Altered Perceptions —
A Universe from the Mind of Yotna El'toub
Altered Perceptions is a universe filled with stories ideas and jottings about life, the universe, science, sex and everything. It focuses on experiences gained by the use an abuse of current, past and future science. Within that wide brief you may find anything, from fan fiction to stories involving Alchemy and magic.
Mind control and intrigue combine in this story of conspiracy. Written for Lost Boy's 1st Competition and Dedicated to his work at his Other-Wordly site.
Procol prepares for a celebration in the 'Exotix Bar and Space Stop.' A tale of tales with a twist in the tale and tail. Inspired by, and written for Lost Boys second competition. and dedicated to his otherworldly work.
The effort to develop a female Viagra goes significantly off the rails. The reasons for the problems go back further than anyone could anticipate, and end up having consequences for the future of mankind.
Bethany wins promotion, it's just such good news. News that will change her, and her life, forever. Written for Lost Boys 3rd story competition, dedicated to the Lost Boy and his work.
Edmund the geek receives an odd little program in a jokey E-mail from a friend.
He claims it can control people, of to the recyle bin it goes. Does the story end there? well not quite... This is a homage to the original Master PC by JR Parz, and his fantastic Master PC Universe.