A Story in the Naked In School Universe
Title inspired by Elton John's song, though little else. It's the last week before Christmas, and the Naked In School program isn't suspended just because of the holidays. In fact, two step-siblings are chosen to be in the Program, naked in front of each other for the first time since their folks wed.
At a farewell party for Joey, the six friends and their many exes and lovers become much more intimate together with help from a special amulet owned by Phoebe. Their lives will never be the same.
A Wrist Deep in the Cunt Hole Story I met a (fake) baroness in the sauna who was more slutty than she would let on. After I got her to beg for my fist in her cunt, I made her drink piss and fist me as well.
Bell was an elf girl. She wanted to see the real world. It was time to leave the North Pole and experience life in the raw. If only some handsome male would relieve her of her burdensome cherry.
A Light of Passion Story (1) A coming of age story in a universe where people must embrace their sensuality and sexuality to raise the magical energy necessary to fight back against night shadows. Ashley, a noble's daughter away from home for the first time, finds she is ready to take on her role as woman. She guides three boys and another girl as they lend their passion to the struggle.
As a young male growing up on a farm in Colorado, interaction with members of the opposite sex were limited. Luckily, I had a few cousins to keep me company.