A mystery unfolds in a small English town and sets the elegant and dominant Matilda Minerva and her loyal lesbian slave Eleanor off in pursuit of a sensational new girdle, strangely lost...
A Incest Theme Stories Story (12) Philip carries his sexy incestuous family adventure to the next generation as he fucks his granddaugther, Brenda, who's the first of his grandchildren he mates with.
Erotic Happenings in Snowy Alaska (2) Ann delights in teaching her Lover, David a new erotic skill. As David learns the intimate sensual Art of pleasing a woman, their passions explode! With their time together rapidly vanishing '" like vapor from a teakettle '" They pursue their erotic passions with renewed urgency!
A man rejects the feelings of a wonderful girl of a wealthy family. He knows he's made a mistake and tries to win her back. Her anger and bitterness are a large barrier for him. Meanwhile he has a series of mistresses but still wants that elusive girl he could have had just for the asking. Will he succeed?
A Story in the Therapist Series Beth, the 31 year-old daughter of Greg (see "The Therapist: Greg" for background on Greg and also on Claire The Therapist) visits Claire after her father leaves. She knows something is wrong and is worrying her father. She wants to help, and if that involves doing things that daughters and fathers don't normally do with each other, well, that's OK - eventually.