As far as he knew, Joe Granger was the only Terran being within lightyears, and he liked it that way. But one day at the market on Roku V, he saw something unexpected: another human. Stranger still, she was naked.
The Fountain of Youth in a syringe. It's real, and several women have taken the shot. But the government wasn't lying about the side-effects. After showing themelves off to the world, After days of toe-curling, pussy-moistening sex, they'll learn that rabid nymphomania is only the beginning!
Garden of Eden (10) A male breeder from the re-population colony at New Singapore escapes from custody and tries to maintain his composure with the women who are trying to smuggle him out to freedom...
A McPhail Future Story (1) Maura has been 'Wiped Clean' of her memories - a self imposed solution to her guilty conscience. An implant in her head keeps her compliant to a life of obedience and humility on the 'New Holland' colony. The implant is unpleasant, even in this peaceful setting, but it becomes a much greater liability when Maura finally escapes her self-imposed exile.
In the distant future, shoe-nut and space pilot Galina Barding meets a famous shoe designer and offers him a ride aboard her starship; much sex and many mishaps follow, including an unexpected pregnancy and Galina being trapped in a pair of very strange shoes.