With her hands secured behind her back, her plump tits were being forced out even more. "Oh," she said, her eyes big. Heather reached out and cupped and squeezed both Tammy tits.
I unexpectedly received a package. The name was slightly wrong and so was the address, but it was so close that the package had to be intended for me. I discovered a powerful substance in the package.
Wendy is more than happy with being a transgendered teen. Her parents accept her, the boys at school love her, and everything is just peachy...except for Mike. Why are big brothers always such big jerks?
This is a story about a boy whois a virgin because of his large dick. His younger sister chose to be a virgin but when a date goes bad she turns to her brother for help. They get caught by Mom and she joins the fun.
Your sister dumps her two young teen kids on you, so she and her dumbass husband can go screw on a Love Boat cruise. The kids are great, and you're their favorite aunt. What could possibly go wrong? Except--per losgudian logic--everything. I'll warn all in advance, this is a pretty weird story. I really like the writing, and I did mark up a printed draft first. Plus, it's fiction funny. But the storyline probably has something for everybody to hate. Lash me lightly, if you please. / (Reviews)
Evan Graham has an embarrassing secret. When his sister Alexa spreads it around the school, he gets furious -- and so does his father. For his living, the father makes medicines related to women's bodies. He looks the other way while his son uses his chemistry set to torment his sister. She soon understands that she truly deserves all he does to her. He extends his chemical reach to other girls who had spread his secret, and follows torment by fulfilling his sexual dreams.