Jenny goes to an African country with her minister husband who is an observer in the new elections. They discover some irregularities. Jenny is kept and subjected to indignities for the price of her husband's silence
My name is Jane, I'm sixteen years old, and I have a great boyfriend named Tommy, we do everything together. I also have a big black master named Tyrone. My life as a whore started last year at a party, the same time as Tommy's life as a cuckold.
When Ruth, a friend of the family and a psychiatrist, offers to try hypnosis to help with young Jordan's fear of flying they figure it's worth a try. After the first session Jordan's not convinced that it was just his mind she'd been tinkering with.
A Halloween 2023 Contest Entry
Do Zombies exist? This story exposes the truth. Zombies do live, but are they the real monster? Hint: it's always the humans...
Rose, high school student, lives out her nightmare.
Two perverted old men decide to give a young woman something she doesn't want. They've done it before, and they will again. Tonight, it's the late-night joggers turn.