After obtaining the Philosopher's Stone, Wario makes himself into the most powerful man in the lands. That naturally attracts the attention of Daisy and Peach.
After my first lingerie party, the hostess seemed to want to say something to me but she ended up just saying goodbye. Thus I was a bit surprised when she called me a couple days later and even MORE so when she told me what she wanted. Did she really believe that presenting a slut to her husband would save her marriage?
It all started between Brenda and me not long after I met her as my new freshman roomie. She took some photos of me for my boyfriend back home and before it was over I had my first experience with a girl outside my family. While we kept it between the two of us at first, things heated up when her married brother, father of two, got in the middle of us - literally. Although it had been quite a while since we were last together, like riding a bike some things just come back naturally.
Neo-Queen Serenity is bade to leave the palace to fulfill her royal duties longer than expected. Day after day, that leaves King Endymion increasingly frustrated as he tries to balance his role as king and as a man with needs. One day he goes to the kitchen only to find Makoto all by her lonesome. Guess what happens next.
You know how sometimes it seems that something you dream of but deep down you know will never happen - happens? Well, that was the case in this situation. We met at church where he was a Deacon. I was young and single while he was married with children. I was offered a day of shopping and dinner in exchange for fulfillment of a fantasy. Sounded like a pretty good deal to me!
Each July, I post a story to honor those who’ve served. The heroes in this were famous in their time but forgotten now. I want to remind you who they were... He had more money than morals. But he was living a perfect life until the Japanese spoiled the fun. The misery of Santo Tomas showed him who he was, and a tough Army nurse made him into the man he wanted to be. Read on and discover the Angels of Bataan. These real-life heroines put new meaning to the words honor, duty, and courage. / (Reviews)
This is a story in the Ouroboros Reality universe.
A gang of female celebrities, now pregnant and temporarily equipped by Baal and his High Priest, Hiram, with futa cocks (and balls), raid a sorority house in tandem with lovers of both sexes and camera crews...both to interrupt a hazing ritual, to seduce and convert new initiates to the Cult of Baal (all of whom will get the Ouroboros brand on their flesh) and make a great new sex tape that will scandalize the world.
An Ordinary Sex Life Story (3) The continuation of An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life, Parts 1 & 2. Ben is finally at college with BOTH his girlfriend and best friend. Plus, he gets to experience all the other things college has to offer, like gorgeous roommates, classmates, sisters, and sorority girls. / (Reviews)
An Ordinary Sex Life Story (7) The continuation of An Ordinary College Sex Life. Ben, Dawn, roommates, classmates, sisters, sorority girls, strippers, and even a teacher. / (Reviews)