Each floor had offices for offices and offices for stamps and offices for stamps required to receive other stamps, offices for stamps that allowed for further documentation and apostilles and offices for documents requiring copies and signatures and verification, verifications of verifications, and, finally, an office requiring perfunctory repetitions of each or any sequence…
"Bum-bashing" is a term for unprovoked physical attacks, usually by delinquent youths, on the homeless. It has been described by the Sun-Sentinel as a "pastime for youths with too much time on their hands and too much violence in their souls." The following story is based on true events... VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED!
Then I felt a presence, heard panoramic mewing. Looking to my right, then to my left, I saw cats coming forth from all sides. Cats crawling up from sewers, from bushes, from under parked cars. Cats leaping down from trees.