Dave meets Crystal, and the chemistry is instant. Later, he meets her sister, Trish - and the chemistry is instant. His father gets involved. Things expand rapidly from there, with one 'adult' situation after another. Dave's confidence soars. More 'adult' friends appear and join in. A larger sexual group finds their place with each other as their sexuality finds new highs. (Long story. Many chapters - still being written. Character list included at chapter ends.)
A Dulcie Story (5) Delia is the woman who distracted Dulcie so she could be abducted. Wracked with guilt, she went to the Hansons to beg forgiveness before giving herself up to the Police. This is what happened to her... and her husband.
The unfolding story of the Circle, Dave, Alice, and his other 'wives', along with his friends, continues to unfold. New people they meet continue to join in their group. Various dramas pit Dave and the Circle against the outside world, some of those ending with new members. One hallmark of this book is the friendships that develop with Mark Worthington's extended family (see author's story - 'Billionaire and the Sisters').
A Poacher's Progress Story (8) Once on site in Egypt excavating keeps the expedition busy, although the devil can always find work for idle hands and active glands. Jack renews his friendship with Sayeed bin Ghouad and increases his dislike of Valentine Crudwright. He learns much of ancient Egyptian and Roman engineering, and unearths some surprising discoveries, not all concerning archeology. Eloise de La Zouche continues to be elusive, although not supine. Finally another journey beckons - but not by camel
Mick O'Dell was scarred in his youth. This is the story of how those scars were healed by friends and family. Amazingly edited by DaveT after being poorly written by WriterMick. Very little sex in the first three chapters, then OH BOY for the middle chapters. Then it goes back to just a little sex for the last 5 chapters.