Victor Victoria Or We're Not Really Cousins! - Cover

Victor Victoria Or We're Not Really Cousins!

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2006 by Anonymous

Romantic Sex Story: Youthful love and twists of fate.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   True Story   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Pregnancy   .

My mother was one of four kids. My father, it made no difference - all his relatives were dead.

My mother and her three siblings, all men, pooled their money and got a farm in upstate New York in the 1940s. We were the odd group in that all three of my uncles married into the SAME Italian family! That's right! And two of my three aunts were maternal twins.

On the other side of THAT part of the family were a mixture of Americana - one couple Irish plus Italian, another pure Italian, another Swedish and Italian. The farm became grandpa's and grandma's retirement abode, and they even raised some fine fruits and vegetables there.

But every summer was an open house, with one or more couples planting their children at the old farm!

By the 1950s, there were over a dozen assorted children, all of which (we were informed) were cousins. We had no trouble getting along, with age group being the simplest of cliques to form. No one was more than two years older or younger than the next one in age, until all the couples stopped producing babies as if there was an assembly line that was suddenly on strike!

The two hot blooded Italians... they had an accident five years after the assembly line had stopped (seven years after my birth).

Magdalena (Maddy because Italians hold the G silent) grew up almost totally left out because of her age disparity. And she grew to resent it as much as a little brat could. As the sickly one, I got stuck watching her way more often than I cared to - but at least we were allowed to catch up, albeit slowly, to the entire group at the swimming pond, when the eldest girl would have to be in charge of Maddy's safety.

As young kids of the time (and left alone mostly), we discovered things together, like when I took a pee and Maddy wondered when her thing would grow and stick out, too!

I was eleven (Maddy was four) when we spied two cousins playing with each other. Naturally, we tried the same thing, but without puberty to guide us, only the friction of warm fingers made anything happen at all, except my boner kept pointing toward the sky while Maddy looked perplexed about it - no orgasms even imagined yet.

But just as Maddy became interesting, fate stepped in. My dad's drinking (and resentment over the treatment caused by the lack of familial ties) caused a schism which led mom to bar him from the farm. After that, we went there less and less, as our parents tried to repair their marriage. It was a cover story - more later.

Then mom got cancer and died while dad fell in love with the bottle which remained his partner for the rest of his life. We lost out on our teen years at the farm.

When we kids got old enough to drive, we had open invitations to join in the festivites if we left dad home. How cold!

When he was sober, there wasn't a better guy to be found... when he was sober.

I often stayed home while my two brothers lighted out for the farm, each chance they could.

Dad passed away when I was twenty one. My younger brother went into the Navy and my older brother had been drafted into the Army, leaving me totally alone for the first time.

But I had a job, a medical deferment, a decent income, and I didn't need a soul, or so I thought.

When I got the call to come up to the farm for my two week vacation, I accepted almost instantly, forgetting plans I had previously contemplated.

When I got there, I was sadly diappointed because all my "cousins" were now hanging out elsewhere.

All, that is, except (now) fourteen year old Maddy, who ran up to me when I got out of the car, and put a lip lock on me, replete with (and I ain't kiddin') tits that no fourteen year old on the planet should have, hips that almost didn't keep those cut off shorts on, and a beautiful face that popped my pants alive.

"Cousin Vic! Cousin Vic's here!" Maddy proudly exclaimed.

Fortunately, I extricated myself before becoming embarrassed with my telltale boner and we headed for the main house. Taken aback by Maddy's sexuality, I couldn't help stealing glances at her, every chance I got, and she was doing the same thing towards me!

A late morning brunch was followed by some catching up, and then some relaxation - but thanks to Maddy, I couldn't lay down, not with these tented pants!

When Maddy suggested we go down to the pond, it was grandma that knew we had ulterior motives, and she spoke up, suggesting the automatic "wait an hour" because we had just eaten!

Within that hour, grandma made it a point to get me aside and order me, "She's only a baby - don't rob the cradle."

I tried to be coy, saying, "With my cousin?"

The old biddy cuffed me in the face! It was a harmless smack, and it was delivered while saying, "Don't play me for a fool, Vic! You know you aren't really related. She's from the in-law side of the family. She's not even really my grandchild either. Her father and your uncle's wife are siblings."

I knew that, and I thought it gave me carte' blanche to return the affection Maddy had shown me, but now the proverbial ice water had been dropped on my balls.

It turned out that Maddy had become such a regular around these parts that she even had a following - you can guess why!

When the hour grew short, Maddy suggested we adjourn to a local hangout instead of going for a swim (which relieved grandma), but when we got ready to drive off, I got one more warning.

At the soda fountain, Maddy was able to captivate and tease all her pretenders at once because she was there with a much older guy, and no one was physically beyond their early teens.

But being a prized trophy isn't much good when you can't have the prize - we were working up to something, but we didn't have a fully formulated plan yet.

Without thinking, I suggested we head for the pond. It was mid afternoon and we were sure to have some privacy there. Maddy reminded me that we left our bathing suits at the farm, to which I replied, "Yeah, I know..."

When the light bulb went off in her mind, her face lit up like a Christmas tree and as I parked, Maddy was shinnying out of her tight shorts and halter!

By the time I shucked my clothes, my bone was pointing skyward, and I splashed my way into the water.

Maddy wasted no time making intimate contact, almost like it was a foregone conclusion we were going to have sex.

Well, it quickly got to the point of mutual masturbation, then some titty feeding, then, as Maddy got ready to do me the penultimate honor of going down on me, I let her know the truth, "Were not really cousins, Y'know."

Her retort, "It's a good thing too because this would be incest!"

I have absolutely no idea why I let Maddy go down on me. I just knew it would lead to my death! And then I went down on her, too, even when she grabbed my head and jammed into me as she got her first nut, or so she claimed.

But I knew we were seconds from doing it, and I knew I would make her pregnant, so I told Maddy what my grandma had said, which put a damper on our torrid love tryst.

I gathered just enough sense to warn her about her own sexuality, way too soon for her young mind to deal with properly, and what society would do to me for not protecing her from ME!

"You'll hate me now, but someday you'll understand that I would be letting a lot of people down - we went too far already - if I didn't stop this in time," I barely got out while fighting with myself not to dive onto her and ravish that little minx!

"You fucking queer!" were Maddy's biting words as we dried and dressed. I kept biting my lip, but the hurt caused me to leak tears.

With broken voice, I told her, "In four years, if you're strong, you'll gradute high school without getting pregnant, and I'll be back to see how you're doing."

"Fuck you!" was her next reply. I just took it.

After we got back, it was dinner time, and my grandma, ever the sorceress, pulled me aside again, "You two went to the pond and got naked, didn't you?"

The ashen look on my face was all the confirmation she needed, but I tempered her with, "Hey - I put a stop to it just in time. If she was a virgin this morning, then she still IS one! And believe me, I won't be back up here for a long time - I can't take the hurt she ladled upon me!"

There is more of this story...

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