Hank King was born on a newly settled planet. This was part of the great Diaspora intended to settle the overpopulation problem on Earth. Four promoters came up with a scheme that would make them the lords and masters of 1,000 serfs on the new planet. This is the story, in 10 chapters of how Hank led the great revolution against the despots and made the planet a decent place to live. This is the coming of age story of a genius.
A young boy goes on vacation with his parents. Their spaceship is attacked by pirates, and he is put into an escape pod. He lands on Earth and has to start a new life alone.
This is the story of Peter Simon Wolf going into retirement. As a reward for outstanding service, Wolf is given a slave girl--and a coded message to flee the planet. Getting off-planet and out of the star system was just the beginning.
A story in the Don't Change Universe Universe
A special group of young people are chosen to, of all things, save the world. Why were they chosen? They chose to fight when no one else would. Who chose them? Well that's where it gets complicated... it was an alien. Inspired by the story Bait and Switch, this is the story of the Terra Warriors, six teens ready to put it all on the line to fight as the heroes of our planet, just like the ones they loved on Television.
A Swarm Cycle Story
When you don't think you've got much and few around you seem to agree, reality can sneak up on you. Sometimes you can find that you've had too low an opinion of yourself...
A Story in the Babylon 5 Universe
With the fate of galactic civilization resting on their shoulders, newlyweds John and Delenn seek privacy for a bit of interspecies nookie. Yeah, it's full of holes, roll with it, please, it'll only hurt a little...
A story set in the Pinwheel Universe
There is an infestation of tiny lizards on the Pinwheel, and Doctor Reid is assigned a crack team of scientists to get to the bottom of it before they threaten the space station's air supply. The more they discover, the stranger things get. Where did these critters come from, and how are the enigmatic Krell involved?