A wife who accommodate the neighbours but denies her husband is finally taken by the husband and also his friends. A neighbour also accommodate the husband and finally all work together.
Door to door delivery gone mad. Mrs. Mabel Swampwater answers the door to find that she has received her very own gang rape. Delivery charges included. Oh, by the way, it is silly. Very silly, indeed. Angry lesbians are included at no extra charge to the reader.
Drone strikes kill too many innocents. In search of a more subtle weapon, the CIA creates a robotic device to capture females, pin them down, and rape them. But the robot that does the deed is an avatar for men far away who experience it almost as if they were there themselves.
Same as Night Stalker. I just tried to rewrite it to see if anybody likes it any better. Middle aged wife is home by herself on a hot summer night. A prowler has been watching her and decides tonight is the night. How does she handle it with children in the next room?
An unco-operative wife is raped by a black neighbour and his friends. This results in her becoming a very obliging wife who then seeks further sexual adventures that start off in a topless bar
What do you do when your son is constantly shown up by the town tomboy? What do you do when she is the best athlete in school? Well, you trap her, rape her and kill her right? That's a good plan and your ass fucking a tomboy what could be better? Warning this is violent and has snuff in it!