The orlan is a vicious and implacable predator. Once it selects you, you are done for! Some aliens think it is a hilarious practical joke to release a pregnant orlan on the Earth during the last ice age. Join the effort to track it down and the retribution put upon the aliens with the odd sense of humor. 7 chapters. Some sex.
Girl meets plant for cross-pollination(?). Emily house-sits for her botanist neighbor and gets seduced by an enormous flowering plant in the professor's greenhouse.
Hank King was born on a newly settled planet. This was part of the great Diaspora intended to settle the overpopulation problem on Earth. Four promoters came up with a scheme that would make them the lords and masters of 1,000 serfs on the new planet. This is the story, in 10 chapters of how Hank led the great revolution against the despots and made the planet a decent place to live. This is the coming of age story of a genius.
A Swarm Cycle Story
This story is set in The Swarm Cycle Universe. If you are not familiar with the Universe read Thinking Horndog's 'Average Joes', and 'The Neptune Incident' first. Young Lt. Kelly Jensen-Matthews is the Weapons Platoon Leader when their Confederacy Marine Company tests some new tactics and weapons against the Swarm on the planet Tulak.
Do-gooding aliens find humans that were frozen for medical purposes, long after Earth has undergone catastrophic geologic resculpting. They attempt to bring back the humans and turn them loose in a colony with what they regard as a sufficient cache of supplies.
Some people would say that sixteen is too young to meet the man of your dreams, but Lisa isn't the sort of girl to argue with fate, even if it does mean getting impregnated, married, and moving to a place far, far away.
A Close Call Story (2) Join Doug as he tries to organize a Utopian world. He has many battles to fight against greed and grasps for power. The old time line is gone forever, can he make a better one?