A chap checks out a sex site, not that he needed to he had ample women, but they are ladies of the night he was just interested if he could find a woman to fuck and not have to pay for it. He does - read on
A Bob’s Life Story (2) The year is 1974. I dated Susie, a girl from high school. She was a stealth slut, in that in public she was prim and proper, but with me she was a slut. She comes to visit me in college, and then again at my first apartment, with my first job.
Plumber walks in on showering wife and joins her. After washing and sex, she goes downstairs and finds husband with the plumber. He records his naked wife.
Proper Women (AoK-ASS) is a collection of perverted short stories written and edited by Mike McGifford and myself. He's a genius who can breathe life into a vignette and transport you somewhere in a single chapter. His writing is so good, that I collected the very best ones to share with you. A few of my own thrown in.
Mike gave me permission to curate and publish the best ones. Each chapter will be self-contained and not related to the next unless noted.
It's the first few minutes that are the trickiest, you have to subdue and keep her quiet all at the same time. Once you have done this she is your for as long as it is safe.
Catherine Bell, the female star of JAG, finds after the birth of her first baby that she's horny all the time. Working on the JAG set does nothing to help her problem, and one night as she nurses her baby at home, Catherine takes matters into her own hands.
From the Altered Perceptions Universe where Science meets sex
Edmund the geek receives an odd little program in a jokey E-mail from a friend.
He claims it can control people, of to the recyle bin it goes. Does the story end there? well not quite... This is a homage to the original Master PC by JR Parz, and his fantastic Master PC Universe.