had forgotten that this was her current position. "I'm sorry Mistress, I overstepped myself." She said.

Sister E nodded, "Yes you did slave. Now follow me!" She said but there was warmth in her voice as well.

Margaret followed Sister E to her house. They walked to the Egypt room where Sister E sat down on a padded bench. She gestured to Margaret to sit with her.

"I must apologise to you, I will be sending you back to Paul Purple tomorrow. I know it doesn't give you much time to acquaint yourself to each other, but I do think that as you all get used to working you will seem to be one person instead of three. I wondered if you would consider a change of name for that person."

The three had an internal conference and then Mahut was given the task of answering. "Priestess your words are wise, we would be counselled by you if you would."

Sister E smiled, "Well I did think of a term earlier that summed up your being. The name Trinity is easy on the ear and means three in one. Recently it has also been used as a popular name in certain films I believe."

The girls talked between themselves again and then Trinity's face smiled and she got up from her seated position and bowed to Sister E. "Mistress we thank you. From now on we will be Trinity in honour of you!"

Sister E gravely took their bow and inclined her head in acknowledgement. "Thank you Trinity. Now be seated again there is work to be done!" She waited for the girl to sit down at her feet before she clapped her hands twice.

The door was opened by Jonas, but this time Trinity could tell that this was a different person from the one who had welcomed the three girls into the house the other day; His demeanour was harder, full of authority.

A large, fat, man was escorted into the room, accompanied by two armed guards, his hands were shackled and he looked scared. When he saw Trinity sitting by this powerful woman he was almost shaking with his fear.

Sister E regarded him silently; her silence was deliberate as she wanted him to worry. Finally she spoke up. "You are Ashref, a descendant of the high priest Yonlon of the temple at Kom Ombo." Her voice was offhand, almost bored in its tone.

"Yes, Oh high one." Ashref quickly answered his eyes never leaving Sister E in his anxiety.

"Yonlon was executed for crimes against his religion was he not?" She asked in the same bored tone.

"That is not correct, it was a rumour spread by those who took his place in the temple. We have kept the histories High one and can produce them if you should ask to see them." He said in an aggrieved voice but his bluster faded as Sister E raised her head at his words.

"If that is so, then how did you obtain his collection of souls?" Sister E asked him

Ashref started to look around and noticed a statue. "That is Ptah! How did you obtain this statue, it should have been held by the authorities!" He started to accuse Sister E.

"That was presented to me by the Pharaoh Sekhemkhet when I visited the land as representative of my Master, I have visited the land several times and with several pharaohs and priests. But that is not the reason for our business. You have the souls of handmaidens of the gods; they are to be released and allowed to join their descendants. By retaining them you are committing a blasphemy against the gods themselves!" Sister E's body shook with the emotions that she was trying to control.

Ashref laughed, "You jest oh wise one — when would one such as I have these... souls. Such a thing is beyond comprehension."

Sister E nudged Margaret with her foot and said the one word, 'TRINITY' in Hebrew. Gathering her separate parts Trinity rose to her feet in one fluid movement. She bowed to Sister E and then walked to Ashref.

'DESPOILER OF TOMBS, DO YOU RECOGNISE ME?' Trinity asked in Hebrew. Ashref just looked at her uncomprehending. And so Trinity concentrated and spoke in the Egyptian that Mahut had learnt and used 'OH FAT ONE, HOW ARE YOUR CHILDREN?'

Ashref jerked at the sound of the language he'd been taught and sworn never to use on infidels and here was this young girl insulting him. He went to strike her but was held back by the armed guards.

"Oh high one, why do you allow this child to talk to me so?" he appealed to Sister E who just smiled.


While Trinity was speaking Ashref was looking at her, she held herself erect and her manner was so self assured that he didn't recognise her. 'I DID NOT DO ANYTHING OF THAT TYPE, YOU ARE MISTAKEN. TELL YOU MISTRESS THAT SHE HAS THE WRONG PERSON.'

Then Maggie spoke, "Oh no, you were the one! I can remember the weight of you on my body as you used me without hesitation. You laughed about how you wished you could have me as well as the boy you chose!"

Now Ashref recognised Margaret his face started to blanch, "But you couldn't recognise me the implant would have denied you access at that early stage!"

"Ah so you recognise my slave. I've learnt her whole story and your part that you played in it! Now where are the remaining Canoptic jars?" Sister E now got up from her seat and allowed her anger to show on her face.

"I am entrusted with the secret of our family; it is not something that I can just tell you!" Ashref protested.


Sister E smiled as she heard this; yes she could speak this tongue, but preferred that had Trinity acted in her own right. Sister E looked at Ashref "You have acted just as your ancestor did, using others for your own selfish reasons. Now you have proven yourself unworthy to be their protector. I will arrange for your houses to be searched and your children removed and placed into the slavery that you have put these handmaidens in!" Sister E pronounced the sentence in a cold voice.

"You cannot mean this. You have not rights over me! I will complain to the highest authority!" Ashref was incensed as he shouted at her.

Trinity bowed before Sister E. "Mistress, his slave will be trained as I was, his mind would be destroyed following his enslavement, and he can never be returned to the world that he knew."

Sister E nodded. "I realise that Trinity, I will arrange that he will be well treated in a monastery that I know of." She said and then turned to Ashref. "This is your final chance. Tell me where the Canoptic jars are hidden and your family will be safe, deny me and you will be the last one to know about them!" A hand gesture was given and the two guards cocked the guns.

Ashref jumped at the sound. "But I swore an oath... I would be betraying my ancestors!"

"Mistress? How about letting Mistress Sharon teach her class on the male responses to the whip?" Trinity offered.

Sister E considered this and then gave a nod. "I agree they do need the practise." She said and waved her hand. "Take this to Mistress Sharon, tell her that I need him to talk, so not to kill him and don't let him bite his tongue off! I was most annoyed with the last one that did that."

Ashref face fell as he heard that and didn't struggle as the guards dragged him away.

Sister E had left Trinity to her own devices, she looked around the Egyptian display and Mahut was telling her sisters about the different gods. Then they had an internal discussion before making up their minds. They had to do this, but Maggie was nervous.

"It's going to hurt, isn't it?" She asked.

"Of course it will! But if you want you can hide away from it!" Margaret told her.

"No, it's something that we've all done, so I'm staying with you." She said bravely.

The girl(s) left the house, watched by Sister E's butler Jonas whose eyes followed them down the path. The girls walked to the school compound where the punishment pit was! Mistress Sharon was supervising the apprentices as they plied their newly learnt skills on a screaming Ashref.

"No Samantha! Just because he says he can't take anymore doesn't mean that you can stop!" She was saying. She looked at Trinity as she approached. "Hello there, come to seem how we're getting on?" Mistress Sharon asked smiling.

Trinity shook her head. "No Mistress, I'm here for punishment!" She said and started to undress.

Mistress Sharon regarded the girl, "I see, why do you think you require punishment? I understood that you are a guest here, we shouldn't really punish guests."

Trinity nodded her head. "I understand that Mistress, but I feel that I have disobeyed the rules of this place and deserve punishment." She stepped to the two ropes that were the only supports allowed and reached up, but found that she was too short to even touch the ropes.

Mistress Sharon gave a gesture and two boxes were produced for her to stand on. Trinity grabbed hold of the ropes and stood with her legs apart. "Mistress I spoke back to Mistress Andrea, she refused to punish me as she had just healed my back. Also earlier today I questioned Mistress E. This is not allowed and I think I should be punished for it." She said calmly and relaxed in position.

"Yes I see, those are punishable offences! The girls are not allowed to question the words and actions of those in authority. Normally you would receive 30 lashes, however due to your age I am willing to cut this down to 15 lashes."

"Mistress, with respect, I would ask for the full punishment. I may look young but part of me is quite old indeed." Trinity said in the same calm voice.

Mistress Sharon considered the request, in fact by speaking up like that Trinity would automatically receive the full punishment, but the age of the girls' body had to be considered. "I will assign 20 lashes! 15 to your torso and 5 to your legs. As the day is late I will have three girls working on you. Now do you wish to be tied to those straps, for if you let go of them we'll have to start again." She warned the girl.

But Trinity shook her head, "No thank you Mistress Sharon, I do understand the risks." She adjusted her hold on the ropes and prepared herself.

"Shirley, Anita and Lorraine, you will take up your positions here!" Mistress Sharon called three girls over to where Trinity stood. "Your targets are the upper body, Shirley you will strike the back, Anita the front but just below the breasts. Lorraine alternate between her hips and ass — I want to see that whip curl Lorraine! You will all strike at the same time; I want to hear just one sound. 5 strikes starting... NOW!"

The three whips struck Trinity's body giving her instant pain on three sides simultaneously. Trinity screamed out and then said "1, 2, 3. Thank you Mistress."

Mistress Sharon watched the girl closely to make sure that her hands didn't loosen their grips. She then nodded and the three girls struck again. "Aaarrrgghhh!... 4, 5, 6. Thank you Mistress."

This happened twice more and took the count to 12. On the 15th strike Lorraine's whip curled around and the tip struck Trinity's clit. Making the girl eyes open with the pain, although she had realised that this would happen the actual occasion was even more than she thought she could control. She gripped the ropes tightly not daring to even think about touching her clit to sooth the pain there. "13, 14 and 15 thank... thank... you Mistress." She finally said.

Mistress Sharon walked to her and inspected Trinity's body, the marks of the whips showed vivid scarlet on the girls' skin, Sharon traced the line of the last stroke as it went down the girls' hips and to the top of the pussy. "Hmm! I think you'd need to have Mistress Andrea see to that. Report to her following your punishment." She said.

"Yes Mistress Sharon, thank you Mistress." Trinity panted out as she prepared herself for the last 5 strikes.

Mistress Sharon moved back and regarded Trinity. "You know the last five can be waived, it would be a pity to mark your legs too much, as it could affect your dancing." She said in a conversational tone.

"I know Mistress, but I had disobeyed the law of this school, any punishment should be given to teach me to know better next time." Trinity managed to say. She looked to her side where Ashref was hanging from the restraints; he was securely attached to the rope. Mistress Sharon looked at him.

"He couldn't even hold on after the first strike!" She said shaking her head. Trinity gave a small smile just as the first of the last five lashes struck her leg.

Trinity kissed the whip in Mistress Sharon's hand and then the ones in the other three girl's hands. She limped to the medical section and knocked on the door.

"Enter." Mistress Andrea was standing beside the examination table. "You had to punish yourself didn't you!" She said as Trinity stumbled in.

"I didn't Mistress, Mistress Sharon did!" Trinity said smiling slightly at her joke.

"You know what I meant Margaret! Now why did you do that?" Andrea asked the girl.

Trinity folded her hands in front of her. "Mistress I was rude to both you and Mistress E. This is unforgivable and needed to be corrected, you didn't want to do it yourself and so, since I'm going to be leaving tomorrow, I approached the Mistress in charge of corrections to decide. And she administered the punishment as she should. Also it was a decision we all made, as Trinity, not as Margaret, Mahut and Maggie alone."

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