A lonely woman ignored by her husband seeks out a friendly gardener and finding herself caught in the rain accepts his offer of shelter and find herself willingly entertained - read on
Sweet little Angela was a rising senior at Saint Michael's Academy. Her mama had a bad reputation and it was getting worse. Now it is Angela's turn and she is ready to have some fun.
This is the story of two corrupt police officers, and the women and girls that they exploited, through coercion, force, and blackmail. Their main targets were young wives that would be extremely reluctant, and too ashamed, to tell their husbands that they had been raped. That, however, didn’t stop them from exploiting vulnerable high school girls, from time to time.
Sue has a chance to play in a local theater group. The part requires simulated fucking with the attractive male lead. This is the story of how Sue and her husband deal when pretend sex slips into deep and thrilling penetration.
Karen finds herself in a very sexy relationship with her stepfather. He's just like her father and even though they're not blood relations, they're both quite sure her mother won't find the fact that Karen's father is fucking her very funny.
When did I realise that I was handsome, well my mother always said I was from an early age, but then all mothers do that to their sons I suppose. Well I was about 14 or so when for the first time, I noticed my older sister giving me the eye.