Number 6 - Cover

Number 6

by Corner Ghost

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Erotica Sex Story: A young girl is running in the woods. She being chased by a kidnapper! Will she escape or become the latest victim of this man? The sixth one to go missing.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Slavery   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   .

She hides behind a tree; her heart is pumping so loudly that she's scared it will give her hiding place away.

She can hear him, searching for her, he's so very close she feels, a branch snaps and she holds her breath, wishing her heart wasn't so loud.

Why had she gotten into his car so easily? After everything her mother had told her! WHY had she been so trusting?

A noise - just by her! She turns to see him looking at her! She squeals in shock and runs away as his hands reach out to grab her, she dodges him but he pulls on her blouse, tearing it and showing her sweating flesh beneath.

She hears him laugh, "Run girly, I'm gonna getcha!" He calls after her, smiling as she runs in the direction he wanted.

She runs now, all thought of hiding gone in her fear. Then she hears, in the distance, the sound of a dog. 'Where there's a dog there's bound to be people.' She thought and so she began to run towards the welcoming sound.

He also heard the dog and knew what was going through the girls head; he started walking purposely after her.

The girl followed the barking sound of the dog to a clearing in the woods, a small house stood there.

She called out and a woman appeared at the door wiping her hands on a cloth, she stares open mouth at the girl running towards her, she can see the girl's blouse is torn, her skirt is ripped and she's missing a shoe. "Good god girlie, what's the matter?" The woman says as the girl races up to her.

"Please... please help me... he's right behind me!" The girl manages to pant out.

The woman looks around but cannot see anyone, but she ushers the girl inside saying, "It's all right now, it's all under control." her tone placate the child who starts to relax and she begins to cry as she realise that the worse is over.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door and the girl gasps in fright. The woman holds her, "Quick, hide in the next room." She tells the girl who does as she is told.

The girl listens at the door as the woman answers the knock. "Yes? What do you want?" The woman asks.

"Excuse me ma'am, but I'm looking for my niece, she's about this high. You see she had a bad dream in the car and ran off when I parked near thesehere woods." The voice was the mans', the girl recognised it.

"I'm sorry but I haven't, and there's no-one at the back because the dogs won't let any strangers near." The woman said.

"Shucks ma'am, ain't no dogs that worry me, but can I use your phone so I can call the Sheriff and let him know?" The man said.

"Oh I'm sorry, but it's out, they say it's going to be fixed soon, but you know what they're like." The woman replied.

"Alright ma'am I'll have to try elsewhere then, goodbye." The man said and then the sound of the door being closed.

After a few minutes the woman called out, "It's okay girl, it's all fine now!" And the girl stepped out of the room and stopped! The man was standing there with the woman just behind him both had broad smiles on their faces.

The girl screamed and the woman spoke, "Hey love, none of that. This here's my man, Matt, he works for me!" The woman said her cheerful face seeming, somehow, severe.

The girl backed into the room and closed the door quickly looking for something to put in front of it, she sees another door and runs to it, she tries the handle and it turns, it was unlocked! She opened it and saw stairs leading down. A noise in the room makes her forget all fears and run into the dark steps.

It was so dark, there was very little light in the basement, but there were sounds! She could hear electrical motors, pumps and... something else... what was it, it sounded like people moaning? "Who's there?" She called out.

"Ain't that the question?" Matt's voice sounded from in front of her.

"Well we could answer that, let's just put on the lights!" The woman voice sounded from behind her.

A switch was thrown and the girl gasped to see 5 naked girls, the same age as her, strapped spread-eagled on tables.

All the girls were gagged and there seemed to be a pipe leading into the gags, every so often a liquid could be seen flowing into the gags and the girls would swallow, or else they would choke on it. Every girl had, attached to their breasts, cups which seemed to be filled with the flesh of the girls, the girl could also see that a needle had been inserted into the girl's breasts but she didn't know what it was for. Lastly, but most frightening for the girl, every girl had a metal girdle which covered their lower parts but she could hear the pumping noise coming from each one.

A hand was now on her shoulder and the girl was marched to the woman by Matt who had a hold of her neck now, "how dare you run away from us, but I'm glad you managed to find your way to our training room." The woman said with a savage smile on her face.

"T... training room?" The girl asked.

SMACK! The woman slapped the girl's face, "Silence when I'm speaking girl! I am the Mistress and you are number 6!" The girl heard Matt give a laugh at that. The woman's face didn't alter, "Now remember you are Number 6! You are a number not a free girl!"

The girl, Number 6, just looked at the Mistress blankly, "Oh never mind you'll never see that programme anyway! Now let me explain to you what is happening here." The Mistress said and walked to the first girl.

"Now this is number one and the fun has just begun." The Mistress said

"Roll me over, lay me down and do it again." Matt said under his breath, but the Mistress heard him anyway.

"Yes, very funny, you're just lucky I need you!" She said to Matt and then returned her attention to Number 6. "Now you see that she has a gag in her mouth, it's a specially shaped gag that resembles Matt's cock, this is the sole source of nourishment during the day. It provides a mixture of water, glucose, and protein. It replaces the liquid that every girl will sweat off during her training." The Mistress said, what she didn't tell Number 6 was that the protein was mainly extract of bull semen, mixed with dog and human - there was only a limited source of human semen at the moment.

Number 6 looked at the gag and the tortured look on the girl's face as the liquid was pumped into her mouth again. "I know her! She's..." But Mistress struck Number 6 on the cheek stopping her from saying the girls' name.

"She is Number 1! There is no other name for her at the moment!" The Mistress said bringing Number 6's attention to the girls' breasts. Now she was this close she could hear the sound of a suction pump working on the cups.

"Now my customers want young girls with large breasts, this is done in two ways." Mistress indicated a tube going to a needle inserted in the girls' breasts, "This passes a measured amount of saline solution into the skin of the breast, after a time it is accepted as part of the body, but in the meantime it forces the breast to develop as I want. The second is the suction pump that forces the small amount of flesh into the cup, eventually she will have a double-D cup size and after that... Well, I've never had a request for one so large... yet!" The Mistress laughed.

Number 6 thought about her small nubs and wondered how she would look with larger ones, but then realised that she would have no choice, unless she managed to escape from the Mistress.

Then the Mistress pulled Number 6 so that she could have a clear view of Number 1's lower body. "Now girl, this is the main part of the training." Mistress said Number 6 looked at the mass of Metal that was attached to the girl's lower regions, she didn't see what was happening but the girl's hips were moving as if trying to get away from the thing.

"Touch it!" Mistress said but Number 6 shrank back, "Good grief girl, it won't bite you! Now TOUCH IT!" Mistress commanded and cowed the girl reached out with her hand and placed it on the metal girdle. It was vibrating and seemed to be moving onto the girl.

"Now inside there are two dildos, you don't know what a dildo is do you child?" The Mistress asked, Number 6 shook her head. The Mistress smiled, "Well you soon will do!" She said making Number 6 shivered in fear.

"Now Number 6 you will be placed on a table and then Matt here will open you ready for the dildos, won't that be nice." Mistress said encouragingly.

"Nooooo!" Number 6 wailed out and pulled away from the Mistress only to be held by Matt.

"I thought you were being too cooperative, oh well, we're going to have to do it the easy way!" Mistress said and produced a hypodermic needle and approached the girl being held by Matt.

Number 6, well she's going to be called that anyway, felt the sting of the needle going into her arm, and then... nothing.

She awoke.

She was stretched out on a table. She was naked - she could feel the cold air on her body. Her arms had been pulled out, as had her legs, but as yet there was nothing else on her.

A hand touched her and she flinched. Then the Mistress came into view, "Good you're awake, I thought you'd come to when Matt took off your panties, but you went back to sleep again." She said.

Number 6 opened her mouth, a man had seen her naked! But not even her mother had done that since she was seven! The Mistress saw her look and smiled, "Oh don't worry little one, he won't be the last to look at your body and anyway he's going to know you very well."

Number 6 didn't like the sound of that and the slap of a foot on the floor made her twist her head and then she really didn't like the view. Standing beside the table was Matt, he was naked and his body was so hairy that he resembled a bear and between his legs was a large mass of flesh.

She tried to twist away from Matt, but her bonds held her down securely, "Please noooo." She said but was only met with laughter.

Her head was held by Matt while Mistress started to plat her hair, "I like young girls with plats, they give you handles to hold on to when their breasts are too small." She said in a soft tone to Matt.

"Hell Mistress, I just like young girls!" Matt said laughing.

"That's why we get on so well." Mistress said as she finished with the plats. Then she returned her attention to Number 6, "Now we need to know how large a gag we can put in your mouth, not to mention the length. Now open your mouth and let Matt put his cock into it!" Mistress said

Number 6 shook her head, as much as she could, and closed her mouth tight. Mistress just smiled and pulled on the plats she had just put Number 6's hair in to, the girl cried out with the pain and then Matt pushed his cock into her mouth.

"Noooumph!" the girl said and went to close her mouth, but Matt was too quick for her, he pushed his fingers into the girl's cheeks and kept her mouth from closing. He could feel her gagging on his cock as it struck her throat.

"Swallow it girlie, you can do it!" Matt said as he pushed further into her mouth. Somehow she managed to do it and could feel his sack hitting her face as he fucked it.

"Oh well done Number 6, not even Number 3 could take all of Matt at first! You deserve the best feeder of the lot." The Mistress said and then looked at Matt, "Give her a reward for taking it all!" She said.

Matt grunted and began moving his cock in and out of her throat, giving the girl time to suck a breath of air into her lungs before it was blocked again, The Mistress bent down and began giving instructions to the girl, "Lick around the shaft as it goes in... suck in as it comes out, you're a natural cock sucker girl and you're giving him pleasure Number 6, this is your duty from now on!" She was told.

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