The price of peace was the forced or arranged marriage between a prince who wanted to be a soldier and a princess raised to rule. War had brought more than fighting. The prince suspected merchants and senior military on both sides of using it to make credits. When he brought his suspicions out into the open with the princess and her father, he triggers attacks. Only they made a mistake and missed and now it is his turn.
As the illegitimate son of the heir I was his bastard. My father and grandfather hated me and would have seen me dead if they could. I grew up away from them, ridiculed and despised by all. When my brothers and sisters began to die they said it was accidents. Now it was my turn but I was more careful and then the nobles summoned me as if I were one of them.
A Clar war Story (9) A small unit specializing in patrols and raids hits an enemy base behind our lines. From a wounded enemy officer we received information on the location of a prison. Now we were going far behind the enemy lines to break our people out. We had no real idea of the numbers until it was done and then it was time to find a way back for everyone.
I was taken and made a prisoner as a hostage. There was no name for me and I do not want to remember all they did. Day followed day and year followed year. When I saw the chance to escape I took it. With the help of those my mother had sent I was able to return home. Only the bastards had the balls to come after me and that was their mistake.
A Clar war Story (14) My father worked with mages and I had been around them all my life. I had ideas and questions but I also wanted to serve in the air service. I did have dreams of being a pilot but they were only dreams. At least until I showed my adopted uncle my ideas and then my dreams became real. Rus had been pushing back and we were holding them but my ideas were about to change the war and take it to them.
Conceived when the queen sought revenge my life was one of rejection and isolation. I was loved by my mother and treated fairly. When a surety for a trade agreement comes she reluctantly agrees to send me with the nomads. Only we did not know her nobles were plotting to kill her and take the crown.
The youngest son of a duke accept the commission as a Queens Inspector. It is not as great as people think. His city and district are corrupt and have earned the queens attention. Now it is his job to bring the corrupt in and send them to her. If he and the other inspectors fail the queen will send her army in to take heads.
The Salamanders are an elite selection of soldiers with oaths only to the queen. This time our mission was to find the stolen embryo of the queen and bring it back. Of course that opened a lot of questions but that is up to the queen to answer. When three nobles attempt to force her into naming one of them as the father we are sent to stop the threat and bring them to court.