When Ruth, a friend of the family and a psychiatrist, offers to try hypnosis to help with young Jordan's fear of flying they figure it's worth a try. After the first session Jordan's not convinced that it was just his mind she'd been tinkering with.
Unemployed and down on his luck, Jeremy gets picked up by a sexy Goth chick in a bar and goes home with her. The next morning, she asks him to be a toilet slave for her and all her housemates. He agrees! Only problem is...he doesn't have a clue what a toilet slave is! / (Reviews)
This is an awful story. Writing it was cathartic, and shockingly some people have alleged to enjoy it, but it's not happy. A teenage girl recounts her mother's abuse at the hand's of a lecherous stepfather and his three evil sons, culminating one awful night during a twenty-something aunt's visit.
Dean yearned to be the property of an assertive woman, his dabbling with submission to his girlfriend not sating his lust to be dominated. A truly superior mature woman makes him pledge his life to her before making him hers; he soon becomes immersed in a life of slavery and degradation, used, processed and delivered to a life beyond that he could never have dreamed, or had nightmares about. 'Be careful what you wish for, was never so prophetic.