Lew’s Photo Studio series follows the fictitious life of a 59-year-old retired man who can finally realize his life’s dream of opening a photo shop and studio where he can take pictures of nude women to his heart’s content.
Book 2 covers the second 10 chapters with the first one about Lew having dinner with his friend Grace, his introduction into the world of BDSM, becoming the landlord of such a club, being dragged into a small orgy, getting a job student, and ending with the celebration of the 50th birthday of his lifelong friend and first nude model Catharina.
Book 3 tells how Lew ends up in an orgy with 6 women. You’ll participate in the inauguration of a BDSM club, you will meet Lew’s new Polish, body-builder cleaning lady. Linda returns to Lew for him to take her final virginity. Lew is at his best tricking Cathy into shedding her clothes in front of the camera...
Book 4 Takes you on Lew’s and Grace’s cruise from Europe to the US with a special encounter during the second week. The week in Florida turns out a bit unexpected but ends with a lucrative deal for Grace. After the cruise, Lew has to endure some unexpected fun-filled birthday parties after all. He helps a former colleague to enjoy sex again and takes photos of another old acquaintance. He has another wonderful ride together with Dawn and meets Hellen. Followed by a ride not with but on someone h
Book 5 will tell you all about Gina and Victoria’s visit to Belgium and their evening in the club. Catharina will report back to Lew about their adventures on the cruise and in Florida. Hellen will challenge Lew and Jada. While organizing a trip to London, Lew runs into an old acquaintance of his and takes her and Grace to the club. You will join Lew and Grace on their Christmas shopping trip to London, learn more about Sunshine and spend a tantalizing Christmas with Lew.
Book 6 Brings a few New Year celebrations with Lew's new and old friends while Linda will be the second one to pay up on her London lost wager. You will accompany Jeff and Rachel on their visit throughout Europe. Petra will get the proposal of a lifetime and Lew will be surprised by Dawn and play with her in the club.
Book 7 Allows Lew to discover and play with an Oriental snatch and finds himself on horseback again, accompanied by 7 women. He finally gets to visit Sunshine and her sister Claire. A stereo photoshoot brings unexpected delight. Elisa finally pays up on the wager she lost. Lew takes Dawn to the club for a confrontation. Cupid 'Lew' helps a couple of lesbians. Tanja and Vag go to the USA and meet Jeff and Rachel. On the way back they make new Canadian friends.
The happy life of George Gentle, owner of the "George’s hideout" strip club, and his girls who love to work there are turned upside down after the vicious murder of George’s star performer.