Your brother is alone while his wife is out of town. You're a good sister, so you bring him a hot dinner every night. But if you walk through that door you'll be in his power and it will change your life.
SOL Showdown Official Entry
Jennifer was having a horrible no-good very bad day, until she found her new Daddy. The narrator (Jennifer) has a filthy mouth, so be warned. Not only that, but please check the codes before you read. This is a slightly revised version of my entry in Showdown V, the fifth showdown in the SOL writers group. It's also very different from my usual stuff. Check my blog for why.
Jenny, her husband and young daughter fly into a secluded lake with their own cabin and canoe, only to find that the ones being hunted are them. Jenny suffers humiliation and degradation at the hands of the hunters.
A boy, his sister, and his mom are bullied by the new man of the house and his 4 sons. Spanking, exhibitionism and sex abound. The sex doesn't always start as consensual but often evolves there.
Place: an alley in a big city, somewhere in the northern Midwest of America. Time: a cold winters night, and it happens as you read. Players: a young runaway black girl and a rough bigoted man. Situation: Rape. This is a violet story about the rape of a black girl by a racist white man. I don't think it requires much explanation. If you like such stories, read it, if you don't pass it bye. If you're looking for a sappy romantic fuck, this isn't it.