Alien's Gift: Tempest & The Twins - Cover

Alien's Gift: Tempest & The Twins

by JRParz

Copyright© 2006

Mind Control Sex Story: Trent Tempest is bent on revege against all the high school hotties that had basically ignored him in high school, with a special interest in the twin beauties, Jessica and Jade.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mind Control   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Incest   Sister   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Masturbation   School   .


Quite simply, twenty-three year old Charlie Tempest went to bed one Friday night as an average (well, maybe below average would be a better description) young man and woke up the following morning a God. You see, some time during that evening, Charlie Tempest was abducted from his bed by aliens and returned later on possessing the Alien's Gift.

When he woke up the next morning he did understanding what happened to him and a passing knowledge of what he was capable. Charlie possessed the ability to manipulate the mind, body, and emotions of anyone he so chose. Given he lived alone and status in life, he really wasn't any part of a social circle, so he immediately headed to the mall to test his new powers.

Charlie's first subject was an attractive saleswoman, who he figured was in her early thirties. The woman caught his attention due to her spectacular pair of tits. He paused because he wasn't sure what he was going to do until a younger woman approach. Quickly, he focused on the saleswoman and pushed and a moment later the saleswoman scratched her right breast. The act not only caught the customer off guard, but the saleswoman as well!

Charlie then pushed again, and this time he directed the saleswoman to do something he didn't think she'd ever do. Suddenly, the saleswoman brought her hands up and cupped her breasts and then presented them to the customer! The customer quickly walked away while the saleswoman turned beet red.

Charlie smiled when he saw another opportunity. He pushed and this time the saleswoman looked around for a man. Then without the slightest hesitation, she walked up to the man and kissed him full on the lips! What made it even more comical was the look the man's wife gave her. Then the saleswoman broke off the kiss and quickly ran away.

Charlie happily played with other people throughout the day, as all it took from him was a mere push with his mind. It was an incredibly rush to make people perform like puppets, but things really turned interesting when he spotted a couple of pretty teenagers.

Charlie greeted them as he walked past them but they basically ignored him. He was immediately reminded of his high school days when he was a nobody. The girls in his high school had gotten away with treating him like this, but he wouldn't allow these girls too. With this thought in mind, he pushed and in mid stride, both girls stopped, turned around and walked back to him.

Charlie drank in the sight of the girls and their young nubile bodies. They were hot - just like the girls from his high school years. Had it already been five years since he graduated?

The girls remained quiet and standing like statues as he inspected them. He couldn't get over how much bigger the girls seemed to be in the breast department these days. He again remembered that clique of girls that always hung out together, girls he considered teases. He had no doubt that these girls here were teases as well.

Then his thoughts turned to the twins. How he wished he could have had Jade and Jessica Stark in this position. The twins basically ruled the school due to their identically beauty. He had lost count at how many times he had masturbated to their images. The two girls in front of him weren't as beautiful as the twins, but they were still very pretty. One girl had shoulder length blonde hair and looked like the dream girl next door. She wore a tight fitting halter-top, accentuating her full ample breasts, and jeans that looked painted on. The other girl had a reddish tint to her dark hair and also wore it down to her shoulders. She was dressed much more conservatively than the first girl, but there was no mistaking the curvaceous body she possessed underneath.

Charlie had the girls follow him over to the bench where they all took a seat. "I realize you don't know who I am, but (((I want you to relax, remain seated, and you are only to talk to respond honestly to my questions, )))" Charlie pushed with a smile.

The girls must have really been uptight because they both took long breaths and sighed.

"First, tell me your names."

"I'm Cindy Johnson," the blonde girl replied.

"I'm Wendy Silvers," the redhead offered.

Although the girls had relaxed, it was obvious that they were very confused. He turned his attention to Cindy. "Are you two in high school?"

"Yes, we're juniors," Cindy replied in a soft sweet voice.

"How long have you two been friends?"

"Since middle-school..." Cindy replied.

"You're both very pretty, do you have boyfriends?"

"Wendy doesn't and I don't anymore," Cindy responded.

"You mean you were seeing someone... ?" Charlie asked, curious.

"I was, but I broke up with David McCarthy because he's an asshole."

"Why is he an asshole?"

"All he ever talked about was sex and he was constantly disrespecting me in public," Cindy replied.

"How was he disrespecting you?"

"Copping feels and passing it off like they were accidents."

Charlie smiled thinking; how could he blame the kid? "Then why did you go with him in the first place?"

"He's cute and on the football team," Cindy replied matter of fact-like.

"You mean to further your social standing, right?"

"That too," Cindy whispered.

Charlie turned to Wendy. "How about you, do you have a boyfriend?"


"Why not... ?"

"I... I don't like boys," Wendy bashfully replied.

Charlie's eyes lit up with surprise. He hadn't expected this. "Are you saying you're a lesbian?"

"I think so," Wendy whispered.

Charlie turned to Cindy, who also looked surprised. "I take it you didn't know this about your best-friend."

"No, I didn't."

"Wendy, are you attracted to Cindy?"

"Yes," Wendy whispered with downcast eyes.

Charlie could feel himself getting hard. The thought of these two girls together sexually was an incredible turn-on. He wondered if the twins ever experimented with one another. "Cindy, how does this make you feel towards Wendy?"

"Nervous and upset," Cindy replied.

"Are you the least bit attracted to her?"

"No, I'm not a dyke!"

Charlie looked at Wendy and saw the hurt. Then he thought of an idea. "Alright, turn and look at one another."

Both girls did as they were told.

"Cindy, wouldn't you say that Wendy is beautiful?"

"Yes," Cindy admitted.

"Aren't you attracted to her beauty?"

"I admire her beauty. I don't lust over it," Cindy replied sarcastically.

Charlie chuckled at Cindy's response. "Okay, fair enough," he finally replied and then turned to Wendy. "Wendy, don't you think Cindy is very, very beautiful?"

"Yes, she's very beautiful," Wendy whispered as she gazed at Cindy.

"And if you could make one wish, what would the wish be?" Charlie asked as he watched Wendy pause for a moment.

"That Cindy would feel as sexually aroused with me as I do with her."

"What if I told you I could grant that wish... would you like that?" Charlie asked with a smile.

"I... I don't know. I don't want Cindy to be upset with me."

"Who cares if she's a little upset? She'll eventually get over it."

"Well, she might get over it. You don't know her like I do," Wendy replied.

"Cindy... ? Is it true what Wendy says?"

"You're damn right I'd be pissed if I was turned into a lesbian," Cindy responded with concern.

"Wendy, (((ask me to grant your wish.)))"

"Please grant me my wish," Wendy responded.

"(((Cindy, every time you look or talk to Wendy, you'll feel all warm and tingly inside. Over the next twenty-four hours, you will find yourself feeling more and more sexually attracted to Wendy. By the time those twenty-four hours elapse; you will have an intense sexual need for her. You will also know that you feel this way due to Wendy's wish, but there's nothing you can do about it.)))"

Charlie glanced at Wendy for a moment before he turned back to Cindy. "Are you feeling any different yet?"

"I'm not sure," Cindy replied, looking confused as she gazed at Wendy.

"You will real soon, I'm sure, and one last thing before I leave. This concerns the both of you. (((You will have a constant need to touch each other whenever you are out in public.))) Cindy, I'm going to give you an added bonus whereas (((you will get extra horny every time Wendy touches your tits or ass, or kisses you in public. Now, go ahead and seal your new relationship by kissing your new lover.)))"

Cindy immediately moved in to kiss Wendy, who was more than pleased. Charlie could see Cindy still struggled when Wendy tried slipping her tongue.

(((You are both free to move and talk on your own now)))

Charlie had to shift himself to make his hard-on less noticeable and then he made his way out of the mall. As he did, he found himself reflecting on his high school days and thinking only if he had this power then. He conjured up images of the girls from his senior class, wishing he could have made them his own personal sex slaves. He especially loved the image of the twins on their knees and worshipping him.

Then it suddenly HIT him! It wasn't too late! Regardless what they might be doing in their lives right now he could easily alter them to fit his needs. He smiled and wondered who to choose first. Haley Spears came to mind. He had seen her jogging at the park a few weeks back and he remembered thinking how he'd love to do her. He wasn't sure if she was married or not but so what if she was?


Haley Spears was in the middle of stretching for her five-mile jog when she saw the man approach. It was times like this that she wished her boyfriend was around because she really didn't want to deal with this.

"Hi Haley, I'm glad I spotted you," the man greeted her with a smile.

"Do I know you?" Haley asked as she was taken aback for a moment.

"I'm hurt. Are you saying you don't remember me?" the man responded.

"I'm sorry," Haley replied, trying to place him.

"Charlie Tempest. We graduated Sterling High together."

"Oh... yeah, now I remember. How are you?" Haley responded.

"Never better... anyway, I'm really sorry to bother you but this will only take a moment."

"What will?" Haley asked, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Your subjugation..."

"My subjugation... ? What are you talking about?!"

"You're my first subject," Charlie replied with a smile.

"Look, I'm not sure what this is all about but please leave me alone," Haley replied.

"You always were the feisty one as I recall. Now, (((you are to stay with me. From this point on you are to do everything I tell you and be very respectful towards me. Under no circumstances are you to draw any negative attention to us and you must answer all my questions truthfully. Oh... and if you have a question, you must ask me for permission before asking it.)))"

Haley looked back at Charlie in stunned silence. She wanted to sprint off but something prevented her. "Sir, may I ask you a question?" Haley asked in a soft respectful tone and was immediately stunned with how respectful she was acting.

"Sure, Haley, what is it?"

"I would really like to get my jog in and then go home. Could I go now?" Haley asked.

"I'm sorry, Haley, but no jog for you today. I can guarantee a work out, though," Charlie replied with a wink. "Let's walk over to the bench over there and take a seat."

"May I ask you another question?" Haley asked as she followed Charlie to the bench.

"Sure, Haley, but make it a good one," Charlie responded with a smile.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she asked.

"Ah... that is a good one. Let's just say I have my reasons, but for now I'm not going to get into it."

Haley took a seat on the bench and looked around for who could help her. It dawned on her that nobody would because it didn't look like she needed any help. How was it possible for someone to have control over her like this?

"Tell me, Haley, do you have a boyfriend?"


"What's his name?"

"Chris Wholley."

"Obviously not from our graduating class, is he?"

"No, we met at this park two years ago."

"Do you love him?"

"Yes, very much," Haley replied.

"I'm going to change that."

"No, please. I love Chris very much," Haley quickly responded.

"Trust me, after a little nudge here and there you won't even recall what he looks like, never mind being in love with him. I'll even eliminate all your memories of him. Hey, I have an idea. I could transfer all these loving feelings you have for Chris to me. How does that sound?"

"I... I wouldn't want that," Haley whispered, stunned.

"Too bad... anyway, where is your Chris now?"

"He's at his apartment with some buddies watching the football game."

"That's great! We can go back to your place and fuck like crazy."


Charlie studied all of Haley's mannerisms and was happy to see that there was nothing in her actions and eyes that would indicate that she was hypnotized or under some alien power.

When they entered Haley's condominium, he pushed her to hug him. A second later she was moving into his arms and hugging him real tight, and the feel of Haley's boobs felt incredible. When they broke apart, he could see the confusion in her face and smile.

"So, how come you and Chris aren't married yet?" he asked as he picked up a picture of the two of them.

"We haven't felt the need yet," Haley replied, nervously.

"Haley, take this picture (((and focus on Chris. Surface the love and sexual attraction you feel for him. Now close your eyes but keep the image of Chris inside your mind.)))"

Charlie watched as Haley stood there with the picture in her hand with her eyes closed. He could see the smile on her face which had probably been elicited from her loving thoughts of Chris.

"(((Now, the image of Chris is fading and it's being replaced by another image. That someone else is me!)))"

Haley backed up a couple steps as she shook her head no.

"(((Everything you felt for Chris is how you now feel about me, except that the feelings are about five times more powerful than they had been for Chris.)))"

Charlie noticed the struggle from Haley was gone, and she started to smile again.

"(((Open those pretty eyes, Haley, and look at your new lover.)))"

Haley's eyes opened and then she gasped. Quickly, she rushed into his arms as she eagerly and very passionately kissed and hugged him. "Oh god, Charlie... I love you! Please, make love to me!" she whimpered as she moved her hands down to unbuckle his jeans.

"Strip for me, honey, I want to see that lovely body of yours naked."

Haley giggled as she stripped out of her clothes. Then she presented herself naked, twirling around like a sex tart.

"Lead me to your bedroom," Charlie commanded.

Haley did as she was told and once she reached her bedroom she hopped on her bed and assumed a doggy position.

"Please hurry, Charlie... I'm so fucking horny," Haley whimpered as she wiggled her tush like it was on fire.

Charlie stripped and climbed on the bed behind her, and then nudged her very wet lips with his throbbing cock. Haley shifted a little to allow him maximum access and then he shoved into her.

Haley cried out with her first of what would end up being several orgasms that afternoon.

IV. Two weeks later...

Jessica and Jade Stark were both smart, gorgeous, and twenty-three years old. Physically, they were mirror images of one another but personality wise, very different. As a result, their lives took on different directions after high school. Jessica quit college after receiving her Associates Degree and married her high school sweetheart. Since her husband inherited a family business she took on a position managing the books. Jade, on the other hand, pursued a criminal justice degree and was attending training at Quantico to become an FBI agent. Jessica lived in the small town she grew up in and Jade rented an apartment outside the Marine base.

"Hello," Jade answered her phone.

"Hi Jade, do you have some time to talk?" Jessica asked her.

"Jess... ? Are you alright?"

"Yes, but something really screwy is going on around here. I'm hoping with your upcoming break that you could come home and visit me."

"What is it?"

"Remember how weird I told you Haley is acting? Well, I saw her last night at a restaurant and you're not going to believe this. She was dressed like a slut and she must have gotten a boob job!"

"Huh? You're kidding... this doesn't make sense."

"I know. This is Haley, Miss Feminist. I've been trying to get a hold of Chris but he mysteriously left town."

"Have you talked to Haley?"

"Yeah, you know me, and she scared the hell out of me."

"What did she say?"

"She told me she's never been happier in her life before now that she's screwing Charlie Tempest."

"Charlie Tempest... ?! You mean the same Charlie from high school?"

"Yes, the same; and she's really flaunting her new boobs. Plus there's more..."

"More?" Jade asked, stunned. She knew her twin better than anyone and she knew that Jess wouldn't get this rattled over nothing.

"Kara Peters has also moved in with Charlie."

"Kara Peters... ?! No way! Wait, isn't she attending Harvard? What is she doing home?"

"I heard she dropped out of Harvard."

"This is crazy! Haley and Kara are both fucking Tempest... ? This doesn't make any sense! How can the former homecoming queen, voted the girl most likely to succeed, and Miss Feminist, who was in love with Chris, suddenly be fucking Tempest, Mr. Nobody? I mean... have you seen him lately, has he changed since high school?"

"Yeah, a little... he must be working out because he looks more muscular, but other than that he looks the same as he did in high school."

"Where did you see them?"

"On the Spaghetti House, and if I didn't know any better, I'd swear it was true love. Kara couldn't keep her hands off of him! She was obviously horny and submissive. I'd swear it was true love, just like Haley. And there's more..."

"Please don't tell me," Jade whispered, trying to digest everything she heard to this point.

"I got a call from Matt Thompson this morning. Lisa dumped him."

"What... ?! She would have called me!"

"I'm not surprised she didn't."

"Did she meet another guy?"

"Not exactly... she did meet someone but it wasn't another guy, it's a girl. She met a college girl by the name of Stephanie Green. They're living together."

"Are you trying to tell me my best friend suddenly turned gay?!"

"No, but I am telling you that she's having a lesbian fling with a teenage girl, and from what I'm told, this girl is no more lesbian than Lisa."

"This is unbelievable!"

"Like I said, something very strange is happening around here. The five of us were inseparable during high school. Lisa isn't the type to suddenly turn gay. Kara wouldn't drop out of Harvard. Haley would never get a boob job and dress the way she was dressed. I'm scared we might be next."

"Have you discussed this with Jack?"

"No. He's spending all his time with his business lately that I haven't wanted to bother him."

"I wasn't due to get out until next week, but I'll explain that I have an emergency back home and get out early. Please don't do anything until I get there!"

"Thanks, sis, I was hoping you'd say that."


Jessica hung up the phone and turned back to Charlie. "She's coming home."

"Yes, you did very well," Charlie responded with a smile.

Jessica felt a rush of pleasure at having pleased Charlie, and only a little remorse at having deceived Jade. Ever since Charlie showed up at her doorstep two days ago, her whole life had changed.

"Can we... you know," she whispered with downcast eyes.

"Yes, I do know, but I want to hear you say it."

"Can we make love?"

"You are a demanding little minx, aren't you?"

"I can't help it. I'm just so horny all the time," she responded with a deeper blush.

"Yes, keeping you beautiful women in constant need is a specialty of mine," Charlie replied with a smile.

Jessica didn't comment as she reflected again on Jade. On one hand, she knew what she did was wrong, but on the other hand she couldn't help herself. She loved Charlie and would never do anything to jeopardize her relationship with him.

"We're going to fuck, but first I need to make a phone call," Charlie added.

Jessica practically came from hearing Charlie say this to her.

"Hi, Kara," Charlie greeted Kara over the phone. Jessica felt a stab of jealousy at the fact that Kara got to live with Charlie whereas she had to stay home and live with her husband. "Jess and I are going to fuck for awhile, so I want you to call Haley and have her help you do the chores around the house. Oh... and remember how I like you dressed... or should I say not dressed. No clothing except aprons."

Charlie then paused for a moment before continuing. "Yes, you two can spend sometime between each others legs after your work is done."

Then Charlie paused again and suddenly burst out laughing before he said goodbye to Kara. Charlie turned back to her and frowned. "Jessica - you're overdressed."

Jessica's eyes lit up with excitement as she quickly stripped out of her dress. Seconds later her clothes were in a pile by her feet and she stood naked before him.

"You're breathtaking, Jessica, but of course you know this. This is also why you're mine. Now, go wait for me in the bedroom."


Charlie watched Jessica's shapely behind wiggle on its way down the hallway. He loved how her long, dark hair came down to the small of her back.

First Haley, then Kara, Lisa, Jessica, and soon his harem would be complete with Jade. He smiled as he reflected on the day he took Jessica. He remembered inspecting her body critically, and deciding she would look even hotter with a bigger set of tits. He loved Hailey's boobs and figured Jessica would look better with a pair that size, but then he decided to wait until Jade returned, so he could do them at the same time.

Charlie reflected back to Hailey when he discovered how easy it was to give a girl a boob job. He had enlarged her boobs from a small B cup to a pair of Double Ds. At first, Haley complained about her new boobs wishing that they wouldn't bounce and jiggle so much. He had to admit they reminded him of Jell-O sometimes, but when he told Hailey that he loved her boobs, she never complained again. He took it one step further by giving her a compulsion to showcase them. Soon after, Hailey wore skin tight clothes to display them, and didn't wear a bra when she went jogging. Because he wasn't a mean person, he strengthened her back muscles.

Kara and Lisa already had perfect C cup sized tits, so other than give them an extra dose of firmness and make them teenage perky, he left their tits alone. He did, however, make both girls curvier and more voluptuous. His added roundness transformed Kara from a perfect 10 to a 15! He remembered called Kara's dorm room. The Alien's Gift worked through any form of communication, so it was easy to make her quit college and come live with him. When Kara arrived at his doorstep a few days ago, he turned her into his love slave. There wasn't anything Kara wouldn't do for him. Then when Haley dropped by his place later on that night, he altered their sexual chemistry and turned them bisexual. This made their threesomes very passionate.

Charlie stripped out of his clothes as he made his way into the bedroom. It was time to fuck Jessica.

When he entered her bedroom, she was on all fours in the center of her bed. He wondered what it was about this position which made it so popular with hot looking girls. Not that he was complaining because it was also his favorite position ever since Haley.

Charlie climbed on the bed and mounted her. They both groaned as pleasure coursed through them. Then he pushed... Each of his girls possessed a pussy of variance size. In order to maximize their pleasure, he increased and decreased the size of his cock to conform to their individual pussy. He simply wanted to make sure each girl enjoy their session with him to the maximum. He was convinced that even if he lifted the love obsession they had for him that they would still seek him out sexually.

Charlie proceeded to ram in and out of Jessica with everything he had. As he did this, he pushed focusing on her hair. Jessica whimpered and moaned as her hair grew longer. He loved long hair and he wondered if Jade wore hers the same.

VII. The next morning...

Lisa Thorn was in the shower when she heard the doorbell.

"Steph, honey, are you dressed?"

"No, would you like me to be?" Stephanie asked with a giggle.

"Please put a robe on and answer the door."

"Okay," Stephanie responded as she headed off to do what she was told.

Less than a minute later, Lisa was startled when Charlie stepped into her bathroom. "Hi Lisa, how are you?"

"Charlie! It's... it's so nice to see you!" Lisa cried out with excitement.

"Come out to the living room so we can talk," Charlie replied.

Lisa quickly rinsed off the soapy suds and turned off the shower. She grabbed a towel and rushed out to the living room.

"Where's Stephanie?" she asked, looking around.

"I told her to go take a nap," Charlie responded.

"Oh," Lisa replied, feeling increasingly needy.

"How do you like Stephanie's new tits?" Charlie asked.

"They're delicious! I can't stop playing with them," Lisa replied with a smile.

"I thought you might like them," Charlie responded with a chuckle.

"There is one thing, though, and although she hasn't complained, I can tell they're making her back sore. I think she's having trouble carrying the extra weight of them because I caught her rubbing her back on more than one occasion."

"Palm sized to grapefruit size will do that. Remind me later and I'll make it easier for her."

"Thank you," Lisa replied.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Charlie asked with a smile.

"More than ever!" Lisa quickly responded with a smile.

"(((How do you really feel?)))"

Suddenly, Lisa felt a shift in her thoughts causing her to gasp. As if she were suddenly awakening, she looked down at her near naked state and blushed. "I... I can't believe you've done this to me. You turned me into a lesbian!"

"I love the reaction you girls have when I lift you from those artificial mindsets I place you in. Anyway, (((with the exception of the love and lust you feel for Stephanie, the intense lust you feel for me, plus the compulsion you have to do as I tell you, and you're ever so sweet new subservient personality, I'm giving you back your free will and thoughts))) - at least for awhile anyway."

Lisa glared at Charlie as she stood there in a towel.

"Now, I'm expecting Jade to visit you tomorrow or the next day. When was the last time you talked to her?"

"Just before you entered my life," Lisa replied still reeling.

"Well, she's coming here because I had her sister tell her everything that was happening to you and the others. I expect since you're her best friend that she will visit you first."

"I can understand your warped sense of rationale regarding me and my friends, but why did you do this to Stephanie?"

"Depending on how you look at it. She was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time or right place at the right time. Just know that Stephanie will remain your love slave for the rest of her life."

"But... why?" Lisa whispered.

"Because you were the nicest to me back in high school, and I wanted to reward you for it," Charlie responded.

"You call turning me into a lesbian, rewarding me?" Lisa asked.

"Most definitely, but I digress, lets get back to the issue on hand. Jade is coming here and I want you to be totally honest with her. Disclose everything. How you suddenly stopped loving Matt and started loving Stephanie. Tell her how you love spreading your legs for me and how I'm capable of controlling you to do things you never would have dreamed of doing. You might even mention how I gave Stephanie a magical boob job."

"Tell her everything... ?"

"Everything... There isn't a damn thing you or anyone can do to change what I've done and I want to give Jade a preview of what's in store for her."

"I'll warn her!"

"I'm counting on it. Now, lose the towel."

Lisa dropped the towel.

"I love seeing you like this."

Lisa blushed knowing what was next, and as much as she despised Charlie, her body ached for his touch. Knowing her desire for the man was artificially induced did nothing to dampen the effects.

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