Genesis: Life of Adam - Cover

Genesis: Life of Adam

by Puppy

Copyright© 2021 by Puppy

Incest Sex Story: Yes, it's the first part of Genesis from the Old Testament, the life of Adam, written as an mdom stroke story. (The Old Testament is already male dominant, I just added the stroke.) I didn't remove or change any events, I just filled in the blanks in the scriptural record with some educated guesswork. Hey, the Bible's got incest already, look it up. If like most people you know a bit about the Old Testament, you may appreciate the bits of humor in here as well.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Reluctant   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Anal Sex   Lactation   .

My name is Adam.

I once lived in a really nice bit of sub-tropical forest, practicing sustainable agriculture. There was grass, some herb yielding seed, and some fruit trees yielding fruit after its kind. Because I was tending the land, having dominion over it, you could could say it was not just a forest, but a Garden. In fact, I think the whole place didn’t just grow up there, but it was planted just for me. I was just lucky, I guess.

When I first arrived in the Garden, I was really lonely. Sure, I had the cattle, and the fowl of the air, and every beast of the field, but my Creator also made me with a penis, and a sex drive. I’m not sure why He made me that way, without any clear use for them. Eventually, my Creator noticed me starting to take a kinda funny look at the cattle, and mercifully, He made me a wife.

I must say, when she was freshly created, my wife Eve was hot. Smokin’ hot. And the weather was warm, too, so were both naked, and were not ashamed. It didn’t take us very long to figure out that our bodies fit together, very nicely. It felt great, but we had no idea if what we were doing was good, or evil. We just didn’t have any knowledge of it.

To this day, I’m still not sure why Eve didn’t get pregnant then. Lord knows, we were frolicking in the Garden every day, feasting on fruit, and humping away like rabbits. But she never got pregnant.

It all came to a tragic end one day, with some scandal involving a tree and a serpent. I was pretty naive, so I had no idea what we were getting into until it was already done. As soon as we ate of the fruit of that damn tree, I looked down at my body and realized I had love handles, from so much feasting on fruit. I was ashamed, and so was Eve. Even though I still thought she looked hot, she insisted she was a few pounds overweight, that she hated her body and had to hide it. I guess there’s no explaining women. She found some fig leaves for us to sew together and wear, which were scratchy and uncomfortable. Fortunately, even with the fig leaf apron, she was still topless. I just love the way her nipples bounce. Did I mention my wife is H-O-T?

Our Creator came waltzing into the Garden like He owned the place, so we tried hiding. When He found us, He had a total fit. He cursed the serpent, He cursed Eve, He evicted us! Thankfully, as He was doing all that cursing, He did also underscore that my wife’s desire would be to her husband (me!), and that I would rule over her.

The only other bit of good news is that the Creator made us coats of skins. That was way better than the fig leaves. Even though I couldn’t see Eve’s butt and tits anymore, she still looked pretty hot in goat skin, and she was giving me a come-hither look, because her desire was to me.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have that much time for fooling around, because I had to spend all my time working the land. It was still warm, and in those skins, there was plenty of sweat of my face, in order for us to eat bread. And even when we found time for sex, it just wasn’t the same as in the Garden. Now we felt guilty about it.

In pretty short order, Eve got pregnant. I was hoping for a girl, to liven up the place a bit, but instead we got one son Cain, and another Abel. Eve had painful childbirth (that darn curse) and then had her hands full, nursing and chasing after two boys.

Things were OK for a while. I still enjoyed sex with my wife, although it was getting a little old, I did love her and that made our time together special. She still took me in her pussy, and with a little persuading, she’d take me in her mouth and sometimes her ass, just for variety’s sake. I was really grateful to my Creator for laying down her desire to me, and my rule over her. If she complained, like sometimes she wasn’t in the mood to suck me off and swallow my cum, I just had to remind her of what our Creator said. She’d roll her eyes at me and our patriarchal Creator, but she’d drop to her knees and suck me off like a good wife.

Sadly, she didn’t get pregnant again, and soon the boys reached puberty. Their penises grew, they developed sex drives, but they had no outlet. I caught them masturbating a few times, and made sure they knew they were supposed to feel guilty about it.

They started bugging me about letting them do stuff with Eve.

“But Dad!” said Cain one morning, before going out to be a tiller of the ground. “We’re horny almost all the time, and Mom is still hot.”

“I think there’s some rule against that.” I said, scratching my head.

“What rule? Our Creator didn’t say anything about moms and sons doing it, did he?”

I shrugged. “Not yet He hasn’t. But what if you get her pregnant? I’m pretty sure that’s a no-no.”

“So at least let her suck us off.” piped in Abel.

“I’m right here,” said Eve coming from the kitchen. “You don’t have to talk about me in the third person like I’m a sex object.”

“Sorry,” I said, “our Creator made us kinda patriarchal like that. What do you think, dear, about letting your sons fool around with you?”

“I don’t know. My desire is to you, not my sons.”

“Well, I’m the husband, and I rule over you. So I’m telling you, at least let them try some stuff. We can’t have all that sexual frustration going around, someone is likely to snap.” I turned to Cain and Abel. “You, treat her gently and don’t get her pregnant.”

So, Eve consented to sucking off her boys. They also did her in the pussy, but they always finished in her mouth or ass, just to be on the safe side with pregnancy. And of course, they all felt terribly guilty about it, because our Creator clearly wanted us to feel that sex was evil, despite making us want it all the time.

Finally, Eve got tired of drinking so much cum and having her poor ass penetrated. She put her foot down, and cut them off. Sure enough, it resulted in tragedy. Men do stupid stuff and start fights when they’re too sexually frustrated. It got out of hand one day, in the middle of some argument about who the Creator loved more, and Cain slew Abel. We didn’t even hear about it until afterwards, because right away the Creator cursed Cain and sent him away to the land of Nod, to the east.

I heard Cain found a wife. To this day, I have absolute no friggin’ idea how he found a woman, since we were the only people in the world. I wish I knew, because in those days I sure could have used another wife or two myself.

The next hundred years or so were pretty dull. I was relatively happy working the land and living with my wife, but that’s a really long time to have sex with just one person. Strangely, she never got pregnant all that time either. If we had known she was so infertile, we could have just let our boys come in her pussy, and maybe avoided that tragedy.

Finally, when Eve and I were 130 years old, she finally got pregnant again. I was praying for a daughter, but instead we got yet another son, which we named Seth. She said the Creator had granted her another, to replace Abel. I was just wondering when we were gonna get some more women. I heard Cain had a whole big family out in Nod, with his sons Enoch and so forth, and everyone had a wife. Lamech even had two wives! Either there was some magical source of women somewhere, or an awful lot of those guys were marrying their sisters.

Thankfully, over the next 800 years, Eve started to bear me both sons AND daughters.

When Seth hit puberty, Eve considered letting him use her body, to avoid any buildup of sexual tension that might lead to trouble, like with our first two boys. In the end, she decided to only suck him off from time to time. It helped that Seth looked just like a younger version of me, in my own likeness, in my image.

Our first daughter was a huge relief. Eve named the girl Sue, although I suspect my patriarchal descendents won’t even bother to write down my daughter’s names. All they’ll ever know is the names of a few of my sons, grandsons, and so forth.

I eagerly watched Sue’s little body developing, hoping for the day I’d finally have another sexual partner. Eve scowled at me and told me to let Sue be a child for as long as possible.

“She’s still too small,” said Eve, when Sue was around 8 years old. “You’d hurt her.”

“Well, then at least let her suck me. Her mouth is big enough.”

Eve put her foot down. “You are not doing anything with our daughter until she’s a woman.”

“Don’t I have rule over you?”

She rolled her eyes. “You do, but I’m just telling you, it’s a bad idea. Why don’t we just have sex again, you and me, right now, and you forget about Sue for a while? You can even finish in my ass.”

She lifted her goatskin and spread her legs. As I’ve mentioned, she still quite hot. Well, that’s one way to win an argument.

I left Sue alone until she developed hips and tits, and started her period, becoming a young woman. There were a few younger sons and daughter around by then. I pointed out that Sue was old enough, but Eve made me wait a few more weeks for Sue’s 14th birthday. Finally, she brought Sue to our bed that night.

I started making out with Sue, and my daughter seemed to be really into it, but Eve stopped me as I was lining up my penis.

“Why don’t you start slower? This isn’t all about you, you know. Can’t you start with oral?’

“You mean, teach her to suck my penis?” I asked.

“Sure, but you should also go down on her. That’ll get her wet for her first time, and help her have a more positive experience. I’m just telling you, if you want to enjoy some young pussy, treat her right.”

“I’m right here,” said Sue. “You don’t have to talk about me in the third person like I’m a sex object.”

“Sorry, sweetheart.” Eve caressed our naked daughter. “Why don’t you try sucking his penis? Here, I’ll show you how.”

I soon had both of them between my legs, sucking and passing my penis back and forth between their mouths. I must say, it was pretty hot, and I didn’t last long before coming in Sue’s mouth. Next I knew I should go down on her, so I moved down and licked Sue’s pussy vigorously.

“Not like that.” said Eve in her scolding voice. “Start slow, tender, gentle. You are such a man. Here, let me show you.”

With that, Eve took my place and went down our daughter. I’d never seen her do anything like that before, and I found the sight a massive turn-on. She was really good at it, too, bringing Sue to a gasping, toe-curling orgasm.

“Alright, she’s ready for you.” said Sue, her face slick with her daughter’s pussy juice.

“How did you know how to do that?” I asked.

“Sue and I have been eating each other’s pussies since she was little. We’ve just been doing it when you’re not around. I didn’t want you to see it and get any ideas about her being ready for sex.”

“It’s hot, watching two chicks get it on. I want to watch you with the smaller children too.”

“Fine, as long as you promise to leave them alone until they’re 14.”


Sue lay there impatiently, fingering her virgin hole. “Is someone going to fuck me, or what?”

“Such a teenager,” I thought to myself, as I moved between her legs. Eve helped guide my penis in, Sue gasped, I worked my way in carefully, and soon I was balls-deep in the second pussy of my life.

“You probably shouldn’t come in her,” said Eve. “You might have some two-headed baby, and our Creator will probably come down and curse us some more. If He does that, it’s all your fault.”

“I’ll take the chance. You went a hundred years without getting pregnant, didn’t you? Maybe Sue will be like that. And besides, over in Cain’s family, people are marrying sisters right and left, and we haven’t heard of any two-headed babies.”

“Whatever. I just hope you feel guilty about it.”

My daughter was so cute, her pussy so snug. I came hard inside Sue, kissing her as I unloaded my cum in her. It felt wonderful. I turned to my wife and kissed her also, reassuring her.

“Don’t worry, I do feel guilty. On top of the guilt I feel about having sex in the first place, and the guilt I feel for enjoying it, what’s a little more guilt at committing incest? The Creator hasn’t even told us that incest is wrong. Even if it is wrong, it just makes it more exciting. When we were back in the Garden, having good regular sex, we didn’t know how wrong it was, so in a way it wasn’t as exciting.”

“I suppose I should feel guilty about having sex with my daughters, then?” asked Eve. “That never occurred to me, it just felt natural. Maybe that’s wrong too! I’ll trying feeling guilty about it, like I’m doing something kinky and perverted, and it’ll be more fun.”

“Yes!” I smiled at my wife’s ingenuity. “If it’s wrong, it’s sexy. Here.” I pulled out and pointed my slick, half-hard penis to her face. “Suck your daughter’s virginal pussy-juice off my penis, then go down on her and drink all my cum from her pussy.”

“Naughty!” She slurped me into her mouth eagerly, then went down on Sue. The sight of it got me so turned on, I got behind Eve and did her that way, as she ate our daughter. Eventually, Sue came, then Eve came, then finally I came too.

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