Awesome Girl (known as Henchgirl Number Thirty Two to her boss and co-workers) has a cunning plan to get promoted to sidekick, but when her plan goes wrong, the evil genius Mistress Nightshade decides a more direct punishment is in order.
A young man in his tweens is working his way up to pilot of a Starship by flying a space copter taxi between ground and orbiting spacecraft.
His terror of being helpless, makes him a control freak and determined independent from higher authority also makes him reluctant to accept responsibility for others and possible public censure. A misconstrued non-verbal solicitation of gifts, setting up a gift table, results in little gifts he can never forget.
Abigail wasn't sure that it was a good idea to go to the party that her roommate Tessa insisted she go to. At least that's what she thought till she bumped into her beefy lab partner Jack and they started passing out nano-mod patches. That's when she started growing cat ears, a tail and the night turned really wild.
A boy mad scientist isn't mad in a bad way. He knows the girl he wants is above his social status, so he develops a way to make her not care about money or status and choose him.
Four rather plain middle aged women are part of a 2,000 year mission to settle a distant planet, using cryogenics and genetic engineering to stay alive long enough. Yes, genetic engineering. And a long time.
While enjoying a quiet moment in a secluded part of the Hoth Rebel base, Princess Leia encounters a horny Wampa beast. Erotic Star Wars story. RATED NC-17