Gita a 15 year old maid worked in our house. One morning I saw her tits while she was wet wiping the floor. I decided to 'educate' her. Little did I know that I will end up 'educating' her whole family. / (Reviews)
Jeremy is a sexual predator, raping young teen aged girls exclusively. His belief is that virgins were put on earth for him to rape. He works on the beach during the days and rapes at night, getting away with it for years. But then, forces from three directions begin to close in on him. Can he get away with it? There are more than two dozen DNA samples in the evidence room waiting for a match. There is much sex but no other violence.
The look on my fourteen-year-old daughter's face could have easily been mistaken for pain. And if her furrowed brow, her flaring nostrils, or the row of pearly teeth biting into her lower lip might have somehow left an observer unconvinced of her discomfort, perhaps the rest of the scene would have settled it: the petite eighth-grader struggled with both little hands to insert the knob of my blunt, swollen prick into the well-prepared but resisting confines of her nearly hairless cunt. / (Reviews)
An ancient mind-controller subtly alters a number of schoolgirls to be sluts, each with their own specific fetish...each girl talks herself into performing depraved acts as if they're perfectly logical, whether it's sex with family members, sucking off a dog, or posting naked photos of themselves all over the school...