All the wives in the wealthy, secluded town of Titshurt are beautiful young blondes with massive tits, and Tara thinks it's odd that none of them object to the cruel, unnecessary torments being forced on their tender breasts, day and night! Why do these women put up with it? The other wives keep telling Tara she'll find out on Saturday night, and sure enough, Tara soon discovers: Seven days of boob-abuse is worth the relief these sexy young wives receive at the weekly Titshurt Town Meeting!
The story of a young woman who had no knowledge of sex is introduced into that world and finds that not only does she enjoy it but it also can be financially rewarding.
A story in the Tails of the Fae Universe
Spring Break is fun for many people, but for some it becomes a nightmare that haunts them for the remainder of their lives.
The story of a incorporative wife, in the sexual field that is pushed into the arms of African workers by her husband. However, unbeknown to him his efforts to unlock her by a medical tablet, did work - read on
A white student at an historically black university chooses to write his dissertation on the sexual fetishization of blacks in white America. His fascination with the subculture of black superiority leads him into experiences that go well beyond purely academic knowledge.
An Illustrated by Mat Story ChatGPT tasked with creating a story in the form of a rap rant delivered by a black teenage boy when a white teenage girl refused to let him have a taste of her vanilla ice cream cone. Illustrated.
King Rastislav of house Moondust, aspires to serve all the European queens especially if it means sex with black men. Infact its hes greatest ambition and the hopes of his ancestors. He also aspires to promote the whitening of the mud races (non white or black) by white men breeding with them.