Men had been oppressed for too long, so they struck back. They seized the right to rape. But sometimes women didn't fulfill their new subservient roles happily. They were bad girls. And some of the very bad girls wound up at the Bad Girl Zoo. There is much humiliation and sadism. The story takes place in the same universe as "Men Strike Back: the Right to Rape".
(a surreal Sci-Fi story by Hungry Guy)
Foreword: I once mentioned in the ASSD newsgroup that many of my story ideas come to me in dreams. I keep a pad and pen on my nightstand, and jot down my dreams in the middle of the night. In the morning, I review my nocturnal notes, and find that some ideas can be worked into usable plots while others are little more than useless rants. Well, this is the weirdest one yet. So enjoy! Or not. Whatever...
“And it was around that time that he decided he was gay. Then he started living with something of a new-age yoga cult in Pahrump, Nevada, near Death Valley...”