A proud and prudish Catholic mom from the suburbs of Pennsylvania, Shawna Lynn McDonnell volunteers to act as a chaperone on the first field trip at her son's new school. But what Shawna doesn't realize is that, on this field trip, she will be the one getting an education; an education in what it means to have power and who, in the new and hellish landscape in which she finds herself, actually has it and whose is just an illusion.
She kept having the same recurrent dream. She found herself running through some great forest glade, a white wispy gown billowing in the breeze behind her. Footsteps, heavy ones, always chasing her, some dark creature, a beast in pursuit. He always caught her, dark and frightening, his eyes shockingly blue in the face of a handsome demon...
Stories in the Frank's Post-Apoc World Universe
This story showed up in my mind. It has a sad ending and, while it fits the Plains of Texas storyline, it shows the black side of the new world. Watch the codes!
Marie arrives home from school and meets the manchild who will change her life. He may be the perfect man; her younger sister, her sister's best friend and Marie's married neighbor all seem to think so.