When her Stepdad gets cancer teenage Dru's mom bails on him. Dru is surprised to find she is more than willing to take over ALL her wifely duties. Together Dru and her Stepdad build a new kind of family.
A The demonic one Story Lazeez once revealed on the forums what the 15 most hated/avoided story tags on the site were, and I thought to myself at the time, 'That that would make a cracking story'. Possibly.
Yes, it's the first part of Genesis from the Old Testament, the life of Adam, written as an mdom stroke story. (The Old Testament is already male dominant, I just added the stroke.) I didn't remove or change any events, I just filled in the blanks in the scriptural record with some educated guesswork. Hey, the Bible's got incest already, look it up. If like most people you know a bit about the Old Testament, you may appreciate the bits of humor in here as well.
Alyssa and Jamie were in the nightclub restroom touching-up on their makeup. Mark and Scott were waiting in the queue outside. The four met in the club and things started progressing along familiar lines... If only Alyssa would decide what she really wanted, things might take an even more interesting turn.
Trent Tempest is bent on revege against all the high school hotties that had basically ignored him in high school, with a special interest in the twin beauties, Jessica and Jade.