Suddenly one day I realized it had been quite a while since I'd spent some really good "quality time" with my dad. Well... that shouldn't be so hard to remedy!
After my first lingerie party, the hostess seemed to want to say something to me but she ended up just saying goodbye. Thus I was a bit surprised when she called me a couple days later and even MORE so when she told me what she wanted. Did she really believe that presenting a slut to her husband would save her marriage?
Flirt, lush, tramp, slut, cockteaser, bitch, even whore... I've been called them all. I guess it comes with the territory when you love sex and live by a "if you got it, flaunt it" attitude. I'm not afraid to admit I LOVE to tease. It's fun to see what a man will do using nothing more than the offer of your body for incentive. People ask me if I've ever NOT gotten what I wanted from a guy, at least sexually speaking. Well, my best friend's brother was one of my greatest challenges.
So much for my plans to spend a relatively quiet New Year's Eve with some close friends. When my slutty cousin Kristen called to ask me if I was interested in having some "fun", I should have known better but then, when have I ever been able to resist her offers? What a way to bring in the new year!
When you have a number of things happen in the space of a few weeks that affect you emotionally and physically, it helps to have a best friend who knows just how to take your mind off things and let you unwind.
It's been 4 years to the day since I was back home for summer break and my Aunt and cousin joined us to celebrate the 4th of July. It was then I learned Kristen had been "substituting" for me so far as taking care of my dad's "needs". In short before the day was over we had our first family "orgy". Since then the five of us getting together all at once has only happened a couple of times. Would today's anniversary be one of those times?
As much as I loved living on my own, financially I was no longer able to swing it after I quit my escorting job to be a Christian school teacher. It was obvious that my parents weren't too upset about it, especially considering how I was welcomed home!
A night out at a bar or club isn't usually tops on my priority list yet there are those times when it can be fun. Besides, you never know who you're going to run across from your past!