This story originated in a defunct naturist fiction forum about six years ago. At that time, it stalled out after some 10 postings with a rather ambiguous scene in the exercise room and afterwards, in a disco. I took the story, cleaned up the rough edges, removed some overly "colourful" (and totally unnecessary) descriptions, (in some cases, I also rounded out some scenes to make them flow better & make the characters' behaviour more normal) and furnished a logical ending for the story.
A Mat Sullivan and Sarah York story (6) Sam was jealous and stubborn. When he heard about Roland's war wagon, he had to have a self-powered wagon. If you don't believe that this is possible, then Google "wind wagon."
A wife worries when her husband calls out another woman's name during the most passionate sex they have had in a long time. Is he cheating? She can't place it, but why does that name ring a bell?