Description: He blackmails his Little Sister and her best friend with a video on his smart phone he took of them making love with each other, He tells them he wants to make love with each of them individually or he will post the video to the internet.
Three stories about New York City: "Skyline Silhouette" about waiting it out with your brother; "Central Park Conception Association" about elocution for civic concerns; and "Village YW" about moving ahead with your friend.
"Remember tomorrow kid, ok," he said as he did up his pants. "If you wants some action bring a Mars bar and don't forget the condoms. Our ladies here may be mad but their plumbing still works and we don't want any accidents."
Tom was in heaven, for everyday he could open up his wife's legs and thrust between them to orgasm as many times as he was able, usually morning and night. She would wear anything he wanted, no matter how bizarre or revealing. She stopped wearing a bra altogether on his say so and her skirts became shorter and shorter to expose her slim but beautiful legs to the world.