The Vagina-Penis Dialogues - Cover

The Vagina-Penis Dialogues

by Sterling

Copyright© 2021 by Sterling

Erotica Sex Story: Penis slides into vagina... it's the basic human sex act, and the one that makes babies. What goes on in there? Penis and vagina talk to each other! Here are a sampling of the conversations.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Consensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Science Fiction   Paranormal   Cheating   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   .

Note: The title “The Vagina Monologues” is the inspiration for the title of this story, but I have never read the play or heard it described in detail. Anything within this story that seems to be an allusion or reaction to that work is totally coincidental.

Dialogue 1: Jen and Nate

The tongue that had been licking her had made her feel so good -- so excited and hot. Jen’s vagina knew what was coming next -- oh, she sure hoped she knew. All that licking on her clitoris on the outside had made her so hot, so wet, so long and deep inside. Only one thing would satisfy her ... and here it was ... the blunt tip right between her lips, but forcing them open, forcing her hot tissues apart, and plunging in!

Nate’s cock had been so excited, waiting down below. He wasn’t sure what was happening up above, but it had something to do with Nate and his tongue and the pussy. But now Nate changed position, and he knew what would come next ... His tip going into the hot and wet ... oh, these lips were hot and wet all right, and they parted to let him in, but not so easily, so they still gave him a firm grip. Nate plunged him in.

“Oh, shit, that’s nice ... Oh, fuck me good!” came the voice of his partner’s pussy.

“Oh, you are so sexy, you make me feel fantastic, hugging me so tight and hot. And you let me all the way in! Oh, wow, I won’t last long here.”

“Don’t, don’t ... come any time ... now would be fine, I’m waiting for it, waiting for the lunge and the spurt ... Oh, give it to me!”

“Any moment now, it’s so fantastic, Nate’s gonna push and I’m going to come way up inside you!”

“Do it, do it ... way up inside! Where I want it.”

“Oh, yes, yes, yes, !”!p!p!p!p!p! He groaned urgently, as the pussy at the exact same moment went “Yes, oh fuck, do it to me, right up there, spurt it out.”!v!v!v!v!v!

“You giving me a load? Yeah, I can feel it!”

“Sure am, still delivering ... a couple more spurts ... There, all done.”

“That felt really great!”

“Yeah, terrific. You’re the best pussy. Whose are you?”

“Jen, I belong to Jen.”

“Nate ... I’m Nate’s cock.”

“You’re sure a good one ... or Nate did great with you.”

“And Jen with you ... So wet and ready...”

“Nate licked me there on the outside a good long while ... the best guys always do, so when they get to sticking you cocks in, it feels amazing. Hey, you’re still hard!”

“Yeah, I stay hard for a good long time, sometimes ... There Nate goes, fucking me in some more.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s nice ... your load makes it more slippery. You gonna like do the whole thing again?”

“Nah, I don’t last that long ... but this bit after is fun ... There, I’m getting soft.”

“Yeah, I can feel it starting, but it was fun. You’ve done your job...”

“Yeah, well I hope Jen and Nate put us together again soon.”

Nate’s cock slid out, and Jen’s vagina closed up after him, feeling very satisfied. She’d come so hard and long, and had a nice juicy load of cum inside too ... Perfect.

Dialogue 2: Amy and Tom

Amy’s vagina had been aware of Amy’s thoughts throughout her childhood, but hadn’t paid attention when they didn’t have anything to do with her, and they rarely did, so mostly her vagina had been sleeping. The pee came out there between the lips, Amy wiped herself, and that was it.

But then puberty hit and things started changing. The blood started leaking out, sometimes flowing out, and Amy had to do something about that. Pads on the outside, and then a few months later stuffing her with a cloth/paper thing that soaked up all the blood. Several in succession, and it all happened every month.

But other changes came with puberty. Amy started thinking about boys, and she touched her, the vagina, because it felt good to her. Especially that little bit down at the far end on the outside felt so good ... Amy sometimes poked inside with her fingers when she was curious, or when she was masturbating and thinking about boys. Amy was planning for a penis to slide into her, the vagina, some day. Her vagina had no idea what it would be like, except that apparently it was part of a boy. But she shared a measure of Amy’s excitement at the prospect.

Oh, heavens! What the heck was that? Must be a penis! Her vagina kind of knew Amy was getting ready to get one inside, but to have it actually happen ... Jeez, it was huge!

“Oh, ah! It’s so wet and hot in here, so smooth, so exciting.”

“What? Penises talk?”

“Aaaahhhh! Yes, yes, yes!”!p!p!p!p!p!

“Wait ... What is all this mess? Sperm? But he barely got in!”

“Ooooo, that was great. What’s this funny voice I’m hearing?”

“It’s me, Amy’s vagina! The one you just filled up with goo!”

“Tom’s cock here. That is so ... satisfying!”

Amy felt the penis start to withdraw. “Wait, you’re just leaving?”

“Why would I stay?” The penis vanished, and Amy’s vagina felt different -- she had been stretched out, and she hurt here and there. And the penis had left behind a big glob of goo.

Later Amy explored inside her with fingers, testing out what hurt and how much (ouch!). But her vagina had no way of talking to Amy, and Amy had no idea her vagina had a voice.

Amy’s pussy would receive inside a variety of penises in the years ahead. The pain stopped quickly, the owners of the penises tended more and more to touch her or lick her on the outside so she was hot and wet and excited before the penis came barging in. Most of the time, she felt very good being invaded, with the penis diving in and out over and over before delivering a load of goo -- semen, it was called. But that was all in Amy’s future.

Dialogue 3: Sue and Al

“Oh, God, that feels good! So hot and wet and nice!”

“First time in a vagina, I gather?”

“Yeah ... voices? What’s this about voices?”

“Don’t worry about it, just your local friendly vagina. Keep fucking away and enjoying yourself.”

“I’m supposed to hold off until she’s had a good time, right?”

“That’s a nice idea. Maybe some day. But your guy can’t wait that long ... and he didn’t heat me up so much first ... just enjoy it. It’ll happen soon, I can tell ... Just shove in a little farther. Ten strokes, and...!p!p!p!p!p! There you go! You filled the end of the condom up with sperm.”

“Oh, wow ... So nice, so nice ... Mmmmm.”

“What’s your guy’s name?”

“Al. I’m Al’s cock”.

“Sue’s pussy here. You’re the third virgin cock I’ve had in here ... but who’s counting? Hope you have a long and happy life fucking vaginas.”

“Uh ... thanks. That sure was nice!”

The rubber-clad cock was just starting to soften when it disappeared.

“Oh, you again ... Looks like you guys are an item, at least overnight.”

“So let me get this right. You’re Sue’s vagina ... and you talk?”

“Yes. All vaginas talk. So do all penises. But your guy Al ... now he’s put a lot into warming me up this time ... lots and lots of finger work out there on my clit part...”

“Yeah, I guess so ... I was stiff a good long time before he shoved me into you ... I got kind of impatient actually.”

“But was it worth it?”

“Oh, yeah!” Al’s cock thrust in and out strongly.

“That’s the way it goes with nice guys ... Kind of gotta wait for me to get warmed up. But it’s good now, each stroke real exciting. You are hot and hard, stabbing into me like that. I love it. Is he going to know to go faster ... or maybe Sue will even tell him ... one way or the other, he just got the message...”

“Feels great, though he’s holding back.”

“That’s because he’s a gentleman, and ... wow, this is going to ... wow, yes, yes!”!v!v!v!v!v! “Now do it however you like ... I mean I hope he does.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s better ... you hot little cunt ... wet, hot, tight ... Oooo, you squeezed!”

“Enjoy ... I like it too...”

“Oh, yum, getting stronger, gotta go deeper, deeper ... Aaaaahhhhh!”!p!p!p!p!p!

There was a brief pause as the cock came down from its high.

“You’re lucky Sue squeezed. She didn’t know you called me a cunt.”

“Well, I’m a prick, you expect me to be all proper and nice?”

“Nah, I guess not. But ‘cunt’ is never going to feel right to me. And as long as Sue never finds out what a guy’s cock is saying, she’ll be none the wiser.”


“Oh, wow, you again, Al’s prick. I’m super-satisfied ... he just licked me out, maybe Sue coached him along, but I came big-time. Big fat orgasm.”

“Well, whatever, I want to fuck and spew!”

“And Al’s doing it ... And no condom this time, that’s nice. Feels better.”

“Oh, that’s for sure. You’re so hot and wet and tight ... Pure pleasure ... Excitement ... oh, shit ... Oh, oh, oh, oh.”!p!p!p!p!p! “Wow!”

“Hey, we’re both satisfied. That’s so nice. You dumped a wad of semen way up in my end.”

“Yeah, is that a problem?”

“Nah, that’s how nature works. It’s OK ... He’s not pulling out right away ... Now he is.”

“Yeah, I’m getting soft.”

“Soft is fine. Soft is good once you’ve dumped the stuff. So you’ve still never been in any vaginas but me?”

“Nope. Al seems happy. Especially when he got to ditch the condom.”

“Sue seems happy too. Maybe you’ll be shoving in and filling me up over and over again.”

Dialogue 4: Al and Tracy

“Ouucchh! That hurts! Stop! Um, please!”

“Oooo, you sure are tight, babe. Sorry you feeling bad, kinda, but I’m feeling great, and no way Al is going to stop.”

“What, you talk? You big hunk of meat? Ouch!”

“Hey, I talk. Can’t change what Al does, though. Sorry to say, it still feels just as good to me no matter how much it hurts you. Seems you virgin pussies often have a hard time of it ... Oooo, that’s good.”

“Oh, shit ... The girl is Tracy ... I’m Tracy’s pussy.”

“Whatever. Little strokes, but that’s enough ... Really nice ... Gotta do it, gotta do it.”!p!p!p!p!p!

“Ouch! Shit. That was the worst!”

“Yeah, a cock gets real excited at the end. Feel the sperm?”

“That mess of stuff? That’s from you?”

“Sure is. Happens every time a guy gets satisfied.”

“Yeccch. You’ve done your business, get out!”

“Decision’s got nothing to do with me. If you two hit it off, I’ll be back.”

“I sure as hell hope not!”

“Pussies get used to it, start to really like it ... but for now, looks like Al’s had enough. Bye!”

They never met again.

Dialogue 3: continued


“Hey, Sue’s vagina! So nice Al’s fucking me up into you again!”

“Yeah, he did that thing with his mouth again ... Now you fuck me and sperm me however you want ... makes it complete...”

“Sure thing, baby ... Yum...”

Two minutes passed.

“He’s taking his time,” said the vagina.

“That’s great with me. Feels fantastic, and putting off the end is OK ... I know how it’s gonna end...”

“Well, yeah ... Glad it’s feeling good, but I’m getting kinda sore.”

“Ah, too bad.”

More minutes passed.

The vagina said, “I guess either Sue didn’t say anything, or Al ignored her...”

“Yeah, but he’s gonna make me come, I can tell...”

“Yeah, I can tell too. You get bigger, he goes faster and deeper.”

“You got it babe, whatever, it feels better and better, and oh, oh, oh, yes, yes, YES!”!p!p!p!p!p!

“Glad you liked it. Glad you finished. He satisfied me ... feels a long time ago now, though. Guy’s supposed to finish. But he could pull out any time now.”

“Looks like he’s staying. I did it with my second pussy the other day. She was a virgin pussy and it was real, real tight.”


“Al shoved me into a tight virgin, that’s what I said.”

“Sue thinks the two of them are an item. He’s not supposed to screw anyone else. Sue would be pissed!”

“Hey, not my decision. My job is to have a good time, whatever pussy Al shoves me into.”

“Doesn’t seem right. But I can’t tell on Al to Sue. Can’t get anything across to Sue. It all goes from her down to me.”

Yeah, same here. I know what Al thinks, kinda, but he just makes me do what I do.”

“Still, he cheated.”

“If Sue invited some other cock in, you going to say you’d just not feel a thing? Because you disapprove?”

“Well ... no, I guess not.”

“Because you pussies are made to get cock, and when one shows up, you like it, right?”

“Sort of, yeah.”

“Even if Sue doesn’t.”


Dialogue 5: Melissa and George

“Hey, pussy.”

“Hey, dick. Who’s your guy?”

“George. You feel nice and hot ... Mmmm, mmmm, good!”

“I’m not feeling so good. Melissa hadn’t gotten laid in a long time, and she’s desperate. So this dick George whose dick you are -- ha, ha -- just gave her like five seconds to get me a little wet. And here you are, fucking me, filling me with cock just like a pussy’s supposed to get. Doesn’t feel like anything good to me, though.”

“That’s your problem ... I’m getting there ... You sure are a nice pussy ... Oh, yeah ... Unnnnh, unnnnh, unnnh...”

The cock went silent.!p!p!p!p!p! Melissa’s pussy could feel him spewing into his condom.

“Ah, very nice, baby, very nice...”

“Well, didn’t feel like anything to me, but Melissa wanted to get fucked and she got fucked. I held you tight. Tight and hot and wet. Enough to make you come.”

“Much obliged, pussy, much obliged. Hope your next time is better...”

Dialogue 6: Mark and Eve


“Don’t say anything, don’t say anything! Mark is gay ... trying to prove he isn’t. Cunts talking don’t help at all ... You can feel it ... he’s barely hard enough to get it into you ... But he’s going faster, faster ... deep. That’s promising. But now he’s getting soft, and slowing down. Looks like he faked an orgasm. He never comes when he’s soft like that ... if he’s going to come it always happens when he’s hard ... like when he’s with men. Well, the main proof is there’s no sticky goo inside the condom here ... You think she’ll buy it?”

“Beats me...”

“Ssshhhh! Quiet.”

“Hey, you asked me a question, and it’s too late, right? He already made me come before he dove in ... nice finger work ... but that’s not the problem, is it? She’s supposed to believe he finished up and came? If she doesn’t see anything suspicious in the tip of the condom, that’s the only way she’d know. Or knowing how an ordinary guy acts when he comes.”

“But whether she figures it out or not, the question is how soon he figures it out. Butt holes are OK, but not as smooth and tight, and they don’t talk. But it makes me hard and stiff and sexy when he does it, and when he ejaculates in there it feels really good.”

“Interesting,” said Eve’s pussy as he disappeared.

Dialogue 7: Bill and Julia


“Hey, Bill’s penis.”

“Hey, Julia’s vagina.”

“So we meet again. These two got it down, you think?”

“So he already made you come with his tongue?”

“Sure did ... was delicious.”

“And now he’s in here, good and stiff ... You giving me a nice hug.”

“Happy to ... And I’m still feeling good from what he did outside...”

“Sure feels fantastic to me...”

“Oh yeah, it’s coming, it’s gonna happen...”

“I’m real close, feels good fucking in so hard...”

“Way to go, dick ... yes, yes, Yes!”!v!v!v!v!v!

“Oh, fuck yeah! Oooooo, that’s good!”!p!p!p!p!p!

There was a lull as the two sex organs came down from orgasm to reality again.

“Two for me, one for you, yours and my last one together. Pretty nice, I’d say.”

“Hey, he’s not pulling me out ... they’re getting quiet...”

“You’re shrinking...”

“Yeah, well, I’ve done my job, given you my load...”

“I wasn’t complaining ... you’re shrinking but you’re still there.”

“I think they’re going to sleep. With me still stuck up inside!”

“Oh, that’s nice ... Um ... you been in many pussies?”

“Oh, yeah, more than I could count. You taken many cocks?”

“I think like seven. The eighth splatted all over me outside but never made it in...”

A long silence.

“I’m not so good with small talk ... never had to before...”

“Yeah, me neither.”

Another very long pause.

“Huh? I must have been asleep. He woke up enough to have me do a few little fucks.”

“Yeah, I hardly feel them, but I can feel you getting stiff again.”

“Yeah, doesn’t take much. They gonna do it again?”

Many seconds passed.

“No, I guess not. Back to sleep...”

Bill and Julia’s organs met and felt each other regularly.


“Hey dick.”

“Hey pussy. You have a nice orgasm already?”

“Yeah, sure did ... I think they’re trying to get pregnant.”

“Oh, yeah? Why?”

“She stopped taking the pill ... I can feel it, not quite sure why, but I can tell. But now I feel, like especially excited. Especially hot...”

“Hey, something is different. Like you’re hotter, stickier ... More like making me want to come...”

“Oh, yeah ... I’m getting excited faster for the second one...”

“But ... aaahhhhh! Ooooooo, yes, yes!”!p!p!p!p!p!p!p!

“Did you feel extra good, or did I imagine it?”

“Yeah, it was amazing!”

“Not enough for me to come, but it still feels special. You gave me a big glob of sperm, right?”

“Of course.”

“Feels a little bigger than usual. And maybe not just for fun this time. I can feel some of it up there, right at the cervix ... I think some of it’s going in ... You get to be a daddy!”

“Well, Bill, not me. I’m just his agent...”

“Yeah, me too I guess. Just the conduit. Deliver the sperm to Julia’s cervix.”

“That’s all we’re for, ultimately, isn’t it? Aside from all the fun, the whole point is now and then, very rarely, I dump some sperm, and some pussy conducts up into cervix. Sperm delivery service.”

“And I’m just a sperm forwarding service.”

There is more of this story...
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