Bribing Son With Daughters Body - Cover

Bribing Son With Daughters Body

by JX1234567

Copyright© 2024 by JX1234567

Incest Sex Story: Abusive son has hold of mother and and agrees to behave under the condition that he gets to "play" with his little sister when he chooses

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Teen Siren   Heterosexual   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Petting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Small Breasts   .

Danny’s completely out of control, he speaks to me with complete disrespect, he steals from me, he stays out past curfew, skips school, takes my car with out asking and there’s only ONE thing that I can bribe him with to behave and that’s his sister Megan!

It all started after a few months back just after Megan’s 14th Birthday, we were all getting ready to go out to a nice restaurant Vinchenzo’s Italian Megans favourite, I bought her a lovely black dress unfortunately it was a bit on the small side especially round the waist, but I didn’t mind, how ever I didn’t like the fact that she had started wearing thongs which I find highly inappropriate for a girl of her age neverless it’s her birthday and she’s my little girl.

Megan went upstairs to change in the bathroom, I borrowed the money off Danny to pay for the meal as there was an issue with the accounts team at work so I wasn’t getting paid for a few days, cut to Danny arriving he’s was on a comedown from the night before which was nothing new, he became quite abusive as he assumed I had the money for him he became quite aggressive towards me, screaming and shouting telling me he will ring the restaurant now and cancel it and smash up the house, which isn’t the first time he’s done this, I begged him to please calm down, I’m a single mother in a 1 bedroom flat I have to share the bedroom with Megan and he has the sofa, he spat it my face I told him I’ll do any thing if he please just stops! He said he’s going for Piss and he’ll let me know what he wants when he comes down.

5 minutes pass and I wonder whats taking so long so I go upstairs and check I felt sick to my stomach what I was watching, Megan left the door slightly ajar she was in the shower he was watching her masturbating! I whispered what are you doing? he said you wanna make it up to me? When were at the restaurant I want you to drop your fork and take some pics of underneath Megan’s dress! Every day she comes home from school you will say your need to wash her clothes and hand my the knickers she was wearing that day and tonight your gonna get her nice and drunk for me I wanna make that little girl bleed when she’s asleep! She still sleep in her knickers and bra right?

I could of puked there and then I said I can’t do that he said he would cancel the reservation and double the money i owe him! He then snatched my phone out my hand and called the restaurant Danny started counting down from 5 the restaurant picked up he counted 5 4 3 2 on the 1 I accepted what had to be done, I knocked on the door and told Megan were leaving in 5 minutes.

We arrive at the restaurant Danny requested we get a booth at the back as it was more, I felt sick to my stomach for what I was about to do the waiter arrives to take our order they waiter asks what drinks we would like I said sprite Danny wanted a coke Megan wanted Lemonade but Danny replied she’ll have a double vodka along with it the waiter looked puzzled and asked how old she was, I replied 18 Megan gave me a weird look as the waiter left I have her a little nudge and ssshh it’s your birthday Megan Smiled by the time food came Megan had already had 4 double vodka and the affects were starting to show, I asked our waiter for the cheque, Danny kicked me from under the table and whispered aren’t you fucking forgetting something and pointed down, he said if you don’t, you might not be alive the next day, I signed and accept my fate, Megan head was resting on her shoulders she was pretty hammered, I dropped the fork and took about 5 pics with the flash on Megan of shaved down there when she was in the shower. I showed them to him his eyes lit up, she was wearing a lime green thong with a little bit of fuzz he told me he can’t wait to destroy that when he gets home, I could of puked there and then!

On the ride home Danny said we need to stop off at the 24 hour garage to get more drink and hes “chemist” which Is his code word for dealer, I said Megan’s had enough don’t you think? he told me to “shut the fuck up and do as your told”

After we leave the garage he rings his “chemist” I don’t really pay attention to the conversation but my ears started burning and my heart starts racing when I hear the word “green knickers” and “she’s gotta be worth 2 gram”. We get to his dealers place he says wait in the car he’ll be out shortly, Danny starts smiling and tells me to try and get a good video, I’m scared to find out what’s about to happen, Danny’s friend arrives he looks and speaks like some other the top cockney from the East End of London, the first thing he says is fuck me she’s deffo worth the 2 grams! he said “what can I buy her knickers for an extra ticket yeah? Danny said done!!!

The dealer then jumps in the back with Megan “oi love you couldn’t lower the seat for us could ya? Cheers Darling “ how could someone even ask a little girls mother to do something like that! So here I am watching some sick pervert about to do God knows what with my daughter and I can’t do nothing about it and what makes it worse is that I agreed to all this! I can’t describe the shame as a mother I feel.

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