A story in the Max Dolcett Universe
In a future where a virus eradicated most livestock and women outnumber men 5:1 slavery is permitted. The story of a boy who grows up on a farm with his beloved slave known only as Seven. He is introduced to Eight and Nine and must decide their fate in this exciting Dolcett short story.
Young women are desperate to become the local Carnival Queen or one of her 'royal family' of princesses. Those who are chosen find that doors are open to education, careers and prestige. But what is the deal? Just what do the young ladies have to do to become the Carnival Queen?
A Story in the Superheroine Universe
A billionaire raises and equips a private army with the goal of conquering Paradise Island and turning Wonder Woman and the Amazons into sexslaves. The exhibitionism is forced.
Shannon has always been a high-achieving student. Nobody notices how hard she has to work to get good grades, and fit in with the other girls. Nobody, that is, except her long-time school rival, Bethany, and a mysterious school counselor who seems to be able to see right through her.
Kelly is a hot number and she knows it. She loves to tease men and make women jealous. She gets her comeuppance on her wedding day, when she gets a very public spanking.
Lady Mary and her entire family are victims of "The Gunpowder Plot". One of the many innocents caught up in the strife of religious warfare caused by the Reformation. She is determined to survive and secure justice from the opportunists who have destroyed her family and her heritage.